Thursday, 16 June 2016

Back from the Dead

Last weekend, my cousin's wife organised a back from the dead party. We had to dress as celebrities who died in 2015/16.

I went as Miss Marple as the actress who played her died. My friends have all commented on what a convincing old woman I made, Hmmmmmmmm.

My mum won best dressed woman and she went as ................... David Gest.

Here are some pics, enjoy.

Me as Miss Marple, thank goodness for charity shops, I swear those are not my normal clothes.

Mum as David Gest. I did the make up and she did the tights (stocking for my American chums) on her head.

This pic is from the night before. Mum wanted to practise to make sure that the eyeliner beard and eyebrows came off alright. She managed to wipe her beard away but I caught her shouting "I can't get me eyebrows off, I can't get me eyebrows off". Of course I pissed myself. PS don't tell her I shared this or she'll kill me.


jennicula popping by said...

I love it!

You guys look so cute and your mum is a scream!

"Damnboo" = Bamboo. Except mine is a damned nuisance. It's damn bamboo = damnboo. I was in the yard chopping stalks down that grew taller than me in one week. While there I got bird shit all over me and had to pick of deer ticks (Lyme Disease carriers) off me. I even woke up with one burrowed in my leg the next morning. Blech. Those things give me the willies. Now I have to make sure that I don't get a bullseye mark on me. If I do, I got the Lyme.

Had another co-worker pass this week. 46. Bad news. Apparently not many people were surprised. I guess he partied too much and was spun. Going to the service tonight. I think I"m done with all this death stuff. It's depressing. So, I decree no more death of friends, acquaintances, loved ones for a while.

I still have the stupid damnboo to chop down this week and we're on a massive clean up at the house before my brother and wife come to visit. So, I'll be scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing this weekend. And a bit of cooking.

Be good. Thanks for sharing the pics. I know I owe you some. :)

MissTottenham said...

LOL, Thanks Jenn. It was such a laugh, though I did keep popping away to watch the footie. Important European championship doncha know.

Hahahaha lovin the Damnboo. I hope you show it who's boss. Yuck to the ticks, we only have them here if you go into deep, deep countryside. We don't have to worry about them in our everyday lives. They do say that it is good luck to be shat on by a bird so get that lottery ticket now.

Bloody hell, another death? And only 46. That's shocking that people expected it too. Did he really look that unhealthy?

LOL, so you are gonna be a scrubber this weekend. That's what we call trampy people. I'm sure you are not gonna look trampy while doing the Damnboo. You could try burning it to death if all else fails. Just try not to set the neighbourhood on fire.

You are welcome for the pics. Mum would rather people see her dressed up daft than what she really looks like LOL.

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jennicula popping by said...

I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. Until I felt like my finger prints were rubbed off.

Brother and wife came and we had a WONDERFUL time. We did all sorts of touristy things, ate wonderful food and visited with the parents. His trip was too short, but when he left we were exhausted.

Damnboo - everybody loves it. It is pretty and it does give us privacy, but I still hate it. It's dirty. It would be less dirty if the birds didn't live in it. When it gets real humid out and we have the house fan on, it sucks in the outside air through the house. Well, the damnboo stinks. It smells like maple syrup or something. It's disgustingly sweet until it rains and washes pooh and whizzer off the leaves.

Apparently the guy who died had a very bad addiction and had relapsed. He didn't look bad the last time I saw him which was probably a month or so before he passed. You just never know what people carry on the inside.

I agree with your mum. I'd rather be pictured in something goofy than in regular life.


MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn, I'm so glad that your brother and wife had a great visit. I bet it was lovely to see them. Doing touristy things and eating well is wonderful, I'm jealous.

That damnboo sounds pretty stinky, I didn't know that it was smelly, that's a shame. Are you gonna chop it down or bear with it?

Poor bloke, you are right that you just don't know what's going on in people's lives. I wonder why people who have been sober and relapse, knowing how life can be sober, don't reach out for help. They know they can do it, it's so sad that something happens which makes them give up wanting to do it.

Such a shame xx

Jennicula said...

I wish I could tape the noise coming from the ducking damnboo. It sounds like a jungle in there. I'd say it's funny but it's getting on my nerves.

Well muster through. Willie loves the damnboo. He's going to have to kick the bucket before me if I want to chop it all down. He says he's going to out live me to keep the damnboo around. A true love story!��

Holy shit. Did you see that? I've never emoticonned before. I'm just going to enjoy it for a bit.

And listen to the wild country safari in my backyard.🍌🐮

jennicula popping by said...

I'm sorry for posting a cow 🐮 in your blog.

I really thought it was a dog.

I guess I really shouldn't text without glasses on! =)

MissTottenham said...

Hahaha! Your emoticons are cool. I love the banana cow combination. Dunno what it means but it's cool anyway.

Jennicula said...

I'm a horrible singer. Not that it stops me though. But it just feels good to get it out. I'm an avid singer in the car. Fortunately I don't have a lot of passengers.😸🌻

MissTottenham said...

Oh god, I would never sing in front of anyone. I only ever sing daft stuff to my cockatiel or to Amelie in front of people. I never sing things people could recognise and realise how bad I am LOL.

jennicula popping by said...

The Boy was raised with singing in the car. We'd have our favorites to sing along to. He used to really like the 70s. I guess those songs were easier to sing along with. Although, it was pretty funny hearing him sing Kid Rock's "Cowboy"

I'm a terrible singer, but I love to do it. Willie is not so much a fan.