Monday, 30 March 2009

March #6

Yayness, the F1 season is back upon us and it's so good seeing the smaller teams doing well. Far more exciting.

I'm wondering if I should go to the doctors. The other week I though my bras were a bit loose so I tightened up the straps. This was a few days after my period. I dunno about you but my boobs swell a little round period time and feel tender. After wearing the adjusted bras my boobs were aching bad. But one more than the other. I wondered if something was wrong so I had a feel about, although they advise you not to examine your boobs at period time cos of hormonal changes. I couldn't feel anything but if I dug down and pressed on hard I felt a little lump. It wasn't where it was hurting and I'm sure it was a nipple duct cos of where it was. Anyway, once my period was properly over, I couldn't feel anything when I examined myself.

I tried to adjust the bra straps to how they were but I can't have got them in the right place cos I still hurt after wearing them. I have binned them now as of yesterday. Other bras are not hurting me. It is period time again now and they have swollen and are sore, I don't worry when they both ache as that is what they normally do but this one boob is hurting more than the other again. It started after taking those bras off again.

I'm not gonna do any examining until my period is over. If other bras continue to not hurt I should be OK. I think that it's mainly that one cos everyone has one boob minutely smaller than the other and that is mine. I think cos I adjusted the straps and it is smaller, it was being pushed further out of position (I can't word this very good), and that this is making it more sore than the other. Either that or the wires have slipped out of position and digging in me.

It's not hurting in the same position every time so it's not like there's just one area of pain where something is obviously wrong.

I'm gonna start wearing different bras and see if the soreness goes away after this period. I will examine myself too but not till after my period. But if the pain goes away now I've binned the bras, I should be OK.

Surely, it can't be just a coincidence that I alter my bras and the very next day this pain starts. I just hope it is that or it's a trip to the doctors.


Jennicula said...

Could be the bras.

I have one that absolutely squashes me in the worst possible way. I was a knucklehead and didn't try it on at the store and I think it was marked wrong.

Anyway, when I do have to wear it, it leaves strap marks all over me.

As for your girls, try and lay off the caffeine (including chocolate -perish the thought!) and salt about a week before your monthly bill. This should help with the swelling and aching.

As for the lump, you should always get it checked no matter what.

Better to have the Dr. say that it's nothing. :)

MissTottenham said...

Thanks Jenn.

I have ditched the dreaded bras. I will try ditching the caffine too but are you sure I have to ditch the choccies (sulk) hahaha!

I'm gonna keep my eye on that lump. But once I examined myself after my period, I couldn't feel it any more.

I wish I had enough money cos after what happened to mum, I'm not in love with my boobs. I'd love to have them both taken away and replaced with a stonking pair of falsies. I've seen surgery shows and when people with no boobs have the implants (which is what they were meant for) they look so realistic.

Plus, with garvity defying boobs, who needs bras hahahaha!

Carrie said...

"stonking pair of falsies" made me LOL. And Jenn is more astute than me, I didn't even think about the caffiene thing--I have a friend that had to do that due to breasty issues.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya carrie, I'm used to them being tender at period time. My mum has always had MAJOR tender breasts so I think I'm just prone. But it's not too bad and I'm used to it.

It's just this pain being mainly on the one side. But I'm sure it's the bras cos it's too coincidental otherwise.

I'm just gonna keep my eyes on em. mind you, we tell blokes off for that ^_^

If I win the lottery, that stonking pair of falsies will be mine hahaha!

Jennicula said...

Well, if you get fake jubblies, make sure they don't look fake. Make sure there's a little natural movement.

Make sure they don't go like this:


Because that would be sad.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to admit that this blog made me lol a bit, but I have a friend who also has pains in her boobs whenever the monthly flow comes along, but it's normal for her.

Fortunately for me, I don't have that problem, instead I get cramps/contractions that extend from my stomach all the way to my back whenever I'm on my period(Sometimes they are painful, sometimes they're not as bad, it depends) even if the lump may seem harmless, I hope you do get the chance to check it out in case it comes back.

As for bras, actually right now I'm wearing one of my sleeping shirts that's making me feel itchy, but besides that, I had a bra that made me contract a rash under my boobies. It made it look like I was breaking out, so I had to switch.

If those stupid bras still continue to bring discomfort, I suggest talking to a salesperson in the lingerie section to figure out which bra is best for you.

Good luck on that Miss Tott ^_^

MissTottenham said...

LMFAO Jenn, I don't want my boobies looking like that.

I may go in for a pair that's bigger than my head, mind you, what with my teeny head that would mean I could have a pair smaller than they are now hahahahahaha!

Hiya BC sweetie, You know, I think I will get them checked out mext week just to put my mind at rest. I can't really complain really about my periods cos I don't get any stonach cramps like you and no mood swings and the boob pain only lasts a day.

I'm sorry that you suffer with the aches and pains. Sometimes I wish I'd been born a man hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Lol, me too miss t, although I don't think that as a man, you'd enjoy it so much because of the constant ball scratching and such ^_^

Not only do I suffer from aches and pains from my period, but I also suffer from mood swings, blah, but I guess that's a curse we must endure because we're women lol.

MissTottenham said...

LOL BC, you know what we discussed last night. We'd have to have the unsightly appendages if we were blokes.

Maybe it's better to be a woman. Sorry to hear about the mood swings though. On the plus side you can be mean and blame it on that.


anima said...

I just want to squeeze you. Thank you so much.

Your post...I have to say I know what you are feeling. It's freaky really! Just keep it in check and keep you doctor updated. You just never know.

Sending you lots of ♥


Jennicula said...

Miss T, if you had huge bits would you still be able to run if you were an officer?

You don't want a black eye or anything like that. :D

Jennicula said...

ps - yes my stalker wuvs me. She wuvs me so much I'm sure she'd wuv you too because we're friends.

Shall I give her your contact info?


And, I'm fine. I opened up and scared myself so I hit delete. Once burned twice learned. Thanks for asking.

MissTottenham said...

I want to squeeze you back too Anima sweetie.

And I am gonna go to the doctor just to make sure.


LOL Jenn, I don't want black eyes. Mind you, don't falsies tend to stay unmovable and gravity defying?

And Nooooooooo don't give your stalker my number, I now have one of my own. My ickle 10 year old cousin has been given his first phone as pf last night and already today we are well into double figures on the texts.
