Monday, 3 March 2008

Week 10

Happy 6 months anniversary everyone. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions at times but I want to say thank you to all the lovely people I have met here.

Today, I rang my benefits caseworker. I have been inquiring into whether or not I can get funding for a teaching course that I am interested in doing. And..........

Well, it seems that I will be spending less time here from now on. Real life is calling.

I have been told that I should be able to get funding to do a teaching course. This will take some sorting out so I will be busy. I have a meeting next week regarding it.

As I already have a degree, the course I will be taking lasts 4 weeks full time. It will enable me to teach English to foreign students.

I am really looking forward to it. I am hoping to do the course in London (nowhere in the north of England does it) then I can stay with my uncle and it will save me some pennies.

The course is accredited from Cambridge university and is a worldwide recognised course so I will be able to work anywhere. They are especially crying out for people to fill these posts in Japan.

Maybe this will be the start of an adventure and the start of a fulfilling career. I hope so.

I am still working part time st my sis's place too. I may be helping out with accompanying students on a trip to the Leeds armouries this weekend. Things are finally starting to happen. Please wish me luck.

I'm gonna miss not being around so much but I have to live my life.

I love you all.


sdock10 said...

I'm gonna miss you, but you know that. You also know that I'm cheering you on in your adventure. Watching you from the sidelines might be what I need to motivate myself.

I wish you all the best, but you won't need it. You're already better than the best.

Love you to infnitiy times double infinity and tripled infinitely.

Impossible to top that!

dei gratia said...

That's great!
I told you things would get better for you soon, I really believe that and you must too.

Take care and good luck!

MissTottenham said...

Thank you guys. I will be here as much as I can otherwise I'd miss you too much.

I love you both to infinity and both back from infinity.

capture this void said...

Congrats, love!

We will miss you too, but we'll always be delighted knowing you're happy and well on your way. That's all that matters.

I'm so proud of you.

Much love.

capture this void said...

P.S. I was your 2000th profile view! Huzzah!

MissTottenham said...

Wayhay, thanks CTV. You are the best wife a girl could ever have.

farawaysoclose said...

congrats miss T!!! that sounds fantastic! i'm really chuffed for you! keep us posted on how its all going ok!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, my lovely Caz!

Wow, great news, indeed!
I'm so happy for you. You really deserve it.
I'm gonnna miss you here, but I'm sure that we'll keep in touch.

Hugs & Snogs


anima said...

Caz, I am so happy for you. This sounds so wonderful. Know that we will always be here, cheering you deserve the best in life.

I miss so fucking much. And I'm sure I'll be missing you more as these wonderful events begin to unfold for you. Try to keep us posted okay. :)

Love you tons!

Pixie said...

hi sweetie,

this sounds awesome, I really hope everything works out for you, you deserve it *hugs*

I´m still busy and I´m not sure that I´ll be online longer in the evenings during this week, but I have time next week....

miss you

take care *hugs*

MissTottenham said...

FASC, Siobhan, Anima and pixie.

Thank you so much. I love you guys more than you could know.

Anonymous said...


You don't know how much I needed to hear that today.

Thank you for being my friend.


MissTottenham said...

Anytime mustard sweetie.

Andrea said...

Heya Miss T!

Teaching english to foreign students is something I've always wanted to do. I hope it works out for you! It would be so exciting to teach in Japan!

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I've been cleaning out my closet all day, getting rid of old things I don't need, and looking for any signs of mice. It's a lot of work, but it feels cleansing (even though I'm now covered in dust). If I end up moving to a new place because of the mice or because of my job, at least I'll have less junk to take along with me!

I hope the rest of your weekend is good. Take care!


MissTottenham said...

Aw thanks Andrea, I hope you have a great weekend (and mice free) too.

sdock10 said...

I wuv you MORE!