Friday, 4 January 2013

What a way to start the year

We have had a few mishaps. I'm off work at the mo and was supposed to go back Monday but I'll be having another week off at least cos I've managed to break my toe. New Years eve, just after midnight me and mum went upstairs to look at the fireworks from her bedroom window and I managed to knock the vase off the windowsill right onto my toe. Never felt pain like it and never seen that shade of purple before. I can hobble around but it'll be ages before I can put a shoes in this foot. What a way to start the year. We also had a clamity with the kitchen tap. It was Saturday after Christmas and we got back from a party at a friends house. Mum turned the tap on to fill the kettle and she couldn't turn it off, water was gushing. After much screaming she ran to get nice neighbour to help. He isolated it under the sink so we didn't have to turn the stop cock off and lose all water. The council have just been about half hour ago and we have nice new taps, let's see how long it takes her to break these LOL.


resurrected wreck said...

Calamity! O_o What a way to start a new year!

I hope your toe heals soon. I've never had a broken bone, but the scar from my infected cyst I&D this summer is still sensitive. Not the same as a broken toe - I can put on shoes and get around!

MissTottenham said...

LOL RW, *shakes fist at you and your blatent show wearing*

I haven't left the house since before New Years except for half an hour to go to the doctors.

Bored yet? Yup I bloody am.

Sorry to hear about your scar, made me wince just thinking about it.

resurrected wreck said...

How's your foot doing? I've got a friend who's broken toes at three - yes, three - concerts. Such are the dangers of mosh pits!

MissTottenham said...

Toe is still poorly but slowly on the mend.

Wowee at 3 concerts? blimey, your friend should maybe buy some sturdy concert going boots from now on.

Funny thing is, my friend came round Wednesday for a catch up and she just managed to get her shoes back on after breaking her toe too.

resurrected wreck said...

My friend used to think it acceptable to wear open-toed shoes to concerts. Not anymore!

How long ago did your friend break her toe?

MissTottenham said...

My friend broke her toe putting away xmas decorations so just a few weeks. After looking at mine she thinks she's just fractured hers.

She has always been accident prone like you wouldn't believe.

resurrected wreck said...

So's my friend who broke three of her toes. I've not broken anything except fingernails.

jennicula dropping in said...

I finally got an apology after two weeks.

Frankly I was surprised she even remembered that she had talked to/at me.

She says she thought I was somebody else.

I haven't answered her yet.

Not sure if I'm going to. Her calls were frightening. It makes me think about whether or not I want open communication lines again, or just wait until she reaches out again years from now during another lucid moment.

Yet for some stupid reason I still feel guilty for not answering her.

MissTottenham said...

Oooooooooooo RW, three toes. That wasn't all at once was it?

That's cos you are a good person Jenn. It's always the good people that have their conscience knaw away at them. the crap people just don't give a shit.

resurrected wreck said...

Oooooooooooo RW, three toes. That wasn't all at once was it?

Thankfully, no. It happened at three separate concerts. She now sings the praises of steel-toed boots.

Congrats on the job. Have you got a place to stay in Stratford?

Thank you :D Yes, I've got a place to stay. I'll be living with someone I worked briefly with several years ago. She has a spare room in her place that she rents out each season to someone coming in to Stratford from out of town. Laundry and Internet are included, happily. I move there a week tomorrow, but I'll be back in Toronto the following weekend as it's a long weekend for us.

MissTottenham said...

I'm so glad that you'll be staying with someone you know. Glad to hear that laundry and internet are included too.

Are you looking forward to it or would you rather be staying at home?

resurrected wreck said...

I'd much rather be staying home. Toronto/my little apartment here is the first place that's really felt like home to me since I still lived with my parents so it's hard to leave it, even if only temporarily. I will be keeping my apartment in Toronto while I'm away, so at least I can come home some weekends. But really, I'll be glad when it's May. I don't like having to leave town for work, not anymore.

It will all be bearable though as long as I have Internet access, which I should have access to where I'll be staying.

How's things been for you these days? What's winter like over where you are?

MissTottenham said...

I'm so glad that you'll be able to come home at intervals cos being away till May is a long time.

Things are OK here, we've had a lot of snow these last few weeks, it is the worst time of year to break your toe shoe wise. Everyone else I've talked to who broke theirs say "it was summer so I just put flip flops on and carried on" Yeah, flip flops in 6 inches of snow isn't any good to me LOL.

resurrected wreck said...

Yes, I don't think winter flip-flops exist, unfortunately!

So I am back in Toronto this weekend. I have been out in Stratford only a week so far but already I can feel my stress level dropping. People are much more courteous and more civilized out there. And I've forgotten what a pleasant place the festical theatre is to work at. A bit regimented re: breaks, start and end times, that sort of thing, but I've actually found that doesn't bother me. And the place I'm staying at is good too (with high-speed wireless Internet - huzzah!), though the matress on the bed is somewhat uneven and I kind of feel like it's trying to toss me off it any time I lay down. But otherwise it's comfortable.

I expect to be back in Toronto every 3 weeks or so. I'd like to be back more often, but unless you have a car the only way in and out of Stratford is by train, and that's not cheap. I hear there are some people who have vehicles and commute on weekends. I will have to find out who ther are and see if we can carpool.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya RW, I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself.

It would be good to find someone to share a car with, It's always good to come home even if you've been on the best holiday of your life.