Whitby was great. Really good weather for that time of year. People were out and about in their finery and no coats needed (except for me and sis of course as we're always cold).
It was really great to see people dressed up from the smallest kids to little old couples. The theme tends to be Victorian wear. Some people had even dressed up their babies. The atmosphere is amazing with everyone commenting on how good people look and stopping to take pics of strangers. Although there were a group of people who had shunned the goth look and decided to do Christmas early and had dressed as Santa? Hahahaha!
I had on my witches hat with purple hair attached. I would include a pic but I managed to blink or look down on the couple I took with me on them hahahah! I had on my black coat with purple skulls and crossbones all over it. My sister takes the piss and says this design is not goth, it's the pirate look hahaha!
After dark, we went on a ghost walk. Though the stories tended to be more history based than actually ghost related.
Anyway, the pics are of the ghost pumpkin my sis carved with a ghost on the front. She did took it to work Friday and we took it to Whitby. Once we got back to the car late Saturday night, the pumpkin was beginning to pong so we left it along with another carved as a cat, on the side of the car park. I'm sure it became seagull food quite quickly.
The other pics are of graves up near the Abbey and the view down near the bottom of the famous 199 steps.
lovely pics missT!! Sounds like you had a lovely time, Whitby looks so pretty, I was reminded of Doc Martin. Tell your sis the pumpkin looked great, and I bet the seagulls appreciated it in their own way as well.
That picture from the steps gave me a bit of vertigo!
Looks like it was a good trip though, I'd love to head over to your side of the planet someday.
So much to do, and so little time!
I'm jealous, that looks like a wonderful time! I liked the pumpkin a lot. The crows ate ours, nasty buggers.
hi sweetie,
wow sounds as if you had a great halloween! maybe I should go on a trip to england the next halloween huh? ;)
have a nice evening *hugs*
Aw thanks Ergo sweetie. I think we have some lovely places in the UK, especially the little fishing villages. If I were rich I'd live in one of these places.
LOL Amy, sorry for the vertigo. My sis has that and she clung to my back all the way down so she didn't have to look. But what a view to miss out on.
You'll have to pop on over sweetie. I'll show ya round.
LOL carrie, nasty buggers. I'm sure they loved it though.
Hiya Pixie, sure you should come on over. Join us all, we should all meet up.
miss t, that would be lovely, wouldn´t it? :) I should really keep that in mind :) but I bet you´re already in london next year halloween huh?
have a nice weekend and get well *hugs*
Hiys Pixie sweetie.
It would be nice to be in London. That would mean I'd passed.
Fingers crossed.
I´m sure you´ll pass all the tests, you definetely deserve it! maybe you´ll get a letter as an early crimbogift? :)
take care *hugs*
What great pictures!
That little village looks lovely.
One day, hopefully when I'm not too old and grey, I will cross the big pond and see the wonderful things you write about.
I'm glad you're feeling better.
The flu has finally left my home and I've Lysolled everybody and everything.
Hiys Pixie, I hope so sweetie. That would be a great pressie.
Hiya Jenn sweetie. You must come over here, you'll have a great time.
I'm so glad we are both on the way to having flu free home. Long may it stay that way hahaha!
Why do I always seem to put hiys when I talk to you pixie. I've done it two times now. It makes me look thick hahahaha!
hi girls
and hi miss t,
I´m totally optimistic ;)
I´m online right now, just checking stuff.... not really in a talkative mood ^^
take care hun *hugs*
xoxo pixie
ps: remember, there´s always something postitiv in everything :)
Unfortunately, I think I spoke too soon.
I have that achy body, cold bones feeling today.
I just want to lay down and take a nap.
Hiya Pixie chum, you are my positivity sweetie xxx
*huge hugs*
Oh no Jenn, you go and lay down with a nice hot water bottle.
*hugs for you*
awwww thanks sweetie *hugs*
I wish you a great weekend :) xoxo
yeah it is really sad. it says a lot about the society that he felt he had to hid his depression, to be able to play football and to keep the adopted daughter. it´s frightening, that no one noticed how he felt. he was a good actor... unbelievable....
@jennicula: get well soon!
It is so sad pixie. I saw the pictures of his memorial in the papers today.
Poor guy.
yeah it was so sad, I watched the funeral service on tv, it was at the footballstadium in hanover. it made me cry....you have to know, that hanover is not far away from my hometown, so his club hannover 96 is kind of our club.... :(
Hey MissT: thanks for the hot water bottle idea. I spent most of the weekend laying low and drinking lots of vitamin C. I do feel much better. I think the flu side-swiped me a bit.
Pixie: thanks! I took your advice and now I do feel better!
Pixie it was so sad. You don't think people stuff suffer quietly with depression anymore these days with all the help out there.
Hiya Jenn sweetie. I'm so glad you are feeling a bit better now. This damn flu. You get all snuggy warm and relax.
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