Thursday, 29 October 2020

My little cutie pies


Jennicula said...

Ugh, Blogger ate my comments.

Those girls look like they are full of sass and sparkle! How quickly they are growing. Neither are babies or even toddlers.

Is Madam #1 in school yet?

Our school districts vary. The one I'm in has in-person for 2 days and then virtual for 3. Some not far from me are all virtual, and then others are in-school for 3 days and virtual for 2. And then others are all virtual.

They're all looking to get back to full time in-person in January, but I don't know how that's going to go with the 2nd wave of Covid happening.

I can't imagine having to homeschool and work at the same time. Especially with younger children. Teens can do their own thing with light monitoring. I'm just glad the boy is out of school.

MissTottenham said...

LOL Jenn, they are full of sass, the little one especially. She has started to growl at things she doesn't like. I was playing with her yesterday and got up to move and in her best exorcist growl, she pointed to the floor and growled "sit down". I'm not arguing with a one year old that sounds like that hahahah!

Amelie is in her first real year at school and she is there full days now. In the UK, all our kids are physically back in schools all week apart from the ones who have to self isolate. Most schools have a few kids or even whole years or the whole school that have to self isolate for a fortnight. It keeps happening, one year of kids off for two weeks, them come back and they are off again for two weeks. It seems crazy but it's like that all over the country.

Interesting to see how fast we can get this working vaccine. It will be interesting to see what happens at Christmas too. We are back in total lockdown (but it's not as strict as last time, so how can it be total) until December 2nd. I think they have realised that there's no way people will surrender Christmas after going along with lockdown for so long. But I bet after New Year's we will be in lockdown until the end of March. Crazy times, we shall see.

I hope you and yours are still healthy. Take care xxx

Jingling jennicula said...

Google just ate my comment.

Hope you have a very merry and happy holiday.

I’ve been working too hard and had to unplug for a bit.

Hugs to you and yours from me and mine.

resurrected wreck said...

Hello, Miss T! Just checking to see if my blog was still active and hell's bells, it is!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn, I had a lovely Christmas, I hope you did too. Happy New Year, let's hope 2021 is a better one. xxxxx

Hiya RW, Happy New Year sweetie xxxx

resurrected wreck said...

Happy New Year to you too, Miss T! :D And to you, Jennicula!

Jennicula stopped by and said...

MissT - Happy New Year, Happy Valentines Day and Happy anything else that is going on.

Family really is what it's all about. I think we're both lucky in that sense. People we love, who love us in return in our lives. Some people don't have that. I think I'd be mental if I didn't have my family and friends (like you) to talk me off the ledge and cheer me up.

Glad to hear you made a new friend. Have you named her?

I have tried to un-reconnect and this person keeps calling me. Hinting that she needs money. I think she thinks I have money to spare (I don't) and if she tries to hammer away at her sob story I'll slip her some, but it isn't going to happen. I did it a couple times before I learned a lesson.

Niece cuddling probably won't happen until the summer at the earliest, and maybe not even then. I have signed up for the vaccine, but am on a waiting list. I'm supposed to hear about getting an appointment in 6-12 weeks. So I sit and wait and FaceTime with her. She really is very cute and funny.

How are your special girls doing?

I wish for you a happy and healthy 2021.

MissTottenham said...

I can't believe the cheek of your "friend", dropping hints about money. I think maybe some ignoring of her to re-unconnect may be a good idea. If I had money issues, I would in dire straights talk to family but I would never even ask my best friends for money so this person is so bloody cheeky.

The ladybird kept throwing itself into the bath while I was in it. After the last time, a couple of weeks ago, she became very still. She probably is dead but she moved a bit before going still so I cling to hope that she decided to go to sleep and hibernate, but I'm sure if she did, she would have found a dark corner and not in the middle of the windowsill. We are not removing her from the little ladybird house we made from a box until spring, cos if she is asleep, she will sleep till April. This week, another one appeared. It hasn't jumped in the bath and seems to like the little house I made, so hopefully, she will pull through winter.

Yes, I am so lucky with the little ones. The very little one is showing an interest in ancient Egypt, she recognises the art and she also loves Halloween and pizza too. The big one has been banned from watching piggy roblox where the infected bash people's heads in. They only have lego heads that fall off, it's not gruesome but we all thought it was a bit much for her, but she loves the character zizzy. She said she didn't want to stop watching and playing it but she's been having nightmares so we have stopped her.

Have you had snow? We have had quite a bit and managed to do some sledging. I'm missing it now it's .

Take care, good luck with work. have the changes taken place yet? xxxx

jennicula here said...

When we bought our house, we only had curtains in 2 rooms – the boys and one door. So until we got curtains, I crawled around on the floors at night so nobody would see me. I hated it. I close the curtains all the time.

You’re right, televisions get bigger and bigger and take up more and more space on the walls.

My friend called the other night and I didn’t answer it. I feel guilty about it, but truly, everybody is having money issues right now. I don’t want to feel guilty for not giving you what I have. Ugh.

I look forward to hearing about your ladybirds. It’s something fresh and exciting!

I think the children’s shows are so funny and strange now. The cartoons I grew up with had guns, explosions, smoking and all sorts of violence. When the boy was young he watched Rugrats, and I really didn’t like how they called everybody “stupid.” But there were no violent things, so you have that. We never let him watch Barney or Power Rangers. First of all, Barney gives me the creeps and we thought Power Rangers was a bit violent. I didn’t want to walk through the house and get karate chopped by a 3 year old.

We have had more snow this year than we have had in quite a few years. Now that I’m working from home, I don’t get snow days, but I did get to watch kids sledding down the street. It was very pretty, but it snowed every other day and kept going and then it was freezing rain and snow and sleet and then freezing weather and snow. I felt like February was one big wet weather system.

MissTottenham said...

I really can't believe the cheek of your "friend" wanting from you. I could never be that person, I can't believe how some people have no qualms about stuff like that.

So, ladybird one still hasn't moved, I'm guessing dead. Then came ladybird too. This one didn't through itself in the bath and stayed in the box for a while, but came out and went walkabout. After a few days, we found it at the bottom of the stairs and I put it back in the box but it also hasn't moved in days, I'm bussing also dead. Of course until April is over, we won't really know so we are keeping the box there and I keep topping up the water and food just in case.

We have bought Amelie a wooden sword to fight off monsters so she can keep it under the bed and we've got her a pink dream catcher to trap the bad dreams. We keep telling her that monsters are not real and only in the cartoons but she spooks herself out though and keeps saying that she doesn't want to die. We keep telling her she won't. Someone has upset her by talking about environmental stuff and now she keeps saying that she doesn't want the world to end. Being environmentally conscious is a good thing for adults, but it can be really scary for kids, I think people on tv or wherever she's heard this needs to remember that

I'm glad that your snow has stopped. I loved the snow we got, we got three good bursts of snow that lasted a few days each. It was super strange snow though. I played out with Amelie for hours and we never felt cold, my nose never felt cold, and the snow seemed really dry too, we kept throwing snowballs but our gloves never got wet, really weird. It wasn't as much snow as we got during the beast from the east the other year, so we the uk didn't panic and just enjoyed it. I know it was bad in the us. Fingers crossed, no more weather extremes until the summer, it'd be great to have a scorcher again.

jennicula popped by and said...

I'm still hanging in there.

Got my first jab April 1 and the 2nd one is scheduled for next week.

I'm ready for this to be over but am still willing to play it safe.

What I really need is a haircut. I have the COVID shaggy-do working for me.

Poor Amelie. The boy went through a monsters-under-the-bed phase at her age. We wound up buying air freshener and putting a fake label on it as a monster spray. I'd spray it in his room when he went to bed and while he could smell the lilacs, no monsters would bother him. By the time the smell was gone, he was asleep.

They have such active imaginations, and I'm sure that with the pandemic (which is scary enough for an adult) it's got to be terrifying for children. Some people forget children are around when they talk about world issues, and kids run with it. The boy was afraid the sun was going to blow up after watching some science show that told him the sun would eat the earth in about 5 billion years.

It's spring here finally, but I did hear of snow today about an hour north of me. So, early spring it is. I'm more of a late spring person. I do not want a scorcher again. As I get older, it seems that the heat is even hotter than before. I just can't handle being chubby, having night sweats and then high heat and humidity. I feel like I'll just melt.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn,

That's a really good idea about the spray. She has turned a corner where she says she believes us about monsters not being real, but she still won't watch cartoons with them in. Her new thing has been that she keeps pulling her skirt up to look at her belly to make sure she's not turning into a monster. We have explained how that's not possible and she hasn't done that this week, but she's been back at school and busy. And today, when we were running round the garden, she wanted me to chase her and asked me to pretend to be a scary monster and she thought it was funny. Maybe we've knocked that on the head. She's on the list to see the school psychologist and one with our doctor.

God yeah, these science shows can be too scary for the little ones, Amelie's still on with the not wanting the world to end. She's terrified of wasting food and makes sure we promise to eat any leftovers. It's alright trying to shock adults into saving the world but children hear this stuff. To a certain extent, I think that maybe kids shouldn't be learning about this stuff and should just be allowed to be kids without any worries.

Urgh, don't tell me about chubby. I've upped my thyroid meds this week cos I've piled on a stone and half since last summer. I'm just sat on my arse every day at the computer. The gyms closed for covid so I wasn't doing the yoga. Once this year is done at the beginning of June, I need to get out and about and do lots of walking. I'm currently doing a virtual placement for 6 weeks and we have to clock up 7.5 hours per day. That's even more time on the laptop than during lesson times.

On that chubby note, enjoy your snow free spring xxx

Jennicula popping by said...

I wonder where she got the idea that looking at her belly will tell her if she's turning into a monster? As a child I had many fears. I was afraid of the dark. I was afraid of bees in the walls. I was afraid of the oil rigs I could hear at night. They looked like large grasshoppers and scared me. I eventually grew out of them, for the most part. I still have nightlights around the house, but now it's so when I have to pee in the middle of the night I don't walk into a wall.

Little Madam has probably just learned about her own mortality. It's a scary concept - one I still avoid personally. Nobody wants to think about your parents, friends, loved ones and especially yourself passing on. It's a pretty huge idea for her to understand and fear. She just needs to learn how to push it in the back of her mind and not let it live in the forefront.

She does have the right idea about leftovers. We do our best to not have any and I do a lot of freezer cooking so there aren't many to speak of. Last night we had Chinese pulled pork sandwiches. We froze the pork in January and had it yesterday. It was delicious.

I went to the Dr for a checkup and was pleasantly surprised. I warned them that all my numbers were going to be bad and that I would work on them going forward. Turns out my blood pressure went down, my cholesterol went down, and I lost weight. I can't believe I lost weight because I still feel puffy.

I have to get out and walk more. Seeing that it's finally stopped snowing, I think I'll be able to actually exercise and get out of the house for a change. I'm parked in an office chair 10 hours a day. I"m pretty sure that's not good for my butt.

MissTottenham said...

Little madam has stopped looking at her belly now and says she believes us that she won't change. But just this morning she said to me "why I am I so scared of things"? and I told her because she is so smart and thinks a lot, and she said "I don't like how my brain works". It's sad that a 5 year old is saying that, we just wish we knew what had triggered all these fears.

You could be right about the mortality thing, she does say she is scared of any of her family dying, but then last week one of her goldfish died and she didn't give a shit. Just strange what bothers her and what doesn't.

We also freeze a lot of food and when the freezer gets full mum'll say, this needs eating to free up some space. Whenever I can't decide what to eat I'll ask what needs eating up.

Well done on your Dr's check-up, that's great news. I'm sure if your body is healthier than you thought, I'm sure your butt will be fine LOL.