Sunday, 11 September 2011

Summer over

So, that was summer for another year? What summer? feels like I say this every year, oh yeah, that's cos I do cos it's always this crap. Why do we ever expect otherwise?


Jennicula said...

I'm sorry you feel that way this year. (Or any year for that matter)

My summer feels like it blinked by but when I think of all that I did I realize that it was actually not too short and not too long. It was just right.

I'm even looking forward to the Fall this year.

Fargin' garlic.

It's in Ev-ry-thing.

It would work out much better for me if I hated it.

But I don't.

It smells so good in foods I love.

I couldn't even tell you the last time I had garlic bread (and I love LOVE to dip that in an alfredo sauce).

MissTottenham said...

I sympathise with you cos mum hates garlic, the smell makes her want to vomit and we have to check all the labels of stuff to make sure it's not in there. It's in so many things you wouldn't expect isn't it?

Jennicula said...

Well, at least they don't put garlic in chocolate!

I love the smell and taste of garlic, but it doesn't love me.

My family had a terrible blow this past week. I'm not ready to talk about specifics, only that it came as a great surprise. We're still dealing with the aftermath and all that stuff.

I'll talk to you when I can.

Hug your loved ones as often as you can.

MissTottenham said...

Aw Jenn, that doesn't sound good. Look after yourself and yours and take the time you need sweetie and know that I'm here if you need me.

Loads and hugs and sending my thoughts your way xxxx

Jennicula said...

Hey there sunshine.

I looked at the computer yesterday and realized I owed you an email, but didn't get around to it.

So here goes.

My bf husband was a police officer and was murdered taking down a bad guy. The way he was killed was very brutal and heartbreaking. It's been tough for the family and friends to reconcile that fact.

On top of that, he was the first cop killed in action in their county since 1972, so the press was all over my friend and the family. She had to go into seclusion to get away from them so she could plan the funeral and deal with everything.

His funeral has 5000 people attending. Most of whom were cops. I've never been in a room with so many police officers. What really blew my mind was that officers from all over the country came to show their respect. They had read about it or saw it on television and felt compelled to come.

It's been a tough time and I start to cry when I think about Joe. He was probably the nicest person I've ever met. He was genuine with not a mean bone in his body.

She will survive as will I. I learned something through all this - you never realize how much space a person takes in your heart until they're gone.

Hope this didn't bring you down. I need to get out in the sunshine and smile at the sky for a bit.


MissTottenham said...

Oh Jenn that is so sad about Joe. You have my condolences. That's so touching though that so many officers came a long distance just to be there. My thoughts are with you and his family sweetie.

And no, you haven't brought me down. We have been sad ourselves as our little old lady friend or adopted gran as we called her passed away Sunday morning. Luckily she slipped away in her sleep but we are all sad and just waiting to hear when the funeral will be.

She's the last of that generation that we had. All that knowledge gone with her. I used to love listening to her talk about the old days.

I'll miss her, that's for sure.