Friday, 16 November 2007

The two brothers (the final part)

Now many days after this, when he had spent many years as crown prince of the whole land, his majesty flew up to heaven. Then the king said: " Let my great royal officials be brought to me, that I may let them know all that has happened to me." Then his wife was brought to him. He judged her in their presence, and they gave their ascent. his elder brother was brought to him, and he made him crown prince of the whole land. he spent thirty years as king of Egypt. He departed from life: and his elder brother stood in his place on the day of death.

It has come to a good end under the scribe of the treasury, Kagab, and the scribes of the treasury, Hori and Meremope. Written by the scribe Ennana, the owner of this book. Whoever maligns this book, Thoth will contend with him.


Jennicula said...

Why are there ghosts? Are they stuck in between the planes? Do you believe in Angels. Is there a God? Who runs this crazy thing we're experiencing.

Don't worry. I'm sure I'll have more questions for you in a few days.

"Lit the fuse on their tampon" THAT was brilliant.

MissTottenham said...

You can question me all you like sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss T.!
Thanks for your nice comment.
I love Egypt. The pyramids, the pharaos, the mystery.
Do you know Mika Waltari's book 'Sinuhe, the Egypt'? It's very interesting!

See you

MissTottenham said...

Thank you siobhan sweetie.

Pickled Possum said...

Hi Miss T.

Thanks for the comment the other day.

I was wondering if you've read any of the Ramses series by Christian Jacq, and what you think of them as you have studied in that field.

He really made ancient Egypt come alive for me.

MissTottenham said...

Hi PP, I haven't actually read those books because they are fiction and I don't wanna read them and keep going "no, that's not right" lol.

I'm so glad that you enjoy them. With your recommendation, I think I will give them a go. They sell them in the book club that I am in. Thanks PP.

Pickled Possum said...

Oh no! Even though the book cover blurb says the author is a French egyptologist, I suspect you will cause yourself a serious neck injury from the continual negative shaking of your head, because...
there's a RamsesII lovestory component.

Before your love of Egypt is corrupted, please, back away now from the bookclub!

MissTottenham said...

PP you are so funny. I'll put the book down and give you a hug instead.

toujours said...

hello, you lovely thing you!
*wink wink*

since i ended up not being able to post tonight, i thought i'd go wandering through our little blog village. ^.^

i haven't had much opportunity to chat with you lately, miss t -- how are you doing? i read what you wrote about your job interview. that sucks that it wasn't what you hoped for. better luck to you in the future!

i just put in an application at my local pet store today. it's a great place, a local chain store that focuses on the more organic and holistic pet supplies. it's where i shop, and the people are all very friendly -- hopefully i'll get the job!

i don't know if i'll be able to post tomorrow. i can usually manage to scrape up a comment box eventually, but with this new level of comments, i just don't know...

*sigh* but if you haven't heard from me, and you happen to think of me, toss a wink into the dark corners of mayo's place, because i'll for sure be lurking there! :D


MissTottenham said...

Hi sweetie. I'm sorry to hear that your computer isn't coping too well with the mayo page. Of course I shall say hello to you there.

I REALLY hope you get that job. It sounds like a lovely place to work. I have my fingers crossed for you.

I have been to your blog but I didn't really know what to say except that I am here if you need to talk. My email is always on my profile.

I really hope that you don't lose your home. Please let me know that you are going to be OK.