Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Week 48

First, I would like to say happy thanksgiving to all you Yanks. Have a great day tomorrow, whatever you are doing.

So, I applied for a job as a PCSO back in July. I hadn't heard anything so presumed I hadn't been successful. The other day, I got a phone call and my paperwork in the post. I have an interview. I also have to go to an open day so that I can practise the role play and written exercises that I will have to do at the interview.

I have rung my benefits advisor and luckily I will be able to have the travel paid for as it is in London.

The interview is called day 1 assessment. I have a feeling the interview process will take place over many days. Day 1 sounds to me like day 1 of many (gulp).

I have to go to the police training centre in Hendon (gulp again).

Yup, I am nervous.


Carrie said...

You know we will all be with you in spirit, so no need to be a nervous Nellie. (such alliteration)And cool on having the travel paid for, and I wish I could see you roleplaying. :) Thanks for the moment of silence for Ghost's dear departed testicles. I wonder what they did with them. I will be on the lookout for fluffy earrings.

MissTottenham said...

LOL carrie and thanks sweetie.

You know, I will just piss myself laughing if Terry gives you a pair of fluffy earrings for crimbo.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah That would be too much. In fact, I might be in danger of dying laughing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Miss T.

Aw don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll do fine with the interview. We are here with you in spirit. I wish you the best of luck!

MissTottenham said...

Thanks BC sweetie.

And i hope you have a fantastic day tomrrow with your spanking new hair.


Entropy said...

Eeek, but it'll be fine! That's cool that you hear from them after so long.

And, yeah, thanks for wishing me luck then!

sdock10 said...

Don't be nervous! You're gonna kick their asses!

Love ya!

MissTottenham said...

Thanks Entropy sweetie. I'm glad it all went well for you.

Thanks solly sweetie. But I have a feeling if i actually do try to kick their ass, it's not the best interview technique hahahahahaha!

Entropy said...

Quote of the century, really.

Pixie said...

like I already told you, they won´t and can´t resist you :) *hugs* I already wish you luck *hugs*

MissTottenham said...

LOL Entropy, it so is. Not to be beaten.

Thanks pixie sweetie. I always have a hug ready for you.

mya said...

Hi, Miss T!

The hummingbird is pretty!

And if I remember correctly, you like Strawberry, don't you?

MissTottenham said...

Hi Mya sweetie, the hummingbird is gorgeous. Your soaps are fantastic.

Ooooo thanks for remembering. Yeah, I love Strawberry so much.

The smell of strawberry and the colour yellow. Shame they don't make yellow strawberry's eh?