My mates wedding was brilliant. It was sooooooooooo good to see everyone again.
She made a picture board with pics of us all as youngsters. Check out my crimped hair and shell suit. I love the 80's man.
you had dissolvable stitches GOTTCHA!!!
Doctors have a sick sense of humor sometimes.
I prefer them that way.
Years ago I went to have blood drawn and the doctor slipped when they were doing it. It sliced open my vein and the prettiest red arc over my head.
It sprayed the ceiling and wall behind me and up the front of the doctor.
It was so freaky looking I couldn't help but laugh. The doctor did not find it funny and nearly passed out.
We got my arm patched up and she ran from the room and through the waiting room.
When she came back I suggested that she change her coat because of they huge blood splatter up the front of her. She looked like she was part of a crime scene.
I've seen her around town and every so often she tells me her perspective of the "event" and we both laugh. She even asked if she could share the story with colleagues and friends. I told her to knock her socks off - I've told everybody. :)
Hey - LOVED the 80s pic. I guess we all had big hair back then.
LOL Jenn, that sounds funny. Veins can cause so many problems. Isn't it funny how the trained doctor was more freaked out than you were.
I've had situations where I've had to give blood and they can't find the vein so they've gone away and had someone else come and have a go. In the end there has been a proccession of about 6 or 7 people having a go LOL.
I still think it's funny that the doctor was more rattled than I was.
I just remember how strange the whole thing was at the time. Very surreal I guess.
When I told a friend of mine what happened she turned white from the story. Apparently she's not a blood person and faints at a drop. She told me that if that happened to her she would've raised hell about it.
I do hate when they can't find a vein and turn your arm into a pin cushion. That's no fun.
I also love fish n' chips. As long as they're not too greasy. Do you eat them with vinegar or ketsup or just plain?
Salt and vinegar every time Jenn. Malt or chip shop style vinegar, I'm not fussy.
Have you seen the cute little wooden forks they give out to eat them with? At bridlington, there is a chip shop with a large bench sized wooden fork outside which funnily enough is a bench. Cool eh?
I love the malt vinegar, but not a lot of places sell it.
And no cute little wooden forks, but lame plastic white ones.
I like the sound of the bench. Do you ever sit on it?
Jenn, I do sometimes sit on the giant fork bench. The only problem with that is that it makes me crave giant fish and chips too hahahahah!
I love the smell of rain right before it starts to rain and then of course after it rains. I'm with you on the sound of rain hitting the roof. Our old house had wonderful angled ceilings so the roof was right there practically next to my head when I was in bed. I would listen to the rain at night and it would send me over the abyss to sleep in a matter of minutes.
Craving giant fish and chips - hahahaha! I crave large bits of chocolate. :)
LOL I crave huge slices of pizza. Thank god it's pizza friday hee hee!
shhhhh! Now you know I'm a big softie. Don't tell anyone. :)
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