Sunday, 15 June 2008

Week 25

So, last week me and my sis accompanied a coach load of foreign students to Alton Towers on Saturday.

It was fantastic, the weather was lovely, warm but not too warm and we only had one shower that we managed to miss cos we were on an indoors ride at the time. Charlie and the chocolate factory ride if you must know. Yeah yeah, I know it's a kids ride but we couldn't resist.

In fact, we decided to have a kiddie day. We went on a load of chab rides. We rode the tractors and this little boat ride where there were some buttons on the panel in front of you. the buttons made different animal noises and you had to press them when you spotted the matching animal. As you can imagine, as adults, we abused this and just pressed them willy nilly and constantly. Oh well.

We did go on all of the big rides too, except for Rita as the queue was too long. I wasn't bothered about missing out on that one as the last time we went on it, it went so fast I couldn't breathe right for an hour afterwards.

Me and my sis are not really screamers on the big rides. I tend to go "whee" when they set off then just enjoy the ride. Which is why it was damn funny that a bit of water had us squealing like a fishwife.

We decided to go on the grand canyon which is one of those rides where you ride the big ring over the water and get splashed from all sides. You should have heard us scream like the girlies that we are. We had to laugh at ourselves as we realised how ridiculous we were being. A bit of water and we go loopy.

Anyway, I am so tired and my arse is gonna hurt like hell tomorrow. Whenever I do a lot of walking, my legs or feet never get tired but a couple of days later my arse aches like mad. I send people loopy walking going "my arse, my arse" all the time. I'm such a moaner.

Well, I am so envious of you people who are enjoying fathers day with relatives. As you know, this is not a fun time for me. I hope all you who do have fathers have a great day. As for the rest of you, my heart goes out to you as I know from the depths of my soul just what you are missing out on ,as I too am suffering.


sdock10 said...


Sorry, I missed you today. I enjoyed reading about you and your sister. Sounds like you guys got silly and had a great time! There's really nothing better in the whole entire world than you sister, is there?

I know today is rough for you and I'm sending you extra love, hugs and ♥s.

Love you,

Andrea said...

Hello Miss T!

Thanks for your comment, it's always nice to see you. How are you doing?

Father's Day is weird for me too, although probably for different reasons. My dad is alive and well, but I never see him, and I rarely hear from him. He was never there for me when I needed him, and now I always have mixed feelings about him on this holiday. Every year I debate whether to acknowledge him. What's he ever done for me?

My daddy gave me his name
Then he walked away

Blah. I'm rambling.

I miss talking to you. I'm sorry to hear that things are still chaotic at Mayo's, I haven't been there in a couple days to catch up. I thought it was funny at first when an anon posted from my blog, but then I realized it was just sad. I don't want to be part of the strife at Mayo's. That's why I stay away.

Anyway, I hope things get better there. It seems like they usually do, after the drama passes.

Bye sweetie, enjoy the rest of your weekend!


MissTottenham said...

Thank you sdock and Andrea for your thoughts.

You are right sdock, there is nothing beter than your sister and I love mine with all my heart.

Andrea, I'm so sorry that you were thinking of coming back to mayos and have been put off once again. It's sad, I would love to see you back there.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. At least I have great memories. That's the way it goes I guess.

Andrea said...

Aww, Miss T, you always make me feel better.

I don't know what to do about Mayo's. I can't believe some anonymous took a piece of my blog and reposted it out of context at Mayo's. I mean, I know that will happen if I start getting involved there, especially when people are suspicious of Alie, but I've totally stayed out of it for several months now, and it still happened anyway. I don't want to always be defending myself because of who my friends are, or because of what someone misinterprets from my own blog. You know what I mean?

I don't know, I might come back eventually. But I feel like I should wait until things calm down over there. I don't want my presence to make it any worse.

Anyway, thanks for talking to me about it. It helps to hear someone else's thoughts.

Hope you've had a good Monday (well... as good as any Monday can be). ^_^


MissTottenham said...

That sucks about the anon posting your stuff Andrea.

I just hope that maybe one day you will come back. Only you know when the time is right.

I will be looking out for your return.


Andrea said...

Thanks Miss T. I sure appreciate your support. It's good to know I still have friends in BlogBelieve. ^_^

anima said...

Sweetie, schnookums, I loved hearing about your day out. Rides,'s the best. I hate waiting in lines too. ;)

Happy to hear you two had fun. I love the feeling of childhood amusement. No worries, it seems like all the seriousness just slips away, even for a moment; somehow, it's moments like that that bring us all to the same place. The simplicity of life. You can't help it! And to be with your sis, even better!

My heart is with you...I imagine (yes, only imagine because I am not there yet) and I break, please know that your words inspire me. I appreciate it all.

Thinking of you...Yesterday, the day before, today, and tomorrow.

You are such a beautiful person. Truly. I'm so grateful to know you.

♥ you sweetie.


MissTottenham said...

Of you course you have friends Andrea sweetie.

Anima, your words are making me wanna tear up. You are such a sweetie and I am so grateful that I met you in blogland. This is an amzing place full of amazing people and you are up there at the top of the pile.

I love you sweetie.

♥ ♥ ♥

Andrea said...

Hi Miss T,

I'm roaming around blogland on my lunch break. How is your week going?

Mine has been a little odd, but thankfully it's almost time for another weekend.

I hope you're well!


MissTottenham said...

Hiya Andrea sweetie, I'm well. Just bumbling along.

The weather is better than last week. It's been quite nice walking round the city centre at lunch times.

How has your week been so far?

I hope things are nice and bright where you are.

I hope to bump into you in blogland.

And I hope you have a great weekend and do loads of exciting things.

♥ ♥ ♥

sdock10 said...


I've been having about a month's worth of nothing to say. Let's just be quiet together, whaddaya say?

Love ya,

MissTottenham said...

Thank you solly sweetie.

Quiet sounds good to me.