C'mon England even though you played crap last night against Algeria.
Pull your socks up and get the job done lads.
Ah Miss T. What a crap game eh? It was cringeworthy wasn't it? Gawd they can play so much better than that. What the hell went wrong?
Did ya hear Rule Britannia being played on the bagpipes in the background Miss T? That was me! Honest now:) Flippin heck I had to work really hard to be heard above all those bloody vuvuzelas! I'm all out of puff now! Going for a lie down.
Speak to you soon.
Ta ra chuck:)
Have you been enjoying the footie, Miss T? I'm not really a fan, but I have been kind of supporting four teams - England, Holland, Germany and New Zealand. I live in an Italian/Portugese neighbourhood. Team Portugal just won a game this morning. Portuguese fans are VERY demonstrative. My trip to the grocery store this morning was interesting, to say the least!
They had a pictoral in one of the crap magazines I'm addicted to with all the hot footballers.
Good lord there are some yummilicious men who play that game. I tried to not drool on the pages but it was difficult.
I dedicated my latest post to the funnel cake. Because more people should know about this delectible delight. I like mine spinkled with just a dusting of powdered sugar or plain. All that other stuff that people glop on is just too much.
LOL Welshie, I thought that noise was down to you. You've got a hefty set of lungs on you haven't you lass? hee hee!
Damn those vuvuzelas!
Wahay RW, good for you. Yeah those Portuguese are very loud. I'm hoping that they go out soon cos then Ronaldo will cry. I'm not a fan of his and it always brings me great joy when he cries. Does that make me evil? *shrugs* oh well.
We'll need all your help now to cheer on England. We've gotta beat the Germans this time and I don't want to see any penalties.
Good lord there are some yummilicious men who play that game. I tried to not drool on the pages but it was difficult.
LOL Jenn, you are right. Of course my faves are the Brits. We got the gorgeous David Beckham, Steven Gerrard, and Frank Lampard.
I'm off to your blog now to check out funnel cake. The funny thing is that when you mentioned it last week, I'd never heard of it before. Then looking at some random webpage I can't even remember, I saw it mentioned again. Never before then twice in one day, it's like waiting for a bus eh?
I shall cheer for England in their game against the Germans, Miss T! I am also still supporting New Zealand (got it down to two teams now). So what happens if it comes to a match between England and New Zealand? I shall have to flip a coin!
Portugal plays Brazil tomorrow morning. I got everything I needed to get done before the weekend today so that I can avoid the streets tomorrow at all costs!
(I'm not too fussed on who wins the tournament as long as it's not Portugal. If Portugal wins, my neighbourhood is going to be a zoo for the rest of the year)
Hiya RW sweetie. Thank goodness for you that Portugal are out.
Bummer for us that England is out too.
From the one's that are left, I'm going for Uruguay just for commedy purposes. I love when Homer Simpson looks at a globe and says "they have a country called U-R-Gay" hee hee!
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