Friday, 25 March 2011

Birthday thanks!

I wanna say thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday on Sunday. Most of your messages came in on facebook but I know you all from this here blogland. And as some of you are from different timezones the first message came in at 04:27am hahahahah! It just added to the fun.

It was really nice to get a steady stream of messages all through the day so I want to say thank you to you all again.

I love you guys xxx


Unknown said...

Sorry to miss your birthday. Hope all went well.

This is Katherine Indovina, by the way. Blogspot is insisting on using the id from my palm reader email. Sigh.

And my arm is doing better, thanks. Turns out I have a radial fracture and a radial head fracture, which is the inside bone on the arm (one on the same side as your thumb). It's sore, but I'm able to use it now in a limited capacity.

Jennicula said...

I'm so glad you had a great birthday! I ate pizza in your honor. :)

I agree, all work clothes should be banned.

I once worked with a girl who put a suggestion in the "Suggestion Box" that they should institute "Suit Day" where everybody would wear a suit to work.

I would agree to doing that if they took my suggestion of installing vodka fountains.

Also a suggestion that was passed up! :)

MissTottenham said...

Thanks for that Katherine sweetie. Oooooo that does sound sore. I hope you get well soon.


LOL Jenn sweetie, a vodka fountain. You go girl, Why the hell would they turn that down. Do they know nothing about keeping the workforce happy hahah!

Jennicula said...

I'm still baffled about the lack of vodka fountains at my office.

They mentioned something about "lawsuits" and "drinking at the workplace inappropriate."

What do they know? Shouldn't it be all about the office morale? I mean, they supply pizza shouldn't they offer beer to go with it?

MissTottenham said...

Yeah, and smokers get a fag break so why can't you have a vodka break. Sounds fair to me LOL.

Jennicula said...

My company recently went smokeless.

It's not a problem for me, but the people who are chain smokers have to leave the building to go smoke.

At first they were sitting in their cars in the parking lot, but "The Man" told them they couldn't smoke on the property, so now they drive to the local supermarket to smoke in their parking lot.

I don't think I'll see the vodka fountain anytime soon.

MissTottenham said...

It worries me when people will go to those lengths to go and smoke. Just don't do it then knock yourself out with all the fags you want when you get home.

But booze makes people happier so that would be the way to go workwise hahah!

Jennicula said...

I used to have a boss who would wake up in the middle of the night to smoke a cigarette. Not that he set his alarm, but that the nicotine craving was so bad it woke him up. I always feel bad for those people whose addictions run them into the ground like that.