So, I am back peeps.
The course was great. There was 18 of us and they were a lovely bunch. I learned loads and had such a laugh at the same time. Just waiting for the certificate to arrive now, then gotta decide on my future. They can place you in jobs abroad. Who knows, 3 months from now I could be in China.
The course was mon to weds. Tues night, I went to my mates house in Balham and she cooked me tea.
Thurs, went to 221b Baker street. This is the site of the Sherlock Holmes museum. I didn't go in but spent ages in the cool gift shop. It is really cool in there, they have the best souvenirs and the staff all dress up olde worlde.
I went to a medical museum which had loads of cool stuff like torture chairs and other painful looking implements. There was a wall covered in alcoves. In each alcove was a drawing that a child had done. I was immediately drawn to the drawing you see above of the purple unicorn. I had to share it with you. I hope you like it.
I went to the British museum a couple of times. I love that place, all the Egyptian stuff makes me feel happy, sad, I know.
Fri, I met my mate again and we went to yo sushi for lunch. Then we hit the shops in oxford street and Regent street.
I wish I had more time to do other things. There never seems enough time.
It's nice to be home though.
Now I am gonna catch up on sleep.
hey miss T!!
glad you are back safe and sound. glad the course was fun and you are all sorted for whatever is to come!
haha i hope the child that drew PPU was 5 yrs old and not 15 yrs old!!
anyway take care and catch you soon!
Hey Miss T!
Sherlock Holmes museum sounds amazing. I'll have to plan my own day trip....although I'd probably get lost. Navigation is not my strong point.
I'll have to go to Egypt one day...my cousin just went to Egypt on her honeymoon and my boss goes there twice a year (he's there now in fact)
I'm glad you had a good day!
Welcome Back!!! It sounds like you had an amazing time. I can assure you that you were sorely missed. Sleep well, did your neighbor happen to helpfully get abducted by aliens in your absence? Here's hoping. :)
It sounds awesome, Misty. I'm glad for you,and welcome back. ^_^
Hi my sweet MissT!
Hope you are doing well. It sounds like you are keeping yourself quite busy....that's a good thing!
Thinking about you always!!! And sending you lots of love and hugs from WAYYYYY over here in America.
Can you feel it?!
Oh wait! No, that's a hug MissT, not me slapping your ass! Either way, they are both filled with love!
Love ya sweetheart,
Sounds awesome, MissT! I especially love the pic!
I'm glad you're back because I was doing a pretty fine job of getting myself lost and stuff!
I'm glad to hear you had a good time, and that the course went well for you!
Are you thinking you'd like to travel abroad?
And did you enjoy your sushi?
Welcome back, sweets!
Glad you had a good time, and I'm excited for whatever you plan to do.
And thanks for sharing the purple unicorn! That museum sounds cool.
I'm glad you had a great time Miss T. I missed you, haha. I hope you're doing well?
Looking forward to talking to you soon. Take care.
LOL FASC sweetie, I thought that when I read the age but then I thought, it's still better than what I can do hahaha!
& hearts;
Oooooooo safe sweetie, I soooooooo advise you to go to Egypt. Do the Nile cruise, it'll be the best holiday you will eveer have. defo the most memorable and you just can't take a bad photo there.
Hiya Carrie sweetie, It's good to be back. Unfortunately, the neighbour is still there. How much does a hit man cost hahaha!
Hiya K sweetie, thanks for that. It's cool to be back ^_^
Hiya Anima sweetie, Thanks so much, what a fantastic welcome back. Are you sure that is just a hug though, I'm sure my ass was slapped just then hee hee.
*huge hug and ass slap back attcha*
Hiya solly sweetie, glad you like the pic. I'm sure I can track you down and get you back on that swing looking at the stars with me.
Hiya Amy sweetie, I would love to travel abroad and I loved my sushi. Maybe I should combine the two.
Hiya E sweetie, it's good to be back. That museum was so cool. The torture stuff was my fave *sick moi?*
Hiya BC sweetie, I missed you too. We have to chat and catch up.
Hello MissT! Welcome back!!!!!
I'm so happy to hear your trip went so well. It sounds as though you really enjoyed yourself. I bet those museums are amazing! For some strange reason that medical museum really appeals to me. Hmmm....torture devices, you say? ;)
China in three months? Heck, I think they should send you to Finland in 2 months! Haha!
Thank you for sharing your trip with us, MissT! I hope you've caught up on your sleep!
Hugs and Much Love,
PS: I like the unicorn drawing!
Hiya E sweetie, it's good to be back. That museum was so cool. The torture stuff was my fave *sick moi?*
I missed that statement, MissT.
You know what "they" say:
Great, diabolical minds think alike!
Well, "they" say something like that.
LOL wendy sweetie.
We can be the diabolical twins together. Gotta love a bit of torture hahahaha (evil laugh).
Not sure where I'm gonna head off next. Still waiting for my certificate to come. I shall head off back to the job centre with it and see if they will reconsider funding the longer course. Fingers crossed.
Hello Miss T!
I'm glad your course went well.
My love live is messed up this week. I think I'm going to break up with my pharmacist, but I won't get a chance to talk to him about it for a few more days. So we'll see what happens.
I hope you're having a great week!
Hi miss T
lovely to see you back
sorry I was unable to get in touch while I was away but my thoughts were with you and all concerned
and good to see you had such a great time!
I hope you pop over to see my blog of Ray's adventures, and I shall have one of mine with some of my *cough600cough* photos from my holiday
love ya!
Hiya Andrea sweetie.
Blimey, your love life is better than TV.
I wish you good luck with your descision.
Hiya Ergo. I hope you had the best time while you were away.
I shall check out your blog right away.
thanks missT :)
and , yes I did get some looks (there was a whole class of little schoolkids when I too the pic beside the big crocs head - lol)
LOL Ergo, they must have thought you were daft.
Good luck MissT with your future goals! I know you'll do well.
Reading about your adventures reminds me of my time in London. It is nice to reminisce.
Thank you.
Aw thanks Miranth sweetie.
I hope I can go on to more exciting things. Time will tell.
I hope things are getting more settled for you. So much upheaval.
I hope things get better for both of us.
MissT: ♥
And I love that purple unicorn. Hee-hee.
It's funny how I never noticed unicorns before but now they pop up everywhere! DAMN!
MissT - Thank you! I have faith that we will reach our goals, but I do recognize the sense of upheaval (though I try to phrase it as 'challenge!' :) but I am optimistic, as I hope you are too. :)
LOL smoke. PPU's are everywhere. they are taking over the whole world.
ARGH!!!!!!!! there's another one.
Challenge, I like that Miranth. We'll both get there sweetie.
Hello, my sweetie!
How are you? Thanks for your e-mails. I'm so sorry that I couldn't be online on Wednesday.
I'll write you an e-mail for further explanation.
I'm glad that you had a swell time in London.
Huggety hugs & Snoggety snogs
Hiya Siobhan sweetie.
That's cool. I shall wait for the email.
I hope you are well.
Welcome back, Miss T. Congrats on finishing your schooling. I know you will do great when you are sent to your new job.
London is wonderful. I missed going to the British Museum, and I wish I had while I was there. The Sherlock Holmes museum sounds great too.
Did you get to go on the Jack The Ripper walk?
Take care of yourself!
I've just seen your message.
Thank you for the offer sugar but everything is funky machunky. Just one of those days :\
I'm on a high today so life is good ^_^
See you around x
Hiya L sweetie, thanks so much.
It is good to be back though.
I didn't do the Jack the Ripper walk in the end cos it was too cold hahaha! And cos my little cousin came to stay and insisted we spent evenings playing board games.
I kicked their ass at monopoly and travel go though hahaha!
I hope that you are OK sweetie. I know you have had bad health again recently (not that it ever seems to end). I miss chatting at mayos.
Hiys GS sweetie, Just as long as you are OK.
I'm always here for you.
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