Sunday, 11 July 2010


Congrats to Spain on winning their first world cup.

But an even bigger congrats to Paul the octopus for predicting right again.

Who'd have thunk it eh?


resurrected wreck said...

Paul the psychic octopus does it again! All hail Paul!

resurrected wreck said...

I love the fact the the biggest & best memory that I'm going to have of this tournament is an eight-legged oracle.

Jennicula said...

I wonder if Paul the octopus can work the lottery?

Hmmm do nipple tassles come in Met police blue?

I don't know, maybe you should ask them! You could be the first to have her very own police tassles. You could spark a trend with all the other police women of the world. You could be famous! Don't forget the little people on your path to fashion iconism.

My dreams have been so odd lately. I took a nap the other day and Willie sneezed and woke me up. I was dreaming that he was in a fist-fight with Clint Eastwood. When he woke me up I told him f5 (to refresh) instead of "bless you."

Anonymous said...

My favorite egyptologist!

Speaking of which- there's this show on the History Channel here in the US about the Secretary General of Egyptian Antiquities.

I did a little research on him and found out he's causing all this controversy over the way he's handling the pyramids or some such. If you know anything about him or encountered any of the changes he's made while you were doing that, I'd be curious to know what your own opinion was.

Zahi Hawass, I think.

And I gotta look up this octopus. I read something about this a while ago and thought it was a joke. Guess not...

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW sweetie, you are so right. The tentacles WAS the best thing about this world cup hahahah!

My dreams have been so odd lately. I took a nap the other day and Willie sneezed and woke me up. I was dreaming that he was in a fist-fight with Clint Eastwood. When he woke me up I told him f5 (to refresh) instead of "bless you."

LOL, that is so funny Jenn. Last night I dreamed that I was at work and just put my police boots on when I saw that the soles were hanging off and they were in a right state. I woke up effing and blinding about who'd knicked my boots hahahah!

Hiya GV sweetie, how the hell are you?

Yeah, Zahi Hawass is a big dude in Egyptology. Basically he is the big cheese and he's in charge of any excavations at the Giza site. He is a good Egyptologist and has written some cracking books but lately I've found him a bit TV orientated.

There has been a TV series on about Tutankhamun where he has been trying to establish who his relatives are. He finds one little bit of evidence that could go either way then states he's solved the riddle for sure.

And he always wears some bad grandad style jeans LOL.

toujours said...

hope you've had a lovely day, miss t., one filled with lots of good memories. ♥

MissTottenham said...

Thanks TJ sweetie. We had a really nice time. We did soooooooooo much walking but made up for it by scoffing lots of fish and chips.

ergoproxy said...

We have people looking for a local octopus to predict our election results.
Though some say we should find giant octopus and just let it eat the candidates!

ergoproxy said...

Oh about that Zahi Hawass, my parents when they were in Egypt last year had a young tour guide who was an archaeologist/egyptologist who had studied with Zahi and absolutely hated him! Said he was very arrogant and yes, he felt, very oriented to his tv career rather than the good of the sites.