More pics of my darling cockatiel and Max the crazy puppy that we are dogsitting.
Max has to go home on Saturday, we are considering dognapping him cos we love him so much.
Do it! Dognap him. He is so adorable. I want to squish his face.
Sorry, dude! That was me, I forgot to sign in and shit.
Feel better.
Hello MissT! I have come to mess on your beautiful lawn again! ;)
Thank you so much for dropping in on me and for your kind words about my painting. I did another one and have come the conclusion that I really need to get proper paint brushes. The ones I'm using are over a dozen years old!
I had not sketched in over 9 years or painted (besides furniture and some Christmas decorations) in over 12 years....
*note to self: go shopping for new brushes*
I read about that horrible nightmare you've been having. :(
I'm not very good at interpreting dreams; but, maybe it has something to do with your not hearing about your teaching course yet. Maybe your subconscious is converting your wondering/not knowing about the teaching course into dreaming about whether you will live or die....
It will all work out, MissT!!!! I'll be sending HAPPY DREAM vibes your way, until these nightmares end. :)
Love, Hugs and Snogs,
PS: Sorry for mistaking the doggie for yours! I'm with Entropy. I do believe a dognapping is in order! ;)
LOL Entropy. If I do dogknapp him, I may have to smuggle him over to you till the heat is off.
And you always make me feel better sweetie.
Wendy, you really are talented. I think new brushes should be something you should treat yourself to. Go mad, splash out then paint some more amazing pictures that we can look at.
Aww, he really is a cutie!
I just dropped in to say hello and wish you a good weekend. Have you had a good week off?
Bonjour MissT! LOL, I could not resist! Apparently, I speak french now! ;)
Thank you, again, for your kind words about my latest artistic endeavor. That one really did not scan very well; but, I am very pleased with the actual paining!
Thanks also for your words about my brother and my dad. They were the two must important men in my life and the were both taken unexpectedly. Well, I can actually say the 4 most important men in my life were taken by death. My (step) grandfather and a very, very dear friend were the other two.
My brother was so young. His life was really just beginning...
I often wonder what his life would be like now if he had lived. If he would be married to the girl he was dating at the time he died. How many children he would have. What his first Christmas would have been like in his house. How many holidays we would have spent there with him. He loved kids and was looking forward to having at least three...
We really never know, do we? Which is why I don't believe in worrying about the little things. They are truly irrelevant!
I suppose that's why I also don't understand people who aren't willing to forgive or take that extra step for those they love - including themselves. There's only ONE thing in your life that can not be changed. And that, is death - and, unfortunately terminal illnesses. Anything else is changeable, doable, possible - you have only to be willing.
Here I go getting all philosophical again. Sorry, MissT!
I hope you have a great and restful weekend. Nightmare free, of course!
Hugs and much love,
Hiya MissT!
I hope you are doing okay! We've been missin you! :)
What a darling doggie! You could always say, "Uh, yeah, I don't know where he went, I guess I'll just have to keep looking" all the while the yellow knickers are moving in the corner...
Thank you so much for your continued kindness. I hope life is treating you well and you are doing fine.
Love ya.
LOL Andrea, I hope you have agreat week too sweetie.
Hiya Wendy, how are you today?
I know what you mean when you talk about wondering how your brother's life would have turned out.
I wonder the same thing about my cousin Dominic, he was only 25 when he had his accident.
I find it's when family things happen like births or events that you want to share with them and talk to them about that you miss them most.
I miss dad so much, I wish I could talk to him every day and I hate that I can't.
Just know that there are others that know how you feel sweetie. you are not alone.
Luv ya xxxxxx
Hiya smoke darlin' I've missed you too sweetie. I'm gonna be around tonight though. can't wait to chat.
Hiya L, anytime sweetie. you know that I care about you. I hope you are finding ways to deal with the pain. You are very brave and I don't know how I would cope in your place.
I'm thinking about you sweetie.
Miss T,
dognap the puppy! He's such a cutie! I hope you have a great week. Love to you! *hugs*
Aww Miss T, very nicely summed up. Licking, it's most important! ;p Thank you very much!
Your little buddy is a jem! OMG! I want to squeez him a lot! So fluffiss! (that's a good thing by the way!) Thank you for putting him up for us! I am gonna steal some of those pics! Him's so cuuuuute! And ya birdy too! Thank ya for sharing!!
Love to you Miss T!
*LICK!! ;p
Hiya BC, thanks sweetie. I hope you have a great week too. *huge hugs*
Hiya Lewis darlin *lick*. Of course it is all about the licking. And you can nick my pics anytime babes.
*lick, lick*
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