Saturday, 10 November 2007

A ruined evening

Thanks to all the people who have shown concern for my well being.

I suppose I owe an explanation for my departure.

Last night was a total farce. Things were going along as they always had when some tosspot called careful told us to be just that.

Who the hell do they think they are. I'll tell you who they are, another anon for all intents and purposes and that's how I'll treat them thank you. They weren't brave enough to use an account name so anon they will be.

That blog belongs to mayo and mayo is the only one I will take orders from as to what to say. You know that I don't gossip out of respect to the family. I know we don't want to encourage outsiders. But be honest guys, face it, the blog is already out there. The damage has already been done. Who knows how many people lurk without commenting, loads I'll guess. Everyday we get more anons willing to put a name to themselves and open an account. These people have been lurking from the start. How many others are lurking in silence, who knows. But they've already seen it all and heard it all.

I have never said in words I am 100% sure mayo is ------ or ss is -------- (see, I'm still keeping it quiet out of respect).

My point here, is that we are smart enough not to do that. No-one needs to tell us, we already know. If mayo came on the blog or left a message at his location to say "let's not mention this" that's fine, OK, we won't. He hasn't done that, he lets the conversation flow. If He was so bothered, He would delete the remarks anyway people, remember that.

What I am mad about is how an anon called careful came on and suddenly became boss. Everybody ran round saying "oh, they are so right". As I've said, we don't need an anon telling us that.

I thought we knew how to deal with anons. We ignore them or bully them away. Why suddenly did the atmosphere change when careful appeared.

You all know what I am talking about, you all know how some of you behaved. Please don't feel like I think I am more important than I am, these are just my upset feelings.

I really don't understand why this was different. others noticed the change in atmosphere too and others didn't like it.

It was people's reactions to careful that caused all the upset. Why did you all do it? We should have gone "yeah, thanks for the heads up" and gone back to what we do best. But no, some people ran round like headless chickens. The result of following actions left others feeling excluded. And I certainly wasn't the only one to feel that way.

L, please don't upset yourself sweetie. I love you. The list did not upset me at all, I was near the top remember. You did that with all the best intentions and I know that. I hope you are not upset because you thought you'd pissed me off.

This is what triggered it. And I know I over reacted and I apologise but hear me out and you may understand why i felt so excluded.

I noticed someone ask about the kickball game. Someone replied that it was in the clinic, you'd already done it but if they were quick they could catch the end. The only other place I knew was d--c--s m--o( see, secret again).

I went over there and the first messages I saw were very conspiratorial ones talking about deleting stuff. You know who you are. I stayed in there and asked if this was the kickball place and no one fucking answered.

I went back to mayo's and asked there and no one fucking answered. I noticed that others, TJ for one, were also starting to feel excluded.

I kept asking around and no one fucking answered. A friend told me that they had been lurking at DM and had seen you deleting stuff. They had heard of a mayo clinic at a yahoo site. This may have been wrong info but that is what I was told. That person is a sweetie and they can't help it if what they thought turned out to be wrong.

That info, the dodgy conspiracy looking messages at the start of DM and other people at mayo's feeling excluded and no one fucking answering me, lead me to feel that i wasn't family enough to be included.

Maybe this was wrong but people's behaviour tonight led to those feelings,. I wasn't the only one to feel this way. I thought, enough is enough. This is stupid now and I'm not coming back until things get back to normal.

That is still how I feel. If things do get better I shall return. Until then goodbye.

P.S. I,m blaming no one but careful for this. I have no ill feelings for any family members.


JocelynHolly said...

Miss T.
I totally understand your feelings. There are days that I feel excluded as well. Right after the 'careful' first commented, I asked right away "why should we listen to you? your just another anon"

I noticed a change in the atmosphere, and I did not enjoy it.
People are starting to ignore others, people are beginning to keep to themselves.
There always have, and always will be lurkers. I'm fine with that. I'm fine with the anonymous people as well, as long as they don't get all "I'm the boss, listen to me" or mean to us.

Please email me if you have to, I am here to talk to. I am here to listen.


Your little teddy bear

sdock10 said...


We fucked things up yesterday. I was one of the ones in the you know where place talking to all the you know whos and I am so sorry if your feelings were hurt. I was called there and I should not have went. I didn't even know the conversation kept going over there until later. I was having such a shitty time with my internet last night that I kept hanging in my own blog. We behaved like a buch of immature little bitches and there is no excuse for it at all. But just as I told L. and Sister Midnite earlier in the week, we need you here. You MUST come back, not for us but for yourself.

Like I said, We royally fucked up and I will not lay blame on anyone other than myself. I should have listened to that shitty feeling in my gut when all this hush hush shit started. We forgot the first rule. That's not our blog. It's Mayo's blog.

Funny isn't it. We are dividing and conquering ourselves and destroying the place we love so much.

Please help me save it.


toujours said...

you're very right, miss t -- it was a crap night. all the secrecy and the skulking around (not the list, and not even careful's actual comments, which were quite sensible, really) created an atmosphere that was extremely uncomfortable.

but you know what? even with that crap going on, the place was still our home, because i was able to say how i really felt, instead of keeping it all locked up inside, jagged hurt in my heart. and when i did say how i felt, people were right there to reassure me and give me support.

isn't that amazing? :)

so it was another storm. gods know, we're prone to them there, aren't we? but it's still mayo's, it's still our home.

don't stay away too long, ok?

"over and out"

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss T.

I completely understand where you're coming from. I was at Mayo's when "Careful," "Notananon," and "Notananoneither" came in and started "rallying the troops."

Pissed me off to say the least. I started questioning them, if they had been in Mayo's before, were they posting under aliases, were they to be trusted. Never got an answer, so I don't know.

Paperheart was there as well and we were both confused as to why we shouldn't have acknowledged Shae. "Just trying to protect our family." Bullshit. I called 'em out, saying I didn't need their protection.

That was the straw last night, and I saw it going on. I just left because I was tired of dealing with them and the PPU.

It will get better. We just need a new blog. Everything always dies down when we get a new one and this one shouldn't be any different.

Do come back. We all want you there. Let me know if you need anything.

Andrea said...

Miss T,

I wasn't there last night to witness the craziness you describe, but I've seen it before. I've been feeling excluded for weeks. Half the time, my comments are never responded to. Eventually I just give up and go away because it's not worth my time to sit there and be ignored.

Don't get me wrong - there are certain wonderful people who always respond and say hello. But sometimes it seems like the right combination of people has to be there, or else the place turns to shit. The conversations have gotten increasingly silly and less serious, and we tend to let any old anon come in a whip us into a frenzy. I'm tired of it. I want my small cozy family back, but I'm afraid we can't turn back the clock. His house is forever changed, and I've noticed that more and more of us are becoming refugees, either seeking new blogs at which to congregate, or leaving the site complete. It breaks my heart.

Thank you, Miss T, for sharing your feelings and standing up for us all.

MissTottenham said...

Andrea, Thanks for your lovely comment.

I hope you don't feel excluded. I for one would never ignore you sweetie. I will always look out for you especially from now on.

MissTottenham said...

Thanks to everyone who has shown concern for me, it is much appreciated.

farawaysoclose said...

hey miss T i don't really know what went down last night but i hope you are ok?? i don't really go anywhere much other than mayos blog cos quite frankly i don't have time for all the others. anyway i hope i see you back on mayos blog soon. i'm allowed 30 mins on there tonight and then mr bloke has rented a movie for us. he's so fucked off with me!!!! eeek! take care though and don't think too much about it all. x

Loli Lovette said...

Hi hi Miss T!

Guess what?

I miss you.

I miss seeing your pyramids.


Only joking. Still, I really do miss you. Who is Careful anyway? I personally think that it was someone who just wanted to see if that sort of segregation would work! It did, I think, but it shouldn't have. It doesn't matter now. Acta est fabula. We've got each other, and we stick together. I don't really have a family, you know.... Because they're just in and out without a word, so YOU lot are the only people I really have. And so, I love you guys. I do. And somehow, I need you all too. I can't lose another family. I can't.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you lolita,

I am honoured to be a part of your family. I hope you enjoy being a part of mine.

Loli Lovette said...

I do!

Thank you for welcoming me!

gnothi seauton said...

Miss T,

I am so sorry. It wasn't intended to be like that, it was merely a back up system. The message went out and those who saw responded, with the comment added to pass the message to those who have missed it through e- mail.

I have no excuses, my behaviour was in-excusable.

Me who has been vocal about the divide and conquer situation , and I fall into it myself.

I hope you can accept my apology.

MissTottenham said...

GS, you have nothing to apologise for. It's a shame that email never reached many of us.

ergoproxy said...

missT I missed alot of what happened, I saw a few posts here and there and was amazed at how quickly it descended into turmoil.

I hope you decide to come back, I will miss you a lot, who else can crap on about meaningless drivel with me?

I think some are taking this blog way too seriously, whoever the owner is.
I sometimes feel like some try to become self appointed leaders, which is a shame as I see us all as equal in strength though different in style.

Love to you.

MissTottenham said...

Thank EP, I love you.

I hate how people see a mysterious anon and think it is a message from Lord God Mayo.

Sometimes it gets like Monty Python over there. It's like The Life of Brian where everyone is running after Mayo looking for a "sign".

I understand what op has just said. Maybe those "private" discussions should be done through email though so the rest of us don't see secret deleted messages and feel left out.

MissTottenham said...

EP, great minds think alike. Look at what I've just put. I take a look at mayo's and you are saying the same.

You do make me laugh.

ergoproxy said...

oh my God we are psychic!!!!!

That is a little spooky.

Ah I have added Monty Python so if I can just turn the conversation onto Ray my mission shall be complete!

I actually watched "Flying High" or was it "Airplane" for you, the comedy with Leslie Nielsen etc, and am waiting to use some lines from that!

Glad you are ok,and yes, private conversations should be email or AIM, then noone gets worried.

MissTottenham said...

I agree, we are spooky twins.

Please tell op, it was not a dig at her. I just saw what she had written and responded to you.

ergoproxy said...

haha now you are a lurker!

I'll be on and off too, so don't worry if I disappear for a while at a time

MissTottenham said...

We shall lurk together ha!

dei gratia said...

I agree, Miss t!

I often feel ignored and out of place these days. That is why I don't stay as long now and I used to really like it there.

I agree, Ergoproxy, about the leaders thing! It sad that others have to feel they have fallen by the wayside.

I certainly didn't get an e-mail, I probably wasn't on "the list" so not a recognised respondent.

I don't much care to be honest. Not now anyway....I was a bit hurt at first but I'm a big girl. Just didn't expect that, you know!

Amyranth said...

List or no list, it was a pretty stupid thing for me to fall into. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you were excluded, but to be honest all I saw was that "careful" was warning people about what they were saying, then OP agreed and mentioned going to kickball. When I got there, I also noticed the deleted comments and thought something had gone down, big time. Namely that Mayo and SS' identities had been found out, and we were being warned against talking about it on his blog. That's why I thought maybe everyone who was a reg should have been over at kickball.

Now, I know better. You escaped before I had a chance to email you, and I know now that nothing happened. Nothing out of the ordinary was said, and you're right, aside from Mayo telling us to keep our traps shut, we're pretty much able to do so.

I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the panic I guess.


MissTottenham said...

Thank you Amyranth.

And thank you for being the only one to respond to me when I did arrive at DM.

Anonymous said...

You know how I'm honest no matter who it ticks off?

You go girl!

Twas nice to see you stand up for yourself. You know what you deserve, please start demanding it.

MissTottenham said...

Thank AIP, I love you.

Anonymous said...

So, that's what has been going on since my last visit? Sucks...
I feel left out a good bit too, but at the same time, there are some things that I really just don't give a shit about and those things get run in the ground at times. That is how the comments reach a ridiculous 3000! I lurk and read more than I comment.

MissTottenham said...

Well mya, it's nice to have you around. Even if you do just lurk.

You should pop in more, I'll be there to say hello.