Monday, 21 September 2009

September #2

So, still no news from the police. I should try to be calm cos it has only been two weeks and we do have a postal strike on. But it does make you nervous every time the postman arrives.

Now, the latest is that bad neighbour has been quiet for over a week. That's a good thing. The bad thing is that whatever he's up to has disturbed his rats and I saw one in our kitchen last night. I saw his big brown bum vanish behind the cooker as I switched the light on. There were droppings under the table this morning. We haven't seen any before so we know they've only just got in.

I rang the environmental health today and they are coming tomorrow. They'd better get the things. Mum is freaking out big time. Now I can understand why people slap shrieking women. I'm resorting to the "I'm not talking to you when you are in this state woman" method.


Pixie said...

hi sweetie,

alright, I need to translate it first *laughs* I´ll do that during my nightshift ;)

I know, waiting always drives me crazy, stay strong girl! *hugs*

your crazy neighbour huh? I guess it´s just the calm before everything brakes loose... who knows what he´s up to next right?

take care *hugs*



MissTottenham said...

Oh yeah pixie sweetie. It's always the calm before the storm, you got that right.

Take care sweetie xxxx

Jennicula said...

Sorry about the critters.

They do have humane traps you can get, but I don't know how much they cost or if you could rent them.

We have a huge ground hog that lives under our deck in the back yard. (We've named him Phil) For a while I thought it was pretty neat to have this kind of wild animal living the the yard, but then it dawned on me that this thing is actually a huge rodent. As big as a small dog. It doesn't scamper anywhere - it gallops!

My friends are willing to shoot it, but I'm not into that kind of thing. If we trap it, we have to let it go more than 5k from the house or it will come back!

Good luck with the critters.

MissTottenham said...

OH MY GOD Jenn, that puts our rats to shame.

The rat catcher from the council seems to think it's a mum and her little uns taking shelter rather than an influx of loads of rats cos there were small droppings too. It seems a shame to kill them and I'd rather trap them. We will ask the rat man when he comes back to check it out.

Have a great weekend xxxxx

Original Punk L said...


Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope you have a great day.

Love ya!


Pixie said...

it is sweetie! the question is just: how big´ll the storm be? hopefully a tiny tiny little one ;)

have a nice weekend *hugs*


MissTottenham said...

Hiya L sweetie. I hope you are well and phlegm free hee hee!

Love ya loads xxxxx

Hiya pixie sweetie, I hope you had a great weekend. I'll chat with you soon.


Pixie said...

hi my fave uk-chum,

how was your weekend? *hugs*

great weekend, well let me think about it ;) I started working nightshift again on saturdayevening, slept sundaymorning and during the afternoon my uncle came to pick up my garndparents. it gets worse and worse. I told you how crazy my aunt is right? I thought after her illness and the surgery she would become more relaxed and started thinking about enjoying life. nope she´s a psycho and usually she threads my grandma. mostly with ignoring her.she takes care of them but she shows no love, hard to describe....
so already on saturday ma grandma started crying because she was kinda afraid to go back home ^^ same on sunday when we said goodbye, it´s heartbreaking... :( but we can´t really move them to our town because they want to stay in their homevillage where they know more people....

one day ma aunt will get such a breakdown from how she´s behaving ^^

anyway, have a nice evening *hugs*


ps: think about it, I could send the piedpieper of hamelin to the uk ;)

Jennicula said...

Hey MissT,

Our galloping groundhog is MIA right now. I'm thinking that it has either decided to grace another yard or it's hibernating.

Thanks for the condolences. It was a rough week. My aunt died on my birthday, the boy had a million and one things to do, and then throw in a funeral and family on top of that. I'm just glad I'm living in this week instead of last week.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Pixie sweetie. I'm so sorry to hear that your aunt is still a psycho, Maybe once it's been a few weeks and the reality of her op hits her, she might calm down.

I'm sorry that your grandparents are scared. I'm sure it'll get better once your aunt calms down. I dunno, families eh?


Oh Jenn sweetie, that's awful. I didn't wanna send birthday wishes when something like this has happened cos it kinda sounds hollow in the circumstances. Instead I shall say, I hope you being a year older brings you happier times ahead.

I hope now you can sit back and take a deep breathe and try to get your life back on track. I'm so sorry about your aunt. I'm thinking of you sweetie.

*hugs and kisses*


Pixie said...

hiya sweetie,

families... who needs enemies, right? ;)

yeah she understands that she can´t do everything or she tries like deciding to have a biketour over 15km.... the pain was worse afterwards.. anyway, she´s in total hypermode ^^ hopefully you´re right and she calms down, otherwise one of us will have a big outburst one day and it ain´t funny ^^

hope you´re doing fine *hugs* I just baked a blueberrypie for a friends birthdayparty, which i can attend because surprise I´ll have to work ^^ but it´s ok, it´s the friend who married last year, I told you about her, so it´s not so bad that I work *lol*

take care *hugs*

Jennicula said...

Birthday wishes are great. They're a reminder that life does go on even when it gets rough. My aunt was a big proponent of moving on. No need to linger on the negative. Learn from it and go forward. So I am.

Strangely enough, even though this was not the best birthday ever, it wasn't the worst either.

Thank you for the wishes. I'm trudging along and doing my thing. I had a lovely cake that was so pretty I didn't want to eat it.

Sorry to hear about the smell you're encountering. I hope you'll be able to find their little stinky bodies soon and get them out of there.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya my pixie chum. Yes, I remember about that friend who got married, she's lucky to have your blueberry pie. It shows that you are the better person for doing that for her.

You take care and have a great weekend and I hope work isn't too boring.


Hiya Jenn sweetie. In that case I am sending you the biggest of beleted birthday hugs.

"happy (beleted) birthday to you,
happy (beleted) birthday to you,
happy (beleted birthday dear Jenn,
happy (beleted) birthday to you"

See, I even sang for you but don't tell anyone hahahaha!

Yeah, ratcatcher didn't come today and the smell is the worst it's been. He'd better come tomorrow cos if he comes after the weekend he'll find us all passed out from the stench.

Have a great weekend sweetie xxxx

Jennicula said...

MissT - no, I ate the entire cake like a good birthday girl is supposed to. I loved the song and I won't tell anybody you sang to me. I don't think they'd believe it anyway!

Do you know where the bodies are? Maybe you and your mum can put on some haz-mat suits and chuck them yourselves?

We never find the mini carcasses. They stink and then one day after I think I can't take it anymore, the smell goes away.

ps. I love blueberry pies. Actually, I like most every pie made as long as it doesn't have raisins. :)

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn *looks glum cos there's no cake*

Oh well, I just hope you enjoyed it. I love sponge cakes myself. I can't be doing with fuit cake. A cake with fruit in it is too much like healthy and not at all fun as cake should be.

Yeah, the rat smell is going. He couldn't see the bodies in the corner we suspected them, the smell was actually at the other side of the kitchen. He said he'd known people rip all their kitchens out and still not found the bodies so it wasn't worth it.

As the smell is going and we've been lucky enough to have no flies, We are just leaving it. He put some more poison down as they'd had all the rest and he's coming back this friday. If nothing is touched, we know they've all died and we've got no others.

Mum is binning the perfume she's been spraying cos now the smell reminds her of rat carcass hahaha!