I am still made up with flu and feel all washed out. Therefore I am devoid of all inspiration and you all have to make do with traditionally dodgy crimbo gifts.



Merry Christmas, MissT!
I hope you feel better real soon because I miss you like whoooaaah! It must be the time of year for funk to go around. I talked to Fimmy this morning and she also has the flu shit.
I just want to say that I love ya and wish you the happiest of holidays! Thanks for riding the crazy train with me for another year!
You truly are an amazing special friend!
hey miss T!! considering you are poorly and uninspired, they are damn good pressies! thank you!
happy jappy christmas my friend!
i hope you feel a bit better tomorrow?!
it is awful though, we are kinda all better, although lacking in appetite! i so want to stuff my face with all sorts of great grub tomorrow!
take care miss T!
Aw thank you girls.
I am still terribly ill. I'm so sorry to hear fimmy has it too. I hope it hasn't reached the states yet.
I hope your family is now sniffle free FASC.
I hope you all had a great crimbo with lots of lovely pressies.
Aww Miss T, are you sick again? :(
I hope you get better soon. How was Chrimbo for you? Good? Did you get any presents? :)
Get well soon! *hugs*
Yeah, I'm sick again BC.
I'm coming out the other end now though. At least it's been good that i haven't needed to leave the house for anything.
I got soooooooooo many lovely pressies. It was fantastic.
How about you? Did santa bring you what you wanted?
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