Friday, 6 May 2011

Sad news

My younger cousin has cancer.

He found a lump on his testicle and had it removed. he was told that this cancer doesn't spread except to maybe your other testicle. that was the worst we were expecting. But what do you know? Doctors have found cancerous cells in his stomach and kidney. He needs serious chemo.

Please send your good vibes his way.


Welshie said...

Oh Miss T, I'm so, so sorry about your cousin. Sending my best wishes to him. I know that this is gonna be such a difficult time for you and your family so I'm giving you the biggest hug ever.

*squeezy hug*

I wish I had the power to make all the bad things go away.

Pickled Possum said...

Miss T,

May the chemo treatment knock those bastard cancer cells straight out of your cousin!

Sending him many good wishes and vibes.


MissTottenham said...

Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it.

We just gotta hang in there I suppose. It's just good to be able to talk.

Thanks again Welshie and PP.


Jennicula said...

I'm sending a little love and sunshine his way.

Just remind him about Lance Armstrong. He had a grim prognosis and he survived. Not only did he survive, but he was able to have more children!

MissTottenham said...

Hiye Jenn, thanks for that sweetie.

There was actually an article about Lance in the newspaper today and it did give him some inspiration.