Friday, 2 January 2009


So, Tuesday I go down to London for the BIG interview. This is for the job of a police community support officer at the Metropolitan police. If I got this job, it would mean doing the big move to London but I have always wanted to live in London.

The interview is on the Weds and is scheduled for 4 hours (can you believe it). I went for the open day in December so I know what to expect. I won't be in blogland til this is done cos I have revising to do beforehand.

I will miss you all til I come back. Wish me luck cos I am nervous.

Neighbour news! Still not seen him or heard his doors go. There was music New Years Eve at 1am till 2am. Not like him to only do it an hour. No noise since then except the dog barking as though it has been left alone. Mum says she saw his landing light on this morning at just before 2am (she's got my flu and is being kept awake). We are now wondering if he has gone away and has some things on timers to make people think he's here and that maybe that noise on New Years eve was someone coming back to check on things before going again.

Just before crimbo, he was spotted in a suit, not like him at all. He only ever wears them for court appearances. I am wondering if he's inside cos he got done before crimbo for fiddling the leccy.

We shall see.


gnothi seauton said...

Happy New Year Foggy. And due to the credit crunch :

5p for a wee!

Anonymous said...

MissT!!!!! Good luck with the police interview. I wish you the best!

And of course, I pinky swear I will keep you updated on the yahoo guy, although I think it might take a while before or if anything develops into some sort of relationship.

I'm just glad he didn't get weirded out by my admission that I like him.

But if anything interesting happens, I'll let you know ^_~

Oh boy, it sounds like your neighbor is trying to be sneaky. Interesting.


Smoke said...

MissT!!! I hope you are feeling much better. Good luck with your interview! I wish you all the best! We'll be missing you until you get back! ♥


resurrected wreck said...

Good luck in your interview, Miss T! :) I shall have my fingies and toes crossed for you!

Original Punk L said...

Good luck, Miss T.! I'm sure you will do great!

Have you found the neighbor yet? And I have to ask,

"fiddling the leccy"

um, what does that mean? Sounds kinda personal. :)

Take care and hope to see you soon at the Castle!

Love ya,

Carrie said...

GOOOOOD LUUUUUUUCKKK! I'm all yelling so you can hear me over there on that side. If you move to London, you can bet your ass you will have an American visitor post haste. No, wait!! You better still go for that interview, anyway. Don't let that dissuade you. :)

farawaysoclose said...

good luck miss T!!

will be thinking of you!

"fiddling the leccy"

hehe i knew that would baffle the non UK folk in blogbelieve!!

Pickled Possum said...

Good Luck, MissT!!

Wow! 4 hours for the interview?

Shame the credit crunch doesn't reduce that!!

Oh! Oh! I think I get fiddling the leccy!
He was fiddling around with the electricity meter? Am I close?

Maybe the RSPCA could be called around for his dog, if it looks like no one is coming by to care for it. It's odd it's been left on its own for so long. Especially so, on the off chance, the neighbour may be a temporary guest of Her Majesty!

All the best for Wednesday. You're going to cruise it. =)

MissTottenham said...

LOL GS sweetie. January sales for peeing too.

Thanks BC sweetie. I'm glad he wasn't scared off too. This is the year good things happen to you, you'll see.

Thanks so much smoke, I'll be missing you too. So badly.

Oooooo thanks RW sweetie. I shall let you know how I think I did.

LOL L sweetie, it means he was fiddling his electricity meater and getting electricity for free. They caught him though. Thanks for the good wishes.

Thanks so much carrie sweetie. I am so nervous though.

LOL FASC, you knew what fiddling the leccy meant. See how I spent my Uni years in liverpool. It rubbed off on me.

Thanks so much PP sweetie. Yeah you guessed the leccy thing. God knows what takes 4 hours cos we have two written tests at 20 mins each and interview for 20 mins and role play for 5, that doesn't equal 4 hours so god knows what we do for the rest of the time.

sdock10 said...

*pouts a little*

Hmmmphhh! Okay, I suppose I'll let you go, but take a glowstick with you just in case.

Good luck with the job, MissT!

Love you!

p.s. Do you suppose karma has taken care of your neighbor for ya?

MissTottenham said...

Aw thanks solly sweetie. The glowstick will keep me going.

I really hope karma has done for my neighbour. I can but hope ^_^

Anonymous said...

*hugs* Miss T.

I hope the interview went well for you Miss T. Amy told me the other night that you've going for police support officer? That's really great news! I hope it goes well for you :)

I have only a little tiny update concerning the guys to give you: The new one that I just talked to recently, apparently he likes me. I have been suspecting that for a while to be honest. Only thing is, I don't have those kinds of feelings for him.

More at my blog.

Have a great weekend MissTott ^_^

MissTottenham said...

Thanks BC sweetie.

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he likes you!

That is soooooooooooooo cool.

Told you so.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Miss T. I start my first day of classes tomorrow, even with the shitty weather we're supposed to have.

Eeeeps, this guy that likes me, well, it's not the yahoo guy. It's another one, and the problem is, I don't like him tha way :O

MissTottenham said...

Good luck with the classes BC sweetie.