Thursday, 28 May 2020

My little, little genius

Those are her big sister's shoes and she put them on herself.


Jennicula said...

Hi MissT,

I judge people by their actions, not by anything else. I might agree with you on haggis, but I don’t know what marmite is. Is it like vegemite – because that stuff is disgusting.

American police, justice, court systems etc. have been allowed to get away with it because it was never recorded/documented. While there are laws in the country to prevent discrimination, when you go to court and are tried by 12 of your peers, which seems like a good idea and fair, it winds up being unfair. Police are slapped on the wrist at best for horrible things they have done. Sometimes they are moved into different departments, but a lot of times that doesn’t even happen. It’s like the priests who molest children. They’re moved to another parish and everything is hush-hush. That issue is only now being addressed and that’s been going on for quite a while too.

The Anti-Lynching Bill was first introduced in 1918 and still has not been established as a federal crime. And Lynching is a horrible thing. We just had a black man run down and killed by 3 white men because they thought he stole something. The man was out jogging. The Anti-Lynching law would have prosecuted the 3 white men federally. At this point, they might get a couple years in jail – not an automatic life sentence. The Equal Rights Amendment is just an amendment and there are still states who have not officially adopted it. Only 37 of the 50 states have adopted it. The Civil Rights Act only protects discrimination in the job act for race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin – and only 21 states of 50 have anti-discrimination laws.

You are right about an independent police commissions who are not part of the police department. People who are not tied to the police and then turn a blind eye. And I think they need education. Don’t get me wrong. I support our local police. My best friend’s husband was a police officer. A damn good one and he was a good person on top of it. We need more Joes of the world.

The police who have been lately caught on video are being fired, but it takes too long for them to be charged with a crime. And, I think the only reason why they are being charged is because of protests.

I agree, I think we all have tainted views on certain people. Maybe because that’s how we were raised or because it’s been our experience with that group. I try to be better than that and give that person the benefit of doubt before I judge.

So while we have some laws, they are not necessarily adhered to. It’s a broken system and politicians are too afraid to pony up and solidify these laws.
It’s a tough time in America.

As for Covid, all sorts of states have relaxed their lockdowns and now we’re spiking because people are stupid. They think that since the lockdowns are eased, life is back to normal, and it’s not. The virus is still out there and it’s still killing people. I see flocks of people at the beach not wearing masks and I get so angry. It’s these stupid bastards who are going to extend this lockdown. I want to go to the beach too. But I don’t want to die because I went to the beach.

PS – my son once asked by his friend had brown skin and he had pink. I told him that’s the way God made us. It would be too boring if we all looked exactly alike. Then I went into the whole taking the skin off and how we’d be exactly the same and then he barfed on me.

Jennicula said...

PPS - that child is vrilliant! She even got them on the correct foot!

Good for her. I think you're going to have to keep an eye on her. Miss Madam is going to have competition with little sis breathing down her neck on doing astonishing things!

MissTottenham said...

Jenn, the stuff your police get away with is just super scary. And I can't believe you actually need a specific lynching law, the mind boggles. We've never had anything like that cos we've never needed it. That that is actually a thing is unbelievable, just head shakingly crazy.

I believe things are going to change now. The only problem with the BLM message is that anyone who points out that all lives matter are getting rounded upon when they are right. Some BLM stuff is getting violent as though saying all lives matters takes anything away from their message. It doesn't, and people need to take this momentum and include other things like all female lives matter, so many female murders around the world. But it seems if anyone says other lives matter, they are getting rounded upon, they are not trying to take anything away from BLM but point out that there are other problems too so hey, let's get them all out there. Sometimes it's just too militant and I want to bury my head in the ground.

Yes, she's super smart like her sister. It's so spooky when we look back at old videos of Amelie cos they look EXACTLY the same and move EXACTLY the same. It's like identical twins born 4 years apart.

Anonymous said...

From that chick from the other blog :)

The Lynching Law tells you how bad it can be here.

I hope things change. They need to change. Nobody should have to fear leaving their home because of the color of their skin. I agree on the woman thing though. I'm hoping that when they change the laws or make new ones, they will include gender protections too.

Those little girls! It will be interesting to see them when they're older to see how much alike they look. Madam #2 has a smart bigger sister to encourage her to do things quicker, she's going to want to keep up. I'm sure your sister has her hands full with those two little sweetie pies.

Why do we call it fall?
We have evidence for fall, as the name of the third season of the year, in the 1500s. It appears to come from the notion of the falling of the leaves during this time of year, when deciduous trees shed their leaves.

Like harvest, fall is found in Old English, from Germanic roots, and its sense largely stayed the same. Fall was common in England until about the end of the 1600s, when it was ousted by autumn.

Recorded as early as the late 1300s, autumn is from the French autompne and Latin autumnus, whose deeper roots are obscure. Chaucer and Shakespeare both used it in their works, notably.

Now, American English speakers use both fall and autumn, though fall became more common in the US by the late 1800s. Speakers of British English largely use autumn. Fall provides a nice foil to its opposite season, spring (from the idea of the spring of the leaf). It gives us the helpful reminder, “Spring forward, fall back,” when we get confused about our clocks on daylight savings.

MissTottenham said...

Madam #2 is a lot more bolshie than her big sister, when they argue, she does go in with the teeth. Bless madam #1, she doesn't fight back, she just cries and we have to tell the little one off. We don't know where she gets it from cos Amelie doesn't do that. She definitely doesn't take any crap. Her new thing when she doesn't want to do anything is to hold a part of her body and shout "ow, hurt", it's all fake. She's not daft.

Amelie is back at school and not enjoying it. She admits that it's not the school she hates but the fact that none of her family are there. She has to stay for lunch this week and next week, she'll start doing full days. Lord help us, she is not gonna be happy.

I thought the fall thing was because of the leaves falling down. That was very interesting, you have done your homework. I wonder if other countries go with the fall thing or the autumn thing?

There are rumblings about us getting rid of daylight savings time. I'm sure when Brexit is done and covid is done, people will start back on with all those things again. I don't mind either way, I just don't like catching the bus in the dark in the winter. I really hope all my Uni lessons are online. I still don't know what that will look like.

Enjoy your fall, I know many people like it but to me it just reminds me that it'll be bus stops in the dark soon. I'm a summer girl, I love looking out of the window late in the evening and it still being light.