The ghost hunting was great but tiring cos by the end of it I'd been up for 25 hours with no sleep. They did make us lovely bacon sarnies in the morning and pumpkin soup that night. We were ghost hunting in the manor house when Mary Queen of Scots were kept prisoner for 19 years. There were soooooooo many orbs on the CCTV set up for each room, though they didn't come out on my digital camera but my mate had better luck with hers, she got a couple. The electromagnetic device went off in my hand a few times.
At first I was nervous about going into rooms on my own and I left the doors open but by the end of the night I was off by myself all over the place trying to see things. I volunteered to do a lone vigil in the nearby ruins but for safety reason they have to have one of their guys outside. While I was in the this really bright orb rolled across the ground by my feet and I shouted "white light" at the exact same time as the bloke outside shouted it. He'd taken a picture of spooky white mist with a woman's face in it at the exact same moment, cool eh?
Your adventure sounds great and am envious of your comfort in roaming around a dark and creepy haunted castle by yourself. Somehow I don't think I'd be able to pull it off that cooly. I'd be a huge dork and insist on holding your hand.
I love the feel and smell of books. It's one of those comfort things that helps to reel it all back in by fiddling with a few pages and jumping into an adventure.
If I won the lottery I'd also have extra rooms. One for my books and the other for my shoes!
Jenn sweetie, you are right about books.
LOL for a room full of shoes. I'm not a shoe fan but I've got a shit load of trainers.
I'm not a shoe fan but I've got a shit load of trainers.
Is that a shoe?
I don't know where I got my shoe thing. I don't think I inherited it from anybody.
Jenn sweetie, I guess you'd call them sneakers but to us Brits they are trainers LOL!
I am afraid of ghosts and walk in darkness,
But I loved the piece, although the square and read the stories that talk about ghosts
Ok, when I gave details about the places I lived, should I have explained that I was raised by a band of hippies and it was the 70s?
The pictures are bad - keep the ones in your mind - they're probably nicer. :)
LOL Jenn, the 70's eh? The decade that fashion forgot. I guess I'll let you off hahahaha!
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