Thursday, 15 January 2009

January #2

So, here I am again made up with a very bad cold. This is the third one is as many months. It is going backwards and forwards between me and mum. She has it again too. I think between us, we have kept the tissue, tablet and medicine industries going. There's no credit crunch for them I'll bet. I swear, this year, I am never leaving the house again cos every time I do, I get this cold.

Anyway, I did leave the house yesterday to go to Leeds for an interview to see if I was suitable for the CELTA teaching course. It went well and I should get my offer letter in the post any day now. I will have to see which months course I get allocated to.

It was a horrible trip cos I felt like shit and I had to go to Leeds. The first train never even stopped at my stop, it sailed straight past. I had to wait over 30 mins in the icy cold for the next one and of course, I was late. Luckily, I wasn't the only one. The people there were lovely and I'm glad I got it done, although today, I feel all the worse for it.

Soz to moan but I'm getting so fed up of this coughing. I feel like I will cough myself inside out one of these days.


Pixie said...

miss t get well soon! *hugs*
I know a cold is no fun at all and seeing as it´s already the third one... I can imagine that waiting for the train in the cold yesterday didn´t helped at all ^^ but great that the interview went well *hugsagain*
so back to bed then right? just try to sleep the flu off (also I know it´s not easy to sleep when you´re ill).

take care xxxx


sdock10 said...

Here's me hoping that you not only get better real soon, but you stay better this time.

I miss you like crazy.

resurrected wreck said...

I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly, Miss T :( But congratulations on your interview! Let us know when your letter arrives. I shall cross my fingies and toes for you!

Amyranth said...

Good luck with your interviews! I've been battling a throat thing since New Year's myself, but it sounds like it's nowhere near as bad as yours.

Anon616 said...

MissT! I'm so sorry to hear you're sick again. I know how that is! Winter's a bitch, ain't it?

I hope you're feeling better, today. I hope you ARE better! We need to find and Egyptian Prince to take proper care of you. To make sure you're taking your vitamins and getting all the "nutrition" you need. Especially that protein!

Congratulations on that teaching course interview. I must ask, what is CELTA?

Take care, MissT and I hope to chat with you soon!

Hugs and Much Love,

farawaysoclose said...

poor you miss T!
here's hoping you mend real quick and stay mended!!

take care and see you around soonish!!

ergoproxy said...

hey missT
I have been meaning to come visit but I have a terrible memeory and have had my best friend back these last 2 weeks and still getting sorted after holiday, not that that is any excuse, so I'm really sorry I haven't gotten to it until now.

I really hope you and your mum get over your colds, you seem to have had far more than your fair share lately! Hopefully the "nasty cold fairy" will find someone else to clobber with their snot wand next time!
And so glad your interview went well, it'll be great for you to be able to start the course and head to the future!
take care of yourself and your mum

MissTottenham said...

Aw thanks pixie sweetie. You are right, at least the day had a good outcome.


I miss you like crazy too solly sweetie.


Thanks RW sweetie. I got my confirmation letter for April. Maybe i will have shaken off this flu by then ha ha ha.


Thanks Amy sweetie. It's going round in circles this flu. I really hope your throat gets better soon. If not, we can moan together.


Aw thanks Wendy sweetie. It stands for Certificate of the English Language Teaching Association (or something like that hahaha). It's run through Cambridge University.


Thanks FASC sweetie. I hope you house has got rid of all it's sniffles.


Aw thanks Ergo sweetie, and I'm so glad you got your best friend back for a while.


sdock10 said...

I swear, if I could be promised that I would never get this flu again, I would glady offer up a human sacrifice.

Is that what happened to your rowdy neighbor?

Just kidding.

Miss you! Hope you get well and stay well soon! Smoke has the funk now.

Love ya!

resurrected wreck said...

I am sorry you are still feeling poorly, but I am excited for you about your confirmation letter! Congratulations!!! Does this mean you will be moving to London?

Amyranth said...


I think I sense a band coming up!

The Phlegm.

Entropy said...

:((( Get better.
And thanks for all the phlegm in my blog, that was a juicy mess to clean up.

farawaysoclose said...

well weren't your team lucky last night!!!

congrats anyway! look forward to meeting you in the final!
infact our teams are seeing rather alot of each other!!

hope you are feeling better miss T?!

you've had a really bad run of illness.

we are *touches wood* all fit and well at the moment!

take care miss T and see you around.

MissTottenham said...

LOL solly, you have rumbled me. I bumoed him off but he was too alcohol pickled to be used as a sacrifice.

I'm so sorry to hear that smoke has funk too. I hope I didn't spread any phlegm based computer virus.

I miss you too sweetie. I fell like I am on the up and I should be with you next week for sure.


Thanks RW sweetie. The course is in Leeds so Iwould still be at home to do that. After it's done, I could go anywhere in the world. I could do that anyway with the TEFL course I did in sept, but teaching schools in the UK want CELTA too. So if I want a career in the UK, I need this.

If I pass the police interview, I will have to move to London though. If I wasn't ill, I might get excited.


LOL Amy, we could have some great merchandising. We could sell hankies with pre-printed snot marks on em.


Hahahaha Entropy. Have this tissue. I hope it wasn't too sticky hahaha! Achoo!


What do you mean lucky FASC? Damn talented I'd say. They deliberately left it till the last two mins in order to make it more exciting. LOL.

See you in the final.

I have just turned the corner in my sickness. Yesterday and today was the first days I haven't woken up coughing my lungs up. Fingers crossed, this flu has got me for the last time.


MissTottenham said...

bumoed = bumped obviously.

Amyranth said...

We could sell hankies with pre-printed snot marks on em.

I love you. I really just had to let you know that. XD

Entropy said...

It's kinda scary how purdy they are. But hey, they are the prettiest band out there.

Im glad your feeling a little better. Catch up on that sleep!

MissTottenham said...

LOL Amy, I love you too.

Aw thanks Entropy sweetie. I'm all better now apart from really thick snot hahahaha!

Original Punk L said...


Just wanted to let you know I'm still around, and still thinking about you. I'm doing good, just thinking alot. Which may or may not be good...:).

I created a new blog, a little something different. :)

Love you,

P.S. Hope you are feeling better!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya L sweetie. I'm doing well thanks, my cold has finally gone.

Thinking eh? can be dangerous you know hahahaha!

I shall check out your new place right now.
