Sunday, 22 June 2008

Week 26

OK, so this week I am gonna be quiet and numb.

How stupid am I?

The army guy I met who was a nice guy and did all the chasing, I met up with him last week.

He was lovely as usual. We had a nice time.

Today he texts me to say that he wants us to be a long term thing but he has a wife and kids but it's ok cos they'll never find out.

Well, it's not OK with me. As nice as he is, I wouldn't do that to another person. I cannot and will not forgive cheating.

I ended it.

I should have known that nice things don't really happen to me.

It was nice while it lasted and it totally boosted my confidence that someone would like me, so I have him to thank for that.

No happy ending though.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Week 25

So, last week me and my sis accompanied a coach load of foreign students to Alton Towers on Saturday.

It was fantastic, the weather was lovely, warm but not too warm and we only had one shower that we managed to miss cos we were on an indoors ride at the time. Charlie and the chocolate factory ride if you must know. Yeah yeah, I know it's a kids ride but we couldn't resist.

In fact, we decided to have a kiddie day. We went on a load of chab rides. We rode the tractors and this little boat ride where there were some buttons on the panel in front of you. the buttons made different animal noises and you had to press them when you spotted the matching animal. As you can imagine, as adults, we abused this and just pressed them willy nilly and constantly. Oh well.

We did go on all of the big rides too, except for Rita as the queue was too long. I wasn't bothered about missing out on that one as the last time we went on it, it went so fast I couldn't breathe right for an hour afterwards.

Me and my sis are not really screamers on the big rides. I tend to go "whee" when they set off then just enjoy the ride. Which is why it was damn funny that a bit of water had us squealing like a fishwife.

We decided to go on the grand canyon which is one of those rides where you ride the big ring over the water and get splashed from all sides. You should have heard us scream like the girlies that we are. We had to laugh at ourselves as we realised how ridiculous we were being. A bit of water and we go loopy.

Anyway, I am so tired and my arse is gonna hurt like hell tomorrow. Whenever I do a lot of walking, my legs or feet never get tired but a couple of days later my arse aches like mad. I send people loopy walking going "my arse, my arse" all the time. I'm such a moaner.

Well, I am so envious of you people who are enjoying fathers day with relatives. As you know, this is not a fun time for me. I hope all you who do have fathers have a great day. As for the rest of you, my heart goes out to you as I know from the depths of my soul just what you are missing out on ,as I too am suffering.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Week 24

So, this is what happened last week and not actually this week but nothing more excited is likely to happen to me this week so I'm posting this early.

So, my mum's amazing friend gave us the money. I still can't believe how generous she is.

My Cousin had a little baby girl in the early hours of Saturday morning. She is calling her Olivia Sky. She was 6lbs something or other. She is so cute. She has the cutest little set of fingernails. My Auntie Anne, my cousins mum did point out that her feet are quite chimpanzee looking so now I can't stop calling her monkey feet.

We did some dog sitting for my friend's dog Max. He is still an excitable puppy but soooooooo cute.

All in all it has been a busy weekend.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Week 23

This week I have been getting my body bruised all over. At work, we are archiving all this year's student work. They need putting in big boxes and the moving of these are what are causing the bruises. I do bruise far too easily though.

Well, my mum has a friend who's husband my dad used to work with, he viewed dad as the son he never had.

When my dad died, my mum rung this friend to tell her and she said "are you ringing about my husband". It turns out that he died the day before my dad. Talk about being shocked.

His funeral was the day before dad's and held at the same place. I have always felt comfort in thinking that wherever dad is now, he didn't have to make the journey alone, he had his mate with him and they are together again.

Well, mum's friend once saw a fortune teller that told her that she would die at 87. She is 85 at the moment and she keeps giving things away. It's as though she is preparing to not be here much longer.

We have told her that it is nonsense but she believes that stuff.

Anyway, she is such a lovely lady and they never had kids so she likes to spoil her friends.

Last week she gave us all some money for past birthdays. This weekend she is gonna give me, my sis and mum £1000 each and she says there is more to come.

We know we are not in her will and we don't want to be cos she wants to leave most of it to charity but she wants us to have something and she wants to be here so we can tell her how we spent it and she can enjoy it too.

I hate to take it from her but giving stuff away is what makes her happy, she would be offended if we said no.

She wants us to use this first lot of money for a holiday and whatever else we decide. I am gonna have that professional £150 haircut. I'm not gonna touch the rest.

I don't want it on the one hand cos I don't want to feel like a money grabber but she sees us as her grand kids and sharing makes her happy. I'm not gonna go on a spending spree though, I'm gonna respect that money.

I was so shocked when mum told me, it is a lovely surprise. She is one amazing lady and I love her loads.

Russ's mum is begging to be let to do things herself now so that is an improvement.