Friday, 28 February 2014

So busy, March is crazy

Weddings suck the life out of you. I'm very happy for my Sis but blimey, it'll be nice to put my feet up when it's all over.


jennicula (achoo) said...

[covers mouth]

Yes, I have the lurgy - whatever that is I think I've got it. And it's infected too. Going to the Dr. today to finally get some antibiotics. I give up.

You think weddings can suck the life out of you? Wait until they have a baby :)

Jennicula said...

I actually understand why people go nuts in the deep winter.

I crave sunshine and warmer weather. Today it's so cold I nearly froze my bits off brushing the stupid snow off my car.

MissTottenham said...

Oh no, I hope the antibiotics are clearing up the lurgy.

I can't believe it's still so cold for you. the newspapers say that this weekend the UK will be warmer than Ibiza.

jennicula said...

[covers face with hanky]

I'm so sorry to hear about your lurgy. It is no fun. Not even a little bit fun.

All I can say is keep hydrated and if your cough hangs on for more than a week, go to the doctor. You don't want bronchitis.

Feel better soon.

[sprays a bit of Lysol and leaves a box of tissues for you]

MissTottenham said...

Jenn, I'm at that stage where it's coming to an end but my snot has gone so thick (TMI, I know). It feels like I am sniffing up wallpaper paste LOL.