Thursday, 16 July 2009

July #2

Well, it is that time of year again. The anniversary of Dad's death. I can't believe it's been 7 years already. I still forget he's gone. Just the other day I thought of something that I just had to tell him then realised that wasn't gonna happen.

We will be going to the coast this weekend to do the usual Dad day. This invloves going to the harbour where he loved to sit for hours and where we sprinkled some of his ashes. We buy some doughnuts cos he loved them. I don't like them so I throw mine to the seagulls. Then we sit and talk about dad. As we are at the coast, the memories always turn to happy holiday ones whish is good. I think if we stayed at home we'd just cry and not know what to do with ourselves.

Love you Dad.


toujours said...

i hope everything goes well tomorrow -- i'll be keeping you in my thoughts!

i'm sorry it's taken me so long to ge6t over here to tell you that, too. *gah* i'm a flake.

but a sincere one!


resurrected wreck said...

Hullo, Miss T :) I hope you and our lady bits are well.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya TJ sweetie. Thanks so much. The op went well but I'm in a bit of pain.

I hope the swelling goes down soon but your well wishes have made me feel a little better.

Thanks again sweetie xxxxxx

Hiya RW sweetie, lady bits are very sore but glad to know you are thinking of them LOL xxxxx

toujours said...

i'm so glad it went well, miss t. -- whew! now i'm sendng you happy healing and anti-swelling thoughts. when i was a kid, it was traditional to get ice cream after surgery (removal of tonsils, etc.), so if you get a sudden craving for some, i'm afraid it might be my fault. :)

and thank you! i didn't even know i was going to write a poem when i made that new post. surprised me all to heck. lol

take care.


Jennicula said...

Are your bits better?

I was worried that I hadn't heard from you.

As for prunes, yeah, I understand prune evil too. They're like raisins, only bigger. Blech.

Jennicula said...

I forgot to tell you that I've been patiently waiting for BBC America to show Being Human. Ever since you told me about it I've been waiting and not hearing anything about it.

I saw my first episode this weekend. I loved it.

resurrected wreck said...

I shall think healing thoughts for your bits :)

By the way, it looks like my next trip will be to Australia, not Egypt (not exactly by choice). Oh well, c'est la vie.

MissTottenham said...

LOL thanks TJ. You know, I do have a craving for ice cream. I wonder where that came from hee hee!


Hiya Jenn, my bits are slowly getting better. In fact on the subject of prunes, they look a bit like my swollen bits right now. TMI I know hahaha!

I'm so glad you liked being human. The warewolf is my fave.


Hiya RW, I hope you have a fantastic trip to Australia. You'll have to drop in on Ergo and say hi.


Original Punk J said...

*knocks on patient's door*

Hel-LO-oh! How's the bits today? Pruney-looking doesn't sound too pretty, or too comfortable, either! I've had to sit on one of those donut rings before, so I know how it feels.

Kinda weird, like being on a booster seat.

At least I was taller. :P

Glad to hear you're getting better; try not to overdo. Thanks for coming by to read my random shit! I feel another one coming on, keep an eye out.

Take care! Love you.
xo jen

toujours said...

mwah-ha-ha. my work here is done (have a scoop on my behalf, as well)!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya J sweetie, thanks for dropping by.

Slowly but surely I'm getting there. I'd be happy if I could judt walk without looking like I'd crapped myself hahahah!

Keep up with the random shit.


LOL TJ, that ice cream is top notch.


Jennicula said...

I've only seen one episode, but I think the vamp is totally lickable. :)

How are the bits today?

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jen. The vamp is hot but I love the dorky warewolf myself. I like a bit of dork.

The ladybits are doing better each day since I've been taking the anti inflamatory pills.

I don't think I'll be back at the gym next week but I hope I will the week after.

Have a great weekend sweetie xxxxxx

Jennicula said...

glad to hear about your mending bits. I hear chocolate or bacon will help ease the pain. :)

Generally, I like dorks. But there's something about vampires that are ooooooh. It over-rides the dork factor.

You have a great weekend too!

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo :) I hope you and your bits are having a nice relaxing weekend!

EP and I have discussed meeting up if I go to Australia next year. Her parents live in brisbane, which is where I'll be. I am also considering a side trip to New Zealand (I've been wanting to go there for ages) while I'm in that part of the world. This, however, hinges on cost.

I am going to talk to my parents tonight about their Australia plans & try to co-ordinate.