Happy 4TH of July to all my American chums.
So, this week. Well, we have been dog sitting max again.
He really is a cutie but he's a cheeky little thing.
The other day my sis shows me a bruise on her arm where he gave her a nibble. He was trying his hardest to hump her arm and when she kept brushing him aside, he tried to hold her arm still. Rather her than me, I tell you.
Every day so far, he has managed to unearth my knickers from the washing basket. Dirty little thing likes nothing better than to chew on them. Yuck.
We have been buying him treats but rather than eat them, he likes to hide them for later. We are finding things all over the place.
Bless, he is a sweetie but a very energetic little puppy. I wouldn't be able to cope with him full time. Makes me realise how wonderful and undemanding my cockatiel is.
Me and my cockatiel have a new game where I bury a little ball in his sand and when my back is turned, he digs it up. We are both having more fun with this than is probably healthy.
So, this week has been very animally.
LOL. I totally laughed out loud at the thought of a little dog chewing on knickers. Though I think it's the word "knickers" that makes me laugh, more so than the dog chewing on them.
Animals can be challenging, can't they?
My sister has a new kitten, and it's so completely adorable. But my mom said it's already peed on the bed, scratched the furniture, and unraveled a whole roll of toilet paper. Such a sweet little thing, but such a handful.
I didn't know you had a cockatiel! That's really cool. It sounds like the burying game is a fun one. ^_^
I hope you have lovely weekend Caz!
Oh! Fuzzy things! I love fuzzy things! I want to squeeze and cuddle them till they won't be able to run away from me!! ;p
-Jsut wanted to say -will forever appreciate that Miss T! lick, lick, pinch! rawr! <33333
Aww, thank you Miss T *hugs*
And your puppy sounds really adorable :)
Have a great weekend!
Aww! Sweet fuzzies & featheries! I shall have to get a pet the next place I move to. Can't have any where I am now :/
Yay fluffys and featherys all round.
And yup, he chewed my knickers again. Weird little dog likes to follow me into the bathroom to watch me pee too. Little pervert.
Have a great weekend everyone.
You could always get a floppy mop and stick some wobbly eyes on it and pretend it's real.
I already do that!
LMFAO RW. I don't doubt it for a minute.
Awwz! Ya have to post a picture for us! I wanna see! I wanna see! pweeez!??
*sweet happy sad eyed smile*
*throws is some cooing just for good measure*
Can we has a pic Miss T!??
Hey, Caz! Thank you so much for the sweet words at my blog. You cannot begin to know how much everyones support and love has meant to me.
You know you can call on me or J. if you need to at any time, as well. We will all get through it together.
Love you!
Bwah! A doggie who likes to sniff your knickers! What fun! Do you let him give you a big smoochie puppy kiss afterwards?
Don't worry, I will still make out with you.
♥s and hugs!
Aww thanks Miss T. I had a active weekend so it went pretty well. Have a great Sunday! *hugs*
Lewis sweetie, I shall get pics ready for wednesday.
L sweetie, anytime. You know I love you.
Sdock sweetie, of course I snog him afterwards. he's not as good a snogger as you though.
BC, so glad you had a great weekend sweetie.
Thank you for your visit. I always enjoy reading your lovely comments.
Wishing you nothing but the best.
Take care, dear.
Awesome Miss T! I shall do my best to wait without squirming or squealing with glee.... :D fuzzy fuzzy! FUZZY!!! I really am trying!!
lick lick -pinch! rawr! ;p
Hiya CTV, I really miss you in blogland. Love you sweetie.
Lewis darlin' take a look at the pics above. Downloading as we speak.
Miss T, aww, the puppy is so adorable, and the cockatiel is one cool looking bird :)
Thanks BC sweetie. They are a couple of cuties for sure.
MissT!!! How are you? That little mop/doggie is adorable and the bird is beautiful!
Sorry to hear about your sister's battle bruises. Yes, those pretty birdies can be rough! ;)
It's always the innocent looking ones, ain't it?!
Take care MissT and remember to HAVE FUN!!!
Hugs and Love,
Sorry for messing up the lawn, MissT! Blogger is being a litter bug today! :P
LOL Wendy, no probs sweetie.
You make me laugh so much.
luv you
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