Monday, 1 June 2009


So, not much happening at the mo except me going to the gym to prepare for the fitness test this month. I'm still not confident, my legs hate running. I don't get out of breathe but my legs don't like it. I suppose I can only try.

It has been very hard at the gym today as it's very hot now.

OK whinging over.


resurrected wreck said...

Hiya RW, LOL I'm a good girl. I might get my tassles out but no knicker flashing when my mum's around hahahaha!

*is sceptical*

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW, how naughty do you think I am?

resurrected wreck said...

You iz very naughty, Miss T, don't try to deny it!

AndieBomb said...

my dearest missT.....

how have you been, lovely?

it's been ages since we last talk! hope you're great, happy bday to your mom!

love, andieB

Jennicula said...

A herd of ducks goes:




MissTottenham said...

Oooooooo what are you trying to say RW? hahahahaha!


Hiya Andiebomb sweetie, long time no see. I've been good. I've missed you. Great to see you back.

♥ xxxx

LOL Jenn, and you snore like that? Shouldn't Doctors be involved in this? hahaha!


resurrected wreck said...

Don't play innicent with me, missy! O_O

I know the neighbours complain regularly about your drunken orgies!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

resurrected wreck said...


MissTottenham said...

Shhhhhhh RW, don't mention the orgies.

*nudge nudge wink wink*

resurrected wreck said...

Uh oh! Sorry! >_<

Does this mean I have to forfeit my open orgy invitation?

Jennicula said...

Doesn't everybody snore like that when a bag of marbles is jammed up their nose?

How are you healing these days?

resurrected wreck said...

Miss T, I just wanted you to know that I am at this moment enjoying Toronto's best pizza & thinking of you :)

MissTottenham said...

Hiya RW sweetie, wayhay on the pizza. Save me a piece.

PS Orgy invite is on the way.

Hiya Jenn sweetie, marbles up your nose? You wanna get that checked out by a professional ^_^

I'm good thanks. Slowly but surely getting there. It's shrunk by half so I'm happy with how it's going. I am talking about my leg by the way hahahaha!
