Thursday, 19 January 2017

Little Madam in her beloved wellies



Jennicula said...

That girl!

Love the Wellies. I have a pair that I stomp around the yard in. They have stripes.

Every girl needs a good pair of boots to start off with.

I can't chat but wanted to let you know I'm saying prayers for your Auntie.

Talk to you tomorrow.

MissTottenham said...

Thanks for your well wishes Jenn, we may still need them.

Yes, she loves those willies, I agree that every girl needs some good willies to stomp in. Mine have skulls on them, love them.

I'm sure it's that stomping that taught her to walk.

jennicual popping by again said...

Told ya I'd be back.

I was thinking about your Auntie last night. Seems like a lot of health crap is going around. Still sending positive vibes your way and wishing for a speedy recovery.

My step-mum seems to be feeling better but still needs surgery next week. She's actually looking forward to it because she knows she'll feel better afterwards. It's more like a maintenance surgery (non-elective) that she has a couple times a year. The cancer stuff? She has come up clean twice, which has been a miracle. We're just trying to appreciate the time we still have with her.

BTW - you just can't go wrong with Wellies. Ever. They are a "must have" in your closet. I can't wait until spring rolls around and I can muck about in the yard with them.

Be good, give hugs, eat pizza (like me today)


Unknown said...

Nhung mau nha dep hcm
Cong ty Thiet ke nha dep hcm

Mau Biet thu dep tai hcm
Biet thu hien dai hcm
Biet thu co dien hcm

Mau Nha pho dep tai hcm
Thiet ke Nha pho hien dai
Mau Nha pho co dien

Mautrang tri noi that hcm
Thiet ke va Thi Cong Noi that dep tphcm
Mau noi that dep tai tphcm

MissTottenham said...

Thanks for your good wishes for Auntie Anne. We will find out the next stage on Monday. We are all so nervous but we'll deal with whatever happens.

I'm so glad that your step-mum is feeling better. I hope her op goes well, it's great that she positive about it knowing it'll make her feel better.

We are forecast snow tomorrow, I hope it comes as it'll be the first Amelie has seen and I can't wait to see her stomping through it in her wellies.

LOL, autocorrect wanted to put that as willies.

Jennicula popping in said...

Hello there!

Still sending good vibes to your Auntie. The waiting is the worst. You know they have the information. Just give it to me. But then again, I'm one of those people who rips the band-aids off instead of jerking around and trying to peel it off slowly. Just be done with it and move on.

Step-mum is doing alright. Haven't heard about the surgery yet. I think she went in yesterday - or will next week. She tends to forget to tell me what's going on.

We had snow yesterday. Not as much as I had hoped for, but enough to have a late start at work, so I enjoyed it. I remember when the boy saw his first snow. We pulled him around the yard in a little sled. He was stuffed into a snow suit and crammed into the sled. He loved it and loved playing in it. I think he was almost 1 when he saw his first snow. His first sentence a year later was "More snow dada!"

That flipping auto correct. I've had issues. Don't even get me started on Siri.

MissTottenham said...

I'm glad your step-mum is doing alright. My Auntie is in the process of having scans and we'll have to wait once again for more results. What we know so far is that it went into 4 lymph nodes and she'll need chemo, 6 lots. Just gotta do all this scanning first. She had her bone scan today but they never tell you when you'll get the results. Her cat scan is in the 27th, I'll keep you updated.

Aw bless, that's a lovely story. We didn't get anything really snow wise so I'm still waiting for that moment with Amelie, though we do bundle her up in her snow suit and pop her willies on and let her do some serious puddle sploshing.

jennicula was here said...

You're right about the footprints in the snow. I like to walk down my driveway part way and then back track back up so it looks like my walking stopped in the middle of nowhere. Just like I disappeared.

It was spring like weather this weekend. Too warm and weird for February. We'll probably go right back to winter next week, get a huge snow storm and then everybody will get sick from going from cold to hot to cold.

Best wishes to your Auntie. The waiting is the worst. I know the doctors are used to this, but I think they forget about the anxiety you can get just waiting for the results. Step mum is doing ok. She's having some issues that needs a doctor visit, so we'll see.

Puddle sploshing - I loved puddle sploshing. Now I'm too old. I get cranky when my shoes and socks get wet.

abo-bder said...
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MissTottenham said...

It's been super gale weather here. Totally ruined my umbrella today. Thank god that's this working week done and I don't need to leave the house if I don't want to.

I hope your step-mum gets her issues sorted. I hate having a collection of niggles that makes you have to get off your arse to see the Dr.

My Auntie had her bone scan the other day but we haven't heard the results yet. She has a cat scan on Monday and she's been to the dentist cos you have to get your teeth sorted before chemo as you can't have anything done during the weeks of treatment.

Just waiting for results now and treatment to start.

jennicula said...

I don’t envy your weather. It’s been super spring-like. As a matter of fact, today it’s shorts weather. Not that I can wear them at work, but believe me, I’ll be barefooting it when I get home. Only a few more hours and I’m done for the week also. I have no plans other than nothing.

Step-mum is doing alright. She’s a mess on a good day and has been for 25 years. I can’t imagine living like that for so long. If anything, when I’m whining about my aches and pains, I do think of her and remind myself that life could be so much worse. That usually will get me to stop and be thankful for my own problems.

Other than being poked and prodded, how are your Aunties spirits? Teeth sorted. I never thought of that. I guess I should be thankful that there’s a whole bunch of stuff I don’t know because I haven’t needed to. Does she know when she can start her treatments?

Is it just me or did February fly by? I know it’s a shorter month, but it seems like it was only yesterday and it was the 1st of the month.

How is that little girl and her Wellies? Tis the season for splashing around in them.

MissTottenham said...

Little Madam is very happy, I went to playgroup with her today and we had a great time.

She absolutely loves pinching bits of my big girls food. She sits on my knee leaning back like she's chilling with her leg slung over the side of mine and a smug look on her face cos she's got some big girls food. You should see that little smug face, she looks so proud of herself.

Auntie Anne had her bone scan, she's had her cat scan and she was due to have a heart scan, but when she turned up she couldn't cos they hadn't bothered telling her that she had to stop taking her beta blockers first. It's been rescheduled for next week. It won't stop her having the chemo which I think starts next week. She's still having physio and having difficulty raising her arm, she'll need to be able to do that before she can have her radiotherapy. At least when she starts the chemo, she's got 18 weeks until she needs to do that. She'll have 6 chemo's over 18 weeks.
I went to the breast clinic today. My sis came with me and we all talked over the family history. She'll refer me for yearly mammograms and sis can too cos she's 40 this year. We can take tamoxifen for 5 years but when you do start, it will bring on menopause symptoms. You can choose when to take it but if you are healthy, you may lose out my bringing on the menopause so it's better to start it when you start the menopause cos you'll already have the symptoms anyway and have nothing to lose. You take it for 5 years but then it continues to protect you for 10 - 15 years after that. To have average chances of getting it, which are 1 in 8 women, they count up the amount of women in the family that have encountered cancer. In our group it was 4 out of 12 women, which gives us a moderately better chance of getting it as we are more then the average, that's why we can have the mammograms.

I hope that we get shorts wearing weather like you but I doubt it. Send some this way.

jennicula said...

I love that Little Madam is helping herself to your food. That's how we got the Boy to try things. He has a great palette and was willing to try all different kinds of foods. I knew that when he said he didn't like something, he really didn't care for it because he tried it.

You'll have to let me know how the chemo goes. My one girlfriend wasn't as upset about losing her hair as she was that she had really dry mouth. She couldn't spit. Not that she was a spitter - she was very proper (and good girls don't spit) - but the fact that she couldn't spit really upset her.

Hang in there and give her a hug for me.

Jennicula said...

I saw a little boy at the market the other day and he was wearing his wellies too. I thought of little madam as he was tearing up the aisle. His poor mother could hardly keep up. 😊

MissTottenham said...

LOL Jenn, that poor boy's mother. Amelie is starting to run now, she's still quite unsteady when she does that but she has walking down to a tee.

I know what you mean, she didn't want to spit but the fact that she couldn't upset her. Since I had my sinuses drained when I was little, I can't cough up a greenie, I can make the noise but there's nothing there. Not really something I want to do but I do sometimes feel cheated LOL.

So Auntie Anne has had her pre chemo tests. Her bone scan came back clear, her heart scan was fine but her cat scan showed two lesions. She has been told that if they are cancer, they are microscopic, but she has at have a pet scan in the next couple of days to find out more. Her chemo has been put back to next Thursday now. We should have her scan results on Tuesday so send some good vibes this way.