Friday, 4 November 2011

I can hear the fireworks already

I hope everyone has a great bonfire night weekend. Watch out for the hedgehogs.


Jennicula said...

Why did that picture make me laugh so much?

We have a crazy squirrel that runs across our roof and jumps on to our fence. Then it will sit there and try to stare you down.

I've even seen it lay down on the fence like it was just too tired to go on.

There are other times he'll pick apples from the tree and throw them down onto the ground. Like he has some kind of deal with the groundhog. I think all those critters are in cahoots.

The cats (indoor) don't really know what to make of him.

MissTottenham said...

LOL Jenn, I'm sure all our local animals hang out together.

The other day I had to laugh, there is an all white cat a few doors down and he is deaf. He was sat on my neighbour's drive and I saw him through the window. He was sat next to the all black cat when suddenly he got up with such a disgusted look on his face and moved a metre away then sat down again. I swear the black cat must have farted for him to give that look.

Jennicula said...

That is too funny! I swear my cat farts and then looks at me as if I did it.

The animals probably have some kind of hang out (under my deck) and vote on all sorts of things. Like:
Who will gather the apples.
who will poop on the lawn
who will try to chew their way through the corner of the house
who will make loud noises in the middle of the night
who will poop on the cars.

They must gather once a month and pay dues.

At least that's how I see it.

ps - and people do suck. They suck so hard it boggles my mind.

MissTottenham said...

Hahahah it's an animal conspiracy.

Ours don't decide who's gonna poop on the lawn, they just all do it. I suppose it saves arguments.

Jennicula said...

It's so strange when you start on a new friendship.

I guess it's like dating. You show me yours and I'll show you mine. Unfortunately I showed mine and now they won't leave me alone.

They've taken to inviting themselves over at this point. It's strange.

MissTottenham said...

Oh no Jenn, are they getting quite stalkerish or just not understanding boundry issues?