Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Week 38

We went to grans grave armed with huge shears and saws. We got the big fern tree down that our Auntie Anne planted years ago. We told her we were doing that cos it had got out of hand. She said that was a good idea. Then we attacked the fern that the people on the neighbouring grave had planted. We cut it right back to its roots. We laid some gleaming white gravel down and put some ornaments there and it looks sooooooooooo much better. I hope as winter is coming on, those plants won't grow back for ages.

Then we were fuming cos we walked down the cemetery to see my cousin Dom's grave and some tit had planted a fern tree on each side. We told my Auntie Anne (Dom's mum) later and she said they would have to go. It's one thing having the ferns up in the cremation graves cos there's not a lot underground except boxes with ashes but down where the burials are, what if those roots start moving the coffins. We don't want coffins to be pushed up, it'd look like something out of thriller.

1 comment:

MissTottenham said...

If only I knew when I wrote this that there would be more death, I wouldn't have sounded so .....

well, you know.