Friday, 11 June 2021

Tongues out


Look, Jennicula was here and said...

Look at those cutie pies! They are growing up so quickly!

I'm not on my phone today, so I know my comment is going to stick - finally.

I do cheer on the underdogs at the Olympics. I just find that even the person who placed last is still an amazing athlete. I have enjoyed the BBC coverage as well. It's nice to have a world view that is other than your own.

We also have the Paralympics, but I don't think the coverage is nearly as good as the regular Olympics.

I hope the girls are doing well and that Madam #1 is enjoying school (which I can only imagine has just started up again).

MissTottenham said...

She absolutely is enjoying school which is good to see. The only problem now is that she is too busy talking with her friends at lunch that she forgets to actually eat. She is looking forward to her birthday party, it'll be her first, we've usually gone on a break away in previous years. She's having a dinosaur theme. She doesn't want to grow up though so she'll be staying five and only being pretend six lol.

Jennicula said...

Ugh – I was able to respond to your Halloween comment and my phone ate it. That was mid-November. I have been so busy, much like the rest of the world.

I’m glad the girls were old enough to go out collecting properly. It’s always amazing to see these little people so polite (or not). They are so excited to be dressed up. It’s just so much fun. I’m just a little kid in a grown up body I guess. I still dress up to answer the door.

Crimbo is literally right around the corner – and this year I feel that I’m prepared. I’m not usually this ready to go.

Jennicula is back and said...

My family has an odd tradition of Chinese Fridays. We eat Chinese food and watch westerns. You'd think that either we'd eat Chinese food and watch kung-fu movies, or have BBQ and watch westerns - but as life is funny, this is the combination we wound up on.

I do really love to look up the cast and crew. The other piece I think about is if they were born in the 1880s, what did it take for them to get to California to make these movies? AND, if they were born in Europe, what was THAT travel like? How long did it take? What made them move?

I went to an antique outlet and they actually had clothing from the 1880s. It was thick and heavy. Lots of buttons and hooks. Women had to wear all this crap all the time. No wonder they were kind of shoved into the background of the world. Their clothing sucked and I'm pretty sure it smothered them too. You can't be a powerhouse dressed like that. And in the summer? Don't even get me started.

Ok, that was some tangent.

It snowed here the other day. Nothing that hit the ground. It kind of floated in the sky and looked misty. Two days later is was as warm as a spring day. I think Mother Nature is not sure what to do.

The boy's GF made us a blanket for Crimbo. I'm supposed to share it, but I don't.

I'm also sure I'd be an outcast and insist on wearing pants so I could move.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Jenn sweetie, how are you?

Your blanket sounds lovely, I wouldn't share either lol.

Wow, that sounds like a fascinating trip to the antique outlet. Genuine 1880's clothes, that sounds amazing. It really hits home when you describe it, just what crap women have had to put up with through the years in the name of fashion. Like you said, I'm sure it helped to dictate what they were capable of achieving.

If I don't catch you before, have a totally fantastic Christmas and New Year and see you in 2022 xxxxxx

Jennicula said...

We had a very nice holiday and eased into 2022.

Woke up to snow today. I'm back to working from home again. That damn Covid running through the office again. We are fine, but it's hit a little closer to home than I'd like. Not that I'd like it anywhere.

Here's hoping 2022 is better than the last 2!

Hugs to you and yours from me and mine.

As for the 1880s, I would have been awful then. I just can't imagine having to wear all that cloth in the heat of the summer.

Another thing I thought of was, today we make movies set in the 70s, and it doesn't seem all that long ago but in reality that's 50 years ago already. The movies done in the 30s set 50 years prior - well those people probably didn't feel that was all that long ago either. It's just kind of nuts when you think of it.

MissTottenham said...

Hi Jenn, I'm glad you had a nice Christmas and New Year. We had a nice Christmas too but a nothing New Year cos of the positive covid tests. But it was nice cos it was quiet.

We only had 3 days of snow at the beginning of December, but it's getting colder and colder and it's so frosty and foggy each morning.

Yes, 50 years, the 70's. It doesn't seem so long. I find it weird that the fashions of the 50's, 60's and 70's were so distinct but from the 80's onwards we all started wearing "normal" clothes, like jeans and jumpers etc and we've been mostly dressing the same ever since. We all know that in the 80's we weren't all running round in neon everything. If you wore something from the 80's or 90's now, no-one would bat an eyelid, but if you tried something from the 70's someone would say that's a bit 70's. Sometimes it's hard to know from fashion alone when a film was set and even the music cos we still listen to the 80's and 90s stuff. You have to look at the technology to know exactly when it was made. I find it so weird how that last 40 years can really blur into each other, especially the 2010's.

The 50's had rock and roll, the 60's had proper pop music, the 70's had glam and disco and heavy rock, the 80's had electronic and rap, the 90's had dance, Britpop and grunge, the 2000's had emo, but what has there been since, absolutely nothing new. It;s all still rap or average pop music. Everything is a genre of something that's already happened and the fashions all seemed to have happened before. It's just the technology that's new. I've honestly not paid attention to the music scene since MCR split up cos like I said 2010's nothing new. Top of the pops finished so you don't see music and videos, I don't listen to the radio cos I'm a TV person, but if it's not in front of me, I'm not gonna go looking for new music when I like what I already have. So, I have no idea who any pop star is since 2010 and if the song's been out in that time, I've not heard it lol. And I also lost interest in celebrities since reality tv people (I won't call them stars) began to be treated like celebrities, I lost interest in the lot of them. Basically, I don't know who anyone is or what they do and I like it that way. I know who Tom Hanks is and that's all I need to know hahahah!