Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Week 18

Well, as you can see, I am back.

I have my laptop back. They checked it out and it was fine. I had checked it myself first though so I knew it was.

I have a replacement power pack.

Take this as a warning people and unplug/ look after anything electrical with a power pack cos it could blow up and set your house on fire.

Not much else happening.

The football season is coming to an end. I was proud of my Spurs boys for winning the Carling cup.

I'm not really bothered about the Euro championships cos England aren't in it.

At least the F1 season has started again and I have that to cheer on.

It was a good race last Sunday. We have had a variety of different winners so far this season, which is good. I hate seeing the same people win all the time.

Well, that's all really. Not much to report as yet.

I shall let you know if I win the lottery tonight ha ha ha!

P.S. they have done the draw. It's back to work for another week.


Eliza Bennett37 said...

Hey Miss T-how are you?

Well, here's the thing: he lives in Brighton and that's where I was meeting him. I checked train times only to find that there were no direct trains on the Sunday because of engineering works. At the time I thought it was fate and in a way was relieved cos I was feeling that (good) sick feeling and that really is a bad thing in this case. So, I cancelled but we are meeting in 2 weeks and I will get to see the sea and have a 99 by the Front-that is if I go......

Its been a bit of a funny week-I made myself deaf in right ear with a bloody cotton bud on Sunday(see, if I went to Brighton it would not have happened!)and hearing still not back. Went to GP on Monday in panic and he said it will be ok. have to go back on Friday. The weirdest thing is it has made me sound really weird in my own head! It's driving me nuts.

I went to dentist this afternoon and had text from work colleague saying thanks for help earlier in the day. He ended by saying "good luck at the Dentist and I hope your hearing comes back soon"-I've never felt so decrepit!

I'm not really a football fan but lots are at work. It really is mainly Arsenal v Chelsea there. There is one man who is huge Arsenal fan and the time of the last Spurs/Arsenal match I asked, jokingly, who do you wanna win. Of course Spurs hammered them and I am no longer allowed to speak football to him cos I'm jinxed!

I really enjoyed the race on Sunday. Kimi is just vile-I thought of you when I saw his new hair cut. I'm glad Ferrari are doing well-for old times sake but I'm happy to say I've found a new driver to cheer on and wish well. My brother was a Nelson Piquet fan many years ago and it is really good to see his son driving so I will support him.

I read about what you did last weekend-Bless you sweetheart. It's always crap but use it as a motivating factor-make your dad proud.

You take very good care.

Terri x

MissTottenham said...

Hiya EB37.

Well, I'm so glad that you are gonna go see him. Even is it doesn't work out, you should get a 99 out of it. Demand a flake every time.

I hope your hearing gets better. I once managed to compact down some ear wax while trying to get it out and it made everything sound dull and I hated it. It does make your own voice sound funny doesn't it?

Well, the football is coming to an end and I don't think I'll be watching thr Euros religiously. Although what I ususally do is see which other country has the most spurs players in their squad and cheer them on. I have to stay loyal to my team.

Aw poor kimi, he is a sweetie really. He cracks me up no end.

I'm not surprised you are cheering on Nelson Piquet Junior (or Nelsenio as he is called). he is gorgeous. Honestly these young drivers make me feel like a peado for lusting after them. Nico Rosberg yumm yumm.

Yeah, it was nice last weekend. It's nice just to remember.

Do you have any plans for this weekend? I shall be watching a whole tape of most haunted. My mum's mate tapes it for us cos we don't have cable or satalite (only poor freeview) and we like to see the latest ones.

Eliza Bennett37 said...

I would give the 99 back if it did not have a flake and would rush to get the next train home.

I am meeting a friend in Leicester Square tomorrow for some foodie and a chat-can't drint too much as I have an 8.40 GP appt on Friday and don't wanna knock him out with fumes.

on Friday I am going to a local pub that has started doing "Rock" nights. It used to be a real oldies pub so it will be interesting to see what its like. I have seen tribute bands advertised like "Slipnot"-note the pun re spelling. It should be cheesy and fun.

I just have Freeview too. I don't watch those Most Haunted or most other things of that kind cos I don't believe them although I have a healthy respect for all things supernatural-I think its a family thing.

I hope to catch up with you sometime over the long weekend.

Love Terri x

MissTottenham said...

Hey, you have fun Friday. Rock tribute bands, it sounds fun. I hope you have a great time.

Meeting another friend in Leicester square, oh how the other half live ha ha ha!

I love most haunted. Can't say I believe half the things they say and the new psychic I just DO NOT believe. In fact he gets on my tits. But I do love seeing them scream and poor Stu and Carl get shoved off in the most uncomfortable places.

Well, I hope to catch you over the weekend too. You have fun and take care.

Luv caz xxxx

Original Punk J said...

Thank you so much, Caz, for your comment on our blog. Your support and love mean a lot to both of us! We leave tomorrow for our little mini-tour so we won't be around for a few days, but we will talk to you when we get back!

Take care of yourself, sweetie. We love you!

L. and J.

MissTottenham said...

Enjoy the mini tour girls.


Anonymous said...

Hello sweetums.

Job? Life? Weather?

When you have the time, let me know!

Love and licks!

MissTottenham said...

Job, not really.

Life, bumbling on.

Weather, getting better.

Eliza Bennett37 said...

Hello Miss T

I hope your long weekend has been good so far. I have had a great time although you need to know that when I go out in Leicester Square, Covent Garden etc I will always find the darkest dingyiest (spelling?) places. I can assure you girl-I ain't posh!

Am happy to say I can now hear-that was a horrible experience.

I have nothing planned for today. I am just going to chill out, do housey work and catch up with mayo world. I have a bitch of a week coming up with lots of drama expected-unfortunately I expect i am going to have to deliver some home truths workwise and although I don't shy away I really hate confrontation. I will be glad when its over and then of course I have Brighton to look forward to.

I hope to "talk" to you later if you are around.

Take care honey.

Love Terri x

MissTottenham said...

Hiya EB37. I have just been lounging watching the snooker. Did you see the streaker, hilarious?

I ain't posh you say, well, I ain't either so that's alright then ha ha ha ha!

I wish you good luck with your confrontational week. It's never pleasant when you know it's coming. I bet you'll just wanna get it over and done with.

Andrea said...

Hello Miss T!

How have you been doing? I've been slacking off on my visits lately. I'm sorry! I hope things are going well for you.

Take care,


MissTottenham said...

I'm good thanks Andrea, better now the sun has come out.