Sunday, 8 June 2008

Week 24

So, this is what happened last week and not actually this week but nothing more excited is likely to happen to me this week so I'm posting this early.

So, my mum's amazing friend gave us the money. I still can't believe how generous she is.

My Cousin had a little baby girl in the early hours of Saturday morning. She is calling her Olivia Sky. She was 6lbs something or other. She is so cute. She has the cutest little set of fingernails. My Auntie Anne, my cousins mum did point out that her feet are quite chimpanzee looking so now I can't stop calling her monkey feet.

We did some dog sitting for my friend's dog Max. He is still an excitable puppy but soooooooo cute.

All in all it has been a busy weekend.


Anonymous said...

Miss T!!!! Thank you again for visiting me, and thank you once again for the kind words and encouragement and support.

I hope your weekend went well. And congratulations for the newest addition to your family!

Take care and have a great week love.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you so much BC sweetie.

mya said...

Hello, Miss T!

Congratulations on your new baby cousin!

Your mother's friend sounds like a very sweet woman indeed! I'm glad you're going to use some of the money to do something just for you! You deserve it!

MissTottenham said...

Thanks Mya sweetie. Some people just totally surprise you sometimes.

I'm lucky to know great people.

Original Punk J said...

MissTottenham said...
Wherever he is L, he is looking down on you and hearing your memories of him. Send him the good ones.


June 9, 2008 4:33 PM

Thank you, Miss T. I know he is. And I am thinking good memories of him. His brother and I were talking last night about those memories and the summer I broke my leg, and I reminded him that I remembered it was HIS bike I was riding when I broke it. Through the tears, there was laughter too.


It's how we all survive.


anima said...

Olivia Sky, that is so beautiful! Just a little thing at 6lbs.

And puppies are the best too! Melt my heart. :)

I hope all is well with you. Me, I'm good. Hanging in there. Thank you so much for caring about me. I wish I could give you a real life hug. Maybe someday. I hope!

♥ to you. Always.


MissTottenham said...

Hi L. I'm so glad that you have loads of good memories of your cousin. I hope in the days and years to come, those memories keep you smiling.

MissTottenham said...

Hi Anima sweetie. i wish we could hug too.

I hope that things are OK with you. I won't say good cos I know they are not good.

Just know that I am here for you.

♥ ♥ ♥

Original Punk J said...


Thank you again for the kind words on our blog. I told some of the family about the baby girl that was born at 2:00 and it made them smile. As one life ends, another begins. Thank you for sharing that with me.

Take care of yourself, and I will talk to you later.

Oh, don't let the doggie get hold of the yellow knickers. We still need those to hide under!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Miss T,

Concerning earlier today,

Thank you.

anima said...

*sending you a big 'ole tight squeezy hug*

&heart; ya.

anima said...

Fooey! ♥

*much better*

MissTottenham said...

LOL L, thanks so much. I'm glad I can make you smile.

Those yellow pants will never die, they go on forever.

BC, anytime sweetie. I meant every word.

Great hug anima, take this one *hug* in return.