Thursday, 12 July 2018

More little Madam


Jennicula said...

Is that little girl a Mad Hatter or what? She's only getting cuter and cuter. How can you stand it? I think I like the one with the mussed hair the best.

I love those pictures of kids either just waking up with the bed-head or just out of the tub and scrubbed clean but still messy. They just look so innocent and huggable and kissable. And you know they smell good.

I love it!

We have an English gentleman living in our neighborhood and he's always very quiet on the 4th. I'm not sure what he does on that day, but his home is always dark as if nobody were home. Maybe he's hiding from the crazies lighting fireworks.

Our celebration was quiet this year. We were away and in a strange part of the country. Apparently the entire town shuts down to get ready for the show. We stayed in but heard the windows rattle as the biggest of the explosions went off.

I ran outside to see what I could see and all I could see was the glow beyond the buildings across the street. I was a stranger in town and didn't know my way, but I have to tell you, if I'm ever there for the 4th again, I know where to go for the biggest and best display.

Jennicula said...

"Thank God we got rid of them" ~ Classic!

MissTottenham said...

Isn't she just a cutie though?

Today she was a mermaid and I made her a tail out of a blue towel and we watched the little mermaid songs on youtube. Then she proceeded to use a bedsheet to wrap me like a birthday present and jump on me when I couldn't see her coming.

I hope you had a great thank god we got rid of them day. I read an interesting thing the other day about how that war was won. Apparently us Brits we trying t fight but you Yanks just kept running away until in the end we said "Oh for fuck's sake, we are going home cos we can't be arsed anymore". Strange tactic but there you go. I never knew that before.

Anyway, I hope you had a great day. We don't really have a day like that. We have St George's day in England, Ireland has St Patrick's, Wales has St David's and Scotland has St Andrew's. But we don't have anything that is a day for the whole UK. Therefore they just pass quietly apart from St Patrick's which is any excuse for the Irish to get pissed LOL. Although we all pretend to be Irish for the day and everyone gets pissed hahaha!

jennicula popping by said...

Hi Miss T, I know I’m a good friend. Too good for some. Not so good with others. What can I say, I’m inconsistent at best.

That little girl is just amazingly cute. I miss that age. Their little brains creating fantastical stories. Their make-believe is nearly real. It’s wonderful. I saw that you can purchase mermaid tail blankets – or if you were crafty enough, you could make one! I’m about able to hot glue things together but just barely. She sounds like quite a trickster too! Wrapping you up like a present and then jumping on you! Silly girl. She got you good!

I really did have a good “Thank God we got rid of them” Day. That war tactic would be how I’d fight. You can always run away to fight another day. It’s not cowardice, it’s planning. Nothing like wearing your adversary down until they really don’t give a shit anymore!

What about Guy Fawkes Day? Is that a good one? We celebrate any holiday we can. Not me personally, but America. If we can commercialize it, even better. If we can drink to it, we’ll make it national.

MissTottenham said...

You are a fantastic friend Jenn.

I've seen those mermaid tails, they look great. She's crazy into all things pink which she came to all by herself cos we never dressed her in pink or gave her pink things. Her friend had a boy a few months before her so most of her stuff was boys, maybe she's rebelling against that LOL.

She loves Foofa and Yo gabba Gabba, mum and dad have got her a stuffd one for her birthday, she also loves the Oddbods, the pink one of course and they've bough her one of those. She's loving My Little Pony and her favourite is Pinkie Pie. She's always pretending to be Foofa, Pinkie Pie, Newt (oddbod) or Peppa pig. She always tells you who you are too. She's wanting a Pinkie Pie mashem, today she opened one but it was rarity. I'll get her one for her birthday, thank goodness for people who open them and sell them on ebay so you know exactly which one it is.

Guy Fawkes day, yes. We celebrate the foiling of mass murder of our government by explosion by way of burning things. The old tradition was that you would burn a Guy effigy on the bonfire and in the days running up to the day itself, children could beg with the effigy saying "penny for the Guy". That doesn't really happen these days, it's just the bonfires and fireworks. I bet the UK looks great from space on November 5th.

Feel free to celebrate our holidays.

Jennicula said...

Hello Sunshine! It’s “Be an Angel Day.” I try and try to be angelic, but there’s a little bit of devil woven in my soul and I can’t quite commit to that whole purity thing. I itch to be naughty most of the time.

How is life treating you across the pond these days?

I just wanted to pop by to say “hi” and to let you know I have been thinking of you. I haven’t had much time to myself lately. The plans I made for last weekend didn’t actually happen. Parts did, but I’m still very much behind the eight ball these days.

Thank you for your friend support. I know sometimes I don’t deserve it, so thank you.

What was your favorite color when you were her age? Mine might have been pink also. Although my mother loved yellow, so I had a lot of yellow things (my least favorite color in the world and looks awful on me). The boy loved green.

Foofa, Yo Gabba Gabba, Oddbods are new names for me. The boy was in to Blues Clues, The Bear in the Big Blue House, The Comfy Couch (with Luna), and of course Thomas the Tank Engine. Bananas in Pajamas? Yikes! I can still hear their theme song rattling around in my head. I love when the kids get into something that is their own. If it’s a good show (or book) they learn great things. When the boy got older he was into Pokemon. We spent a lot of money on those stupid cards for the game. I have a closet full of them. I had to google your Pinkie Pie mashem. They can get expensive I see.

I might try to Celebrate Guy Fawkes Day, just to see what will happen when I light up a bonfire in my yard. I’ll let you know if the police show up or not. Do you have any other fun holidays I might like?

We have Labor Day coming up. It’s not a flashy holiday. It’s really wrapping up the summer and moving on to autumn. Lots of picnics. I like it, but people always insist that I go to their homes to party. I just want to stay home and do my own thing for a long weekend.

Ooops, lunch is over.

Hugs to you!

♥♥♥ <- you'll never guess where I got those from. I stole them just for you.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you for your friend support. I know sometimes I don’t deserve it, so thank you.

Don't be a daft bugger as we say in Yorkshire. What on earth makes you think there would be times when you don't deserve my friendship. never think that way, you are an amazing friend at all times sweetie, never forget that.

Things are good at the mo, I've had my job contract extended again, I'm happy cos I love it there.

Me and mum spent the weekend in Northumberland, which is a monumentally gorgeous part of the country. My sis and her hubby books a cottage for the week and there are plenty of beds so me and mum go for the weekend and leave them to enjoy the rest of their week as a family.

My fave colour has always been yellow and as long as I can remember, I've always hated pink, still do to this day. Pink is not my thing but yellow draws me in from a mile away. My sister hates yellow and describes it as forced happiness LOL.

I remember bananas in pyjamas, not heard of the others. I agree, it's great when they take an interest in tv and toys and stuff. We were lucky to find some Pinkie Pie studded toys and an Applejack one too. Whenever we play she loves to be other people and constantly says "I'm Pinkie Pie, You're Applejack". The only rule is that you can't be her fave characters, only she can be them lol.

As for our holidays, we have some from around the uk. We have Burns night in Scotland to celebrate the poet Rabbie Burns, it's just an excuse to get drunk. St Patrick's day in Ireland which is an excuse to get drunk, are you sensing a theme? We have Bonfire night which is good, we light bonfires and fireworks, we eat toffee apples and what is called bonfire toffee. We tend to have BBQ food like burgers and hotdogs. We have lots of council organised events so there will be a huge fireworks display and bonfire and a funfair too all round the country. Apart from that, we have Halloween but we've copied most of that from you guys.

Why is labor day called that? it sounds nice, I think we could all do with a nice little holiday to mark the end of the summer. Bonfire night is nice cos it's a bit of happiness during the dark and cold month of November when it's been a while since summer and is still a while since Christmas.

On that happy note.

♥♥♥ - I stole them right back for you. xxxxx