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Miss T! :D Good to see you're still around and updating - I haven't updated my blog in so long I nearly forgot I had one >_<
Rain, you say? We had a thunderstorm a few days ago that came down so hard at one point it sounded like a bucket of pebbles was being thrown at the window! But I think it's supposed to be sunny and rain-free for the next week *crosses fingers*
Any recent trouble with the neighbours or have they been behaving or, better yet, moved?
Hiya RW sweetie, so glad to read you. How'vw ya been?
I'm good, neighbour is behaving as much as he does. His girlfriend has had enough of him and says she doesn't understand how he is still alive with what he is drinking. She only comes round to walk the dogs cos if she didn't he wouldn't and he has 6 now.
Wow, that sounds like quite a thunderstorm. We haven't had the thunder but lots of rain and hailstones. the weather people are saying winter isn't over yet and they have said we'll get snow on the hills near us over the next few weeks. Made eh? It's nearly June for crying out loud.
Bloody spelling mistakes.
You're expecting snow?? Hell's bells! O_O
It's looking like summer here now, +27C-ish most days and sunny. We didn't get much of a winter last year, and as a result we had a long spring. I don't usually get seasonal allergies, or at least don't get them bad enough to really notice. But not so this year, alas. Thank god for the meds!
How did your neighbour end up with 6 dogs?? Sounds like he can barely take care of himself, let alone that many pets.
I am currently between work contracts (as I usually am this time of year). I am on-call for costume work on a TV show, but so far they haven't called. I don't mind having the time off, especially as it will probably be my only time off for the the rest of the year. But what inevitably happens is my sleep pattern gets well and truly mucked up. I am currently asleep during the day and up in the wee hours of the night. It's not awful, but a little dull as that's when most other people are asleep so I've no one to hang out & chat with. What would really suck is if I get a call one night to go into work the next morning when I haven't had enough sleep. Oh well, I shall cross that bridge when I come to it.
I have been trying out a few spa treatments now that I have the time. Got my legs and underarms waxed (I'll keep up with the underarm waxing, i think, at least in the summertime, but will stick with just shaving my legs). I've also recently gotten my eyelashes tinted (I can just do that at home from now on ) and permed. Yes, permed! I've always had wonky eyelashes, and this worked them out a treat. Honestly, i didn't even know such a service existed until about a month ago. It's supposed to keep your lashes curled for up to three months. We shall see.
Any summer plans for you? i had tentatively planned on a trip to New York City/Long Island in June, but that's fallen though. Was thinking about rescheduling it for October, but now I know I'm going to be busy then with no time off. Good for my bank account, but kind of disappointing anyway. I haven't had a proper holiday in a while. I am thinking New York, London, or New Orleans maybe next year.
Hiya RW sweetie.
Well, the weather people got it wrong again. No snow but plenty of hot sunshine, long may it last
The neighbour had two dogs which had pups, I think a couple of people have bought one then brought it back. To be honest, I think the cost of all the food means he gets to spend less on booze and he hasn't been blasting the music too much lately. Poor things only have his dump of a garden to roam as he doesn't take them for a walk. His lady friend comes each day to take each one for a walk of a few meters, hardly worth it but more than he does.
I'm sorry that you are between work at the mo, but if the weather is nice, it's agreat time of year to have some time to yourself. Make the most of it. Next week we have a two day bank holiday for the Queen's jubilee, 60 years on the throne. I hope it stays sunny for that.
Ooooooo you are brave, I've waxed my legs before but always cringed at the thought of that for the underarms, it seems too delicate an area for me. Did it hurt bad? Blimey, permed eyelashes, never heard of that before. Don't do it too often or they'll end up too curly and you'll have eyelash afro hee hee!
No proper holiday plans, we always go to the seaside in July where we scattered dad's ashes and try to stay a night or two but it's been a few years since I had a real holiday, can't afford one right now on my part time wage. Shame. I hope you do manage to get yourself off somewhere.
If you do come to London next year, it would be great to meet up. let me know if you decide to.
At least if this weather holds out we should have a nice summer, though we usually only get about three days of summer before the rain starts again, boo.
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