Thursday, 17 January 2019

Another little madam



Jennicula said...

Oh. My. Goodness!

Congratulations again!

How wonderful for you and your family.

It looks like you've been blessed.

Big Sis seems to be handling it well.

I'm really so happy for you. Madam #1 and you will have so much fun teaching Madam #2 the fun things in life.

Hugs for all!

MissTottenham said...

Thanks Jenn, we are so chuffed.

Little Madam #1 is really liking little madam #2 and wants to hold her and feed her but she does also laugh like a maniac when she does it hahaha!

Jennicula said...

I can't believe Little Madam 2 is 5 weeks old already. Really, where does the time go?

I'm still hoping that Little Madam 1 is still in love with 2.

I remember my brother arriving and my mother not allowing me to hold him when they came home from the hospital. I remember being interested in him until I wasn't. One of my favorite pictures of him (at about a year) sitting in a yellow and white striped jumper and the jumper has a tire mark up the middle. Apparently I tried to run him over with my tricycle. My mother said I bounced off of him because he was so solid.

Do other people have sibling horror stories like that? I believe I was probably not the nicest older sister. I would kill someone if they messed with him. Only I was allowed to do that.


MissTottenham said...

Little madam 1 is still loving little madam 2.

Lovin the tyre mark, so funny. I agree, I was the only one allowed to mess with my sister, that's what older siblings are meant to do LOL.

When we were young, dad had a Beetle car and with the engine being in the back, there is a pull up handle is the word that is coming to mind but it's not quite right. Anyway, sis thought it was a little step and would use it to clamber up on top of the car. One day, I was trying to shake the car to scare her and I managed to shake the handbrake off and the car was off down the road with her on top. never seen dad run so fast in my life. In the end, car and sis were fine.

Kids eh?

Jennicula said...

I’m so happy that madam 1 is still in love with madam 2. It won’t be long before the shenanigans begin. I believe I connected the dots on a sibling when they had chicken pox. I also believe I got in trouble for that because it was magic marker. Which magically did not disappear when washed with soap and water.

I can’t believe your Beetle story! How funny and scary that must have been. Were you scared when the car took off? Did you get in trouble?

Kids will scare you more than anybody else in the world. Truly! And they will make you laugh harder than anybody else in the world too.

MissTottenham said...

LOL chicken pox dot to dot with magic marker. Your parents must have been fuming. I didn't get into trouble with the car thing cos it wasn't done on purpose and they were so grateful sis and car was just fine.

Little madam 2 is starting to copy us. She's good at poking out her tongue and saying "oooo". Not bad for 11 weeks old. I can see her teeth through her gums, I bet it's not long before they appear, and she still has a big head of hair.

Jennicula said...

I believe I did get into trouble with the magic marker. Probably more than once.

Look at Little Madam 2 go! I love when the babies discover their voices and you hear them cooing in their cribs when they're alone - maybe talking to their little friends or fingers. Teeth at 11 weeks is early. She might be one of those 1 year olds with a full set of teeth and gorgeous hair! Good for her!

MissTottenham said...

She'll be 13 weeks tomorrow and she's really coming on. I asked her to say yeah yesterday and she made a noise that really sounded like she did and we all gasped. She loves to be held up so she can look around, if you cradle her in your arms, it's boring for her so we have to rock her like crazy. She's definitely recognizing us and giving us huge smiles.

Jennicula said...

I can't believe she is going to be 14 weeks (now)! Doesn't it seem like time flies? I love when the babies discover their voices and you hear them "coo" to themselves. Sometimes I would swear that the boy was having full on conversations with the mobile above his head. We would crawl on the floor and peek into the crib to watch him.

He had no eyebrows, but you could see where they were going to go. He would be so expressive, it was hard not to laugh and break the magic spell.

Good on her being so busy and wanting to see everything. The boy was like that too, but was born right before one of hottest summers, so holding him was like holding a human heater to the front of you. And he would get sweaty and slippery. That sounds awful when I put it to paper.

I'm so glad you're having fun with her. I hope she has a special bond with her sister too!

MissTottenham said...

Aw bless Jenn, I love the no eyebrows thing, how cute. I can just picture you quietly spying on him. I bet it was so hard not to laugh all the time.

Eloise is shoving her hands into her mouth all the time now and smiling like crazy. She definitely recognises us and tries to hold a gobbledygook conversation. She has tummy time and is holding her head up really well and she really pushes hard with her legs. She's loving being carried so she can look aver your shoulder and she always wants you to be stood up when you try to rock her to sleep. not sure what difference the elevation matters but as soon as you start to sit down, she wakes up again and you have to start all over again, you can't trick her LOL.

Jennicula said...

Hey Sunshine! I do have an angry face, although I do like the one here. I have been told that when I'm angry like that, people tend to steer clear. Which is fine by me. The less people harassing me, the fewer witnesses :)

This week was much better, but some people just insist on being an asshole no matter what. I just have to deflect, deflect, deflect.

And maybe put my toes in the sand and ocean and re-center myself.


I love when babies find their fingers and toes and their voices. They are just so cute. Eloise sounds like she's curious and doesn't want to miss anything. Good for her. I'm glad you're having so much fun. I hope Little Madam 1 is still enjoying her little sister!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya sweetie! You need to get that angry face used on all the assholes, leave them in no doubt about how they make you feel lol.

Yu should defo get to the beach to unwind, you really deserve it.

Eloise is so funny, once she gets talking, she never stops. It's great hearing all that gobblydegook. She totally knows me and her face lights up when she sees me. I like to do daft dances and sing to her and she can't take her eyes away and you should see her smile. I'll have to get around to updating this blog with new pictures soon, maybe next week.

Amelie is so good with her, she never gets jealous that we are paying Eloise attention unless she is really tired then she wants the cuddles instead. She asks to hold her and laughs at her like a maniac when she does so.

It was mum's 70th on Sunday and we all went to the coast where we scattered dad's ashes. the little ones were both really good and it was a lovely day full of stuffing our faces. I scoffed sweets all the way there, then we stopped for a bacon butty for breakfast half way there. Then we had ice cream when we got there, then we had fish and chips before we went home and I scoffed sweets all the way back. Then amazingly, when I got home, I was hungry again. I don't think I've ever eaten as much in one day before, must be the sea air LOL.

I hope you do get to the sea cos I know it works wonders for you. I'd better get back to the diet now.