Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween!!!


Jennicula popping by said...

I would've given much to have a birthday on Halloween.

Instead my birthday was usually the first week of school, which is not a gift I wanted to have :)

I dressed as Link today. I was really surprised at how many closeted gamers there are out there.

MissTottenham said...

LOL, I bet you looked brill.

I just wore my new black dress, a witches hat and my lovely skull and crossbones tights.

Jennicula popping by said...

Very true on the birthday thing. And the presents suck. They're all back-to-school supplies - which I was going to get anyway. Or school clothes which were never fun. My brother got the same stuff as me and it wasn't even his birthday.

Your costume sounded great! Did you have many tricksters?

MissTottenham said...

No offense they sound like totally sucky presents.

We didn't get loads but we got about 8. We don't get many kids coming round anymore cos the pub down the road puts on a party for them.

I bet you got loads.