Thursday, 15 October 2015

Welcome Amelie Erica

Congrats to Michelle and Neil. Baby Amelie Erica was born weighing 7lb 13oz. What a little cutie.

Finally I'm an auntie.


Anon616 said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Auntie Caz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shushes self as not to wake the beautiful baby girl*

THAT is the sweetest face I've seen in almost 18 years (since the birth of my nephew)!!!!!! SHE is gorgeous! Absolutely perfect! A HUGE congratulations to her proud parents too!!! And, I bet your mom is THRILLED to be a grandmother (or "maw~maw") as we call them down here.

Welcome to the world Amelie Erica!!!!!! May it be as beautiful to you as you are to your auntie (and parents and all of your family)!

Hugs and Much Love,
*auntie 6/Wendy from Louzianna, USA

MissTottenham said...

Aw, thank you so much Wendy. You are such a sweetie. That was lovely of you to say.

jennicula popping by said...

How wonderful and exciting!

Congrats to you and your whole family! She looks beautiful.

Babies smell so good and their skin is so soft and when they snuggle... oh... it's like heaven slipping down on to you.

Have fun with her, take pictures. You think this will last forever (like when she's not sleeping) but then all too soon this part is over and you've gone on to another wonderful age. I know you'll be the best auntie around.

MissTottenham said...

Aw, thank you Jenn sweetie. I am spoiling her already.

jennicula popping by said...

How is that baby girl doing?

MissTottenham said...

She's doing great Jenn sweetie. She cries to be fed a lot but you can stop her crying with a lot of bouncing. When I brrrrrrr her lips it makes her smile so bad. She's gorgeous and we are being sent plenty of photos. I'll be seeing her tomorrow cos sis has am optician's appointment. Whenever they bring her over, me and mum argue over who's getting the first hold LOL.

resurrected wreck said...

Congrats, Miss T!! Auntieness is awesome :)