Saturday, 19 January 2008

Week 3, my night with DG

It started when DG came to meet me from my train at Manchester. She is so lovely and really pretty. She drove us to her place which is really nice. Some rooms were being decorated and DG showed me where she sits or stands with her laptop when she is talking to us.

She showed me her flatmates room which I would be having as she was away for the weekend. The bed was sooooooo comfortable.

We got ready for our night out and took some pre night out pics.

We got a taxi to the Academy where we saw The Stone Gods. They are the band made up of members of The Darkness without justin and the strange moustached bloke. They were really really good. Fantastic rock music.

The support band were called Serpico and sounded like a rockier Simple Plan, I love Simple Plan so I was dead chuffed. In fact, the singer looked like a slightly chubbier Pierre.

After the show we went to the bar and the band came down. Dan Hawkins, who Dg lusts after like you wouldn't believe was soooooooooo nice. What a lovely guy. They are all such lovely blokes.

I took a pic of DG with Dan, she wanted his autograph but didn't want to appear fangirly so I got my ticket signed and gave it to her.

The security guys said they were locking up then so we would have to speak to them at the tourbus, so we went out to the tourbus. We talked to them more and got more pics. Such lovely guys (Gerard could learn lessons from these guys), they kept shaking our hands and hugging us and thanking us for coming to see them.

The singer from the support act came out and we talked with him and he was adorable too ( he gave us some beer), he was called Mikey and he hugged us loads and lots of pecks on the cheek.

The guys told us that they were going to a nearby pub and that we should tag along, so we did.

When we got there, we had cokes as DG had already had too much. The drummer knocked hers flying and said he'd buy her another and asked what she was drinking. She didn't want to look sad on front of him so instead of saying that it was a diet coke, she said it was coke and double jack daniels.

When we left the pub, DG was weaving quite a bit. I had to hold on to her as we walked into Manchester to get food. She is a weird drunk because although she was weaving, we had a great convo about family stuff.

We got into Manchester and decided to taxi home and get food nearer her place. We went into a fast food place and got pizza. DG asked the bloke serving to take an end of the night pic of us. He took the camera and without warning placed a huge squeezy bottle of MAYO on the counter to be in the pic. I thought this was hilarious and DG grabbed it to pose with it.

Then we walked round to hers and got into PJ's and eat our pizza and chips.

We talked for hours then decided to post at mayos. We eventually went to bed at 7:30am. I told DG that we'd only have a few hours sleep before I needed to get my train so she offered to drive me home the next day.

The next morning, or should I say afternoon, we got up and DG confessed that there were huge parts of the evening that she couldn't remember.

We got ready and set off on the motorway and we chatted more.

I got home at 16:30 and met my mum and sis and told them all about it. While we were having tea, DG texted me to let me know she had got home safe.

This evening I have uploaded the pics for you to see and written this blog.

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend and DG is wonderful. I'm so glad I met her and we will do it again sometime.


dei gratia said...

Ah, so that's what still some bits missing!

It was awesome, sweetie and we will do it again soon.
*sounding rude and pervy*

Jennicula said...

It sounds like you two had a fantastic night together! I'm envious. Loved the pics too.

JocelynHolly said...

Miss Tottenham, you guys sure had a wonderful time didn't you?!

The pics were amazing, and I couldn't help but imagine Dei Gratia drunk. Hahaha.


sdock10 said...


I am so jealous of your's and DG's good times! I want to come play with you in the UK. Do you think you could show me all the shitty places where Def Leppard used to play? Do you think we could find Def Leppard?

Could someone get me out of jail if I ended up in jail for stalking?

I wouldn't get that drunk. I promise.

Oh fuck that, yes I would.

Then we would make out and eat pizza and it would be fantabulous and then you could hold my hair whilst I puke and stuff. Just like always.

How much does a plane ticket cost?

Fuck, I don't even have a passport.
This could be tricky.


MissTottenham said...

Sdock sweetie, that would be wonderful. I think def leopard are playing at the boardwalk, I've seen posters up.

You'll have to get that passport sweetie.

Andrea said...

Miss T, I was thinking about today and decided to come visit your blog. 4 new posts since the last time I was here! Obviously I'm a slacker who needs to visit more often!

Aw, it sounds like you had a really great time with DG! I loved your photos, and was so happy to read your "Week 2" blog. I hope you get one of the jobs you applied for, especially one you will enjoy!

Take care, love. *hug*

gnothi seauton said...

What's this? Going to gig-a-roonies without me! The nerve!!

Glad you had a fab time, love the photo's :)

Speak to you soon.

capture this void said...

Looks like you two had an amazing night! I wish I could have been there!

Miss T, you are and always will be beautiful. Both of you are such amazing people. I would have loved to be there.

Love you guys.

toujours said...

i love the pics and story, it's just so cool that you two were able to get together in real life and have such a fabulous time!

i hope someday we'll all be able to meet up -- wouldn't that be amazing? :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Caz!

I heard about your Computer. What a pity. I hope it can be fixed quickly.
I miss you!
I hope you're doing well!
Did you get the job?

Love & Kisses & Hugs


Smoke said...


We miss you!

Hurry and get that pooter fixed!


Jennicula said...


I miss you!

Pickled Possum said...

What a great time you had.

That just made me all tingley to read of more Blogbelievers meeting up.

This is a pretty special place isn't it?

*thanks Mayo for his kindess in letting us play in his home*

Looking forward to seeing you soon when your computer problem gets sorted.

Love PP

anima said...

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!

AndieBomb said...

My dear MissT,

where are youuu, honey?

I heard your hard drive went nuts :(

Just want you to know that I miss you!!!


Andrea said...

MissT, I miss seeing you around. I hope your computer recovers soon so we can have you back! ^_^

farawaysoclose said...

hi miss T!!
we are all missing you!
hope your computer is sorted soon!
my 5 yr old spend her christmas money on a nodding/tail wagging/baa ing shaun the sheep yesterday! she did want it for xmas but they'd sold out in toys r us!! anyway i thought of you! and i'm thinking of you now cos its man utd 1 spurs 1!!! tension!!

Anonymous said...




Sorry for the caps ;)


capture this void said...



*wants wifey back*

farawaysoclose said...

right enough now!!

when are you coming back??

is it because of the result on sunday??


Jennicula said...


Where the HELL are YOU?

Andrea said...

Miss T!!!

Where's my favorite Egyptologist???
