Friday, 9 December 2011

When will it snow?

Please hurry up lovely white fluffy snow. I'm fed up of all this wind and rain.


Jennicula said...

We had snow already and I was quite surprised by it. It was so strange answering the door at Halloween with little trick-or-treaters and seeing snow piled up behind them. I nearly yelled "Merry Christmas" to them instead of "Happy Halloween!"

I am more ready for snow now. (I said "more," not "am" - please notice the difference) When do you usually start to see snow? We don't usually see flakes until mid-November at the earliest - and usually nothing to really get excited about.

My new friend is not really stalkerish, more like she's pushy. And when people scramble to be attached to my hip I initially run. I always wonder what their motives are. I'm in for the long haul, not a pit-stop. Ya know?

I saw the news about the people getting pepper-sprayed during a riot at a store. Yet one more reason why I try to avoid the holiday shoppers and their lunacy.

Willie and I had to go out on Saturday to do some shopping that had NOTHING to do with Christmas. But, we had to go where people go to shop and we were almost hit twice by crazy drivers who weren't looking but were driving. While talking on the phone, and reading a map, and yelling at their kids, and probably texting too.


I still need to get my tree and haven't decorated. I guess that will happen this week. How about you?

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn, well we finally got the tree up last weekend but we are only getting round to putting cards up this weekend.

We usually see snow just before Christmas and then again for a little after but last year it was early. My lil sis's borthday was on the 1st Dec and she reminded me that we were covered this time last year. I like the snow tom come cos I can handle white fluffy snow but I hate the ice. Though I always feel a bit sad when all the lovely white snow gets all dirty and slushy hee hee!

MissTottenham said...

Bloody spelling mistakes, mum turned the light off so we could see the lights on the tree but I'm here typing in the dark.

Jennicula said...

We finally got the tree up. Better late than never I guess.

I've been really busy at work, and couldn't take time off. My personal life has been super busy. I just don't have enough time in the day to do all the things that need to get done.

At this point, Christmas is breathing down my neck and I'm just not ready.

My parents just sold the family home and moved closer to me. I haven't lived this close to my own mother in over 20 years. It's kinda weird. I have to say that I'm more at peace with it. They were living in the middle of the woods and at their ages, you start to worry. When they get snow - they get SNOW! And when you get that kind of snow, if things go wrong, they go really wrong. I just worried about them.

So, anyway, I helped them move this past weekend, inbetween of course baking my Christmas cookies, decorating, moving my furniture around because we got stuff from my parents, shopping, and something else.

Oh yeah, I was sick to top it all off.


I need a break from the holiday already and it's not even here yet.

And Willie has taken over my computer at home and I can't even check my emails. Hopefully next week I'll be able to chill.

I hope.

ps - I like the snow too, but ice I can do without.

MissTottenham said...

Oh wow Jenn, I'm so glad that you have your parents closer to you, it must be a weight off your mind to get them out of those woods.

But bloody hell, I can't imagine moving home this close to Christmas. Wow, that was a massive thing to do. I'm not surprised you are playing catch up. I hope you manage to get a nice sit down with a cuppa at some point this Christmas. Get dunking some of those cookies.

Jennicula said...



When my parents put their home up for sale, they didn't expect it to sell in a matter of weeks. The buyers wanted to be in before Christmas.

I won't move again in December. It's just too much.

The P's seem to love their new place. My mom was especially excited about the fact that there's a bus she can take to a local market.

The town they moved from just got their first traffic light a couple years ago. They had a parade to celebrate.

Hey, have a great weekend and try to stay dry!

MissTottenham said...

The town they moved from just got their first traffic light a couple years ago. They had a parade to celebrate.

Wow, the 21st century finally reached them eh?