Monday, 15 June 2009

June #3

I'm back from London and boo I didn't pass. I ran further than last time and I passed one of the weights tests. I pulled the weights no probs but I'm not good at pushing the same weight. I'm back in August for my last attempt, gulp.

I have downloaded a beep test and am just gonna practise passing that cos they told us that treadmill running etc at the gym would not be enough to pass, you gotta keep turning and hitting the line. I figure if I can get it right on the garden, I can get it right there. I'm not gonna be trying to get fit anymore, I am solely just gonna practise my weights and beep test. It's no good being fitter and still not passing it. I am gonna just direct my training at those two things. I don't care if I'm a big fat lump as long as I pass hahaha!


Jennicula said...

I'm sorry to see you didn't pass.

Maybe August will be good for you. I'll cross my fingers.

I moved so often as a child, I've been to schools on the Atlantic side and Pacific side of the US.

Can't say either one is better than the other. They're just about the same for me.


MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn sweetie, thanks for that. I hope August will be good for me. On the plus side, it gives me longer to win the lottery and make looking for a job obsolete hahahaha!

Wow, you have moved around. Like I said, I live at the end of the school I used to go to as a youngster and I worked at the hospital I was born at. Wow, get me, I've gone so far hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Aw Miss T, I'm sorry you didn't pass. I wish you the best of luck with August. I hope you do pass it.

I hope you're well.

MissTottenham said...

Aw thanks so much BC sweetie.
With your good wishes, I'm sure I'll do it.

I hope you are well sweetie.

*huge hugs*


resurrected wreck said...

LOL RW, I didn't know that. I guess they have got me sussed hahaha!

Word gets around! ;)

jennicula was here said...

I do live in the house my husband grew up in, so that's not too bad but my parents are 1.5 hours away from me.

As for the arguing friends, it's such an uncomfortable situation, I just want to run away. They don't care who they're in front of or what they say. It's just so odd to me.

If I were arguing with Wooly and went to a friends home, I have enough respect for him that I would never do that.

I don't know. People are weird sometimes.

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW hahahahaha!

Urgh Jenn, friend like that. I hate public arguing too. Sometimes though, I think that certain people go out of their way to argue in public.

It's like that saying why do people go to supermarkets in order to smack their kids. It always seems that way doesn't it?

mya said...

Hi, Miss T! I'm confident that you will pass in August!

Jennicula said...

MissT: my friends are visiting again. I'm really not ready for them either. I have a low bullshit tolerance today and I'm pretty sure I'm going to say something I regret later.

I never understood the mind-set of beating your children in public. I prefer mental torture behind closed doors.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Mya, ooooo that rhymes.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, I sure hope so.

I'm onto the last of the soaps you sent me, they are gorgeous. I shall have to order some when they've gone.


LOL Jenn, mental torture behind closed doors. That's the way to go. I hope your friends weren't too annoying.
