Friday, 30 August 2013

Anybody got a job?

So, they are restructuring at our place and my job may not be there much longer. The job search starts now. Sad face times infinity.


Jennicula said...

Boo to "restructuring"

MissTottenham said...

Boo indeed.

jennicula over here said...

How's the job "restructuring" going?

I don't think anybody over here talks like a pirate unless they try to talk like a pirate.

Ooo ar.

I like it.

MissTottenham said...

Today was my last day. As of this moment I am redundant and without a job.

My future looks full of application forms and god, how I love them.


jennicula said...

Sorry to hear it was your last day.

Did they at least give you cake and pizza?

I hate interviews and applications.

Once upon a time, I had an interview for a little company. The building itself was hidden in a complex. I wasn't familiar with the area and I got lost. Really lost.

I called to tell the person with whom I was interview with that I got lost and that I might be a little late.

She gave me vague directions and then hung up on me. I tried her stupid directions and wound up really extra lost.

When I called her back to try and re-schedule (mind you I was even still considered on time for the meeting) she started to yell at me and give me shit.

I told her to remove my name from her interview list. She sounded completely shocked and asked why I was going to not meet with her.

I told her that if she feels comfortable yelling at me and giving me such a ration of shit and she doesn't even know me, there was no way I would ever want to work for her.

I still remember her name. Oddly enough, her last name was Nicely.

She wasn't.

Good luck on your interviews.

I'm sure you'll do great!

MissTottenham said...

Nicely, never has there been a more inappropriate name.

I'm glad that you did get lost cos if you'd got the job, it's probably have been horrible. It's that fate thing happening again. You had a lucky escape.

Jennicula said...

If her name had been anything other than that, I never would've remembered.

How's the search going?

MissTottenham said...


That's how it's going.

jennicula said...


I hear ya.

I hope you find exactly what you want and they over-pay you because they love you so much.

MissTottenham said...

*in sad sobbing voice*

I would love to be overpaid.

Jennicula said...

I would love to be overpaid too.

[pats you on the shoulder]

MissTottenham said...

*still sobbing*

Jennicula said...

Don't sob. You'll be alright. Hey, maybe you'll even find a better job than you had before. One that you love, love, love and they love you in return.


As a child, I didn't get it. There were no leaves to kick around. I couldn't even wrap my head around the idea of it. When my mother would explain it to me, all I kept thinking was "Ugh, what a mess!"

Now I know better.

I love the mess. I love the smell. I love the colors.

My front lawn is an ocean of yellow at the moment. My trees are bare and there's a chance of snow on Saturday night.

The. Best. Season. Ever!

resurrected wreck said...

*pokes you back* :)

resurrected wreck said...

I'm sorry about the job restructuring :( Being someone who does contract work in the precarious profession of theatre, I can commiserate. Good luck with the job search, and if you find yourself flagging have a restorative pizza break :)

MissTottenham said...

Jenn, I love looking out of the window and seeing all the Autumn colours while you are snuggy warm with the heating on.

if you find yourself flagging have a restorative pizza break :)

RW, it's like you can read my mind.

resurrected wreck said...
