Because I will miss you all while I am gone.
Miss T,
That is a very lovely picture. Please stay safe and good luck with the course in London. I'm really sorry that you have to deal with so much during the past few days.
I wish you nothing but the best. Love to you always.
Love you Miss T! *hugs*
It is a beautiful picture, Miss T. I will miss you as well, but I wish you all the luck and send love with you to London. You will do great, I just know it!
Thank you for all you do. And I'm so sorry about Laura. She will be smiling down on you and standing right with you while you take on the world. Dominic and your Dad as well.
Love to you,
Thank you so much BC, Andrea and L sweeties.
Your words have managed to put a smile on my face L, that's how I like to imagine it happening.
Hello, my lovely Miss T.!
That picture is so beautiful. I hope you're doing well in London.
Huggety hug & Snoggety snog
Thanks so much Siobhan.
Huggety huggs and snoggety snoggs to you too sweetie.
Are you kidding? I'm already lost without you.
Love ya!
You be careful my girl, and you be good too. Good luck and stay strong. I know you're going to make it after alllll!!!
Sorry, Mary Tyler Moore. Ask me about her later. :)
You're not lost solly sweetie, I can see you fro here xxxxxxxx
Thanks so much Amy, I'm glad you have confidence in me. I shall tell you all about it when I get home.
Miss you all.
thought of Laura and you today miss T.
hope the course is going well.
Thank you so much FASC sweetie.
I'm really grateful you thought of Laura.
My course went well. I shall tell all about it when I get back home.
I hope things are okay with you. I've been thinking of you today. I was going to mention Laura at M's but it will get eaten up in all the bull that's going on in there.
So it's here. Laura.
I've been thinking of you and Laura today, Miss T :)
Thank you so much GS an RW. It really means a lot to me.
Missing you all loads.
Just stopping by to give you some hugz.
*hugz* ♥
*hugz* ♥
*hugz* ♥
I'm so glad the course went well Miss T. I missed you tons. I can't wait to hear from you. All my best.
And: Laura.
Hi MissT! I'm so glad to hear your course went well and you now have a few days to enjoy London. I wish I could be there to enjoy it with you. Enjoy it a bit for me, please!
Think you can make it to HELLDONE for New Year's? I'm trying to talk Pixie into it and I've asked her to try to talk you and Siobhan into going?
By the way, I love that picture too!!!! It's a gorgeous one!
Take care, have fun and stay safe!
Hugs and Much Love,
Dang! I really do NEED to win that Powerball lottery to get you all to Finland with me!!!!!
♥ you too RW.
♥ and hugz to infinity Sis m.
Missed you loads sweetie.
BC, I have missed you tons too sweetie. Can't wait to get back and chat.
LOL Wendy, I think I will have to win the lottery too for a trip to Finland. If I do, I'll meet you in a flash sweetie hahaha!
Suuuure, it was totally the computer! Ho! Lol, best typo ever, yo.
Miss you tons. Like, five elephants.
Oh, and prettiest picture, awwwww.
Looking forward to you getting back! I miss having you to chat to. :(
I won't be held responsible for my idle hands and aimless wandering.
Just sayin....
LOL entropy, carrie and solly.
I miss you guys loads and loads.
6 elephants worth entropy.
No spooky cows though.
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