Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Week 51

So, our noisy neighbour thought we were having the recording box til Monday ( I swear he has a scanner that can hear our phone calls).

Well, the bastard actually moved out and stayed away so he wouldn't get caught. We know cos we kept going out and looking to see if his lights were on.

He came back Monday evening when he thought it was safe again but he didn't know that early Monday morning, I had a phone call from the council to say that the next people due to have it had cancelled so we could have it til Thursday.

An guess what? Cos he didn't know this, he played his music loud on Tuesday night and I recorded him. It wasn't as loud as he usually has it but it was loud enough.

I'm so glad we got the box for longer. It might not be enough noise to evict him but it might be enough noise to let us have the box again for another try. You are only supposed to have it three times but we have had it four times already. They suppose that if you haven't got any evidence after three tries, it can't be that bad. but they know how sneaky our neighbour is so they have made allowances so far.

We shall see how it goes.

I wrote the above yesterday. Today the lady from the council came back and took the box away. She rang me a short while later to say that the box hadn't recorded anything. Not my fault, the box was faulty.

At least this means that we can have it again after Christmas. This time she will let me know when it is coming by post so him next door can't eavesdrop.

It's an outcome of sorts. Let's hope he's louder next time.


Carrie said...

Aw man!!! I thought we had him this time. The sneaky rotter.

Anonymous said...

I have to say Miss T, I'm finding this predicament to be quite entertaining, and somewhat funny.

I hope you don't mind :D

I am definitely looking forward to hearing when your neighbor chases him with that air rifle. It made me laugh a bit loud, lol.

MissTottenham said...

I know Carrie. Th environmental health people have written to me with a new date. Good on em for not ringing.

LOL BC. I want an air rifle of my own. I'd love to be able to cause mayhem to my crappy neighbours.

Anonymous said...

Aww Miss T, are you sick again? :(

I hope you get better soon.The weather's a bit rough out there.

As for the tattoo, I'll post pictures as soon as I get it :)

Get well! *hugs*

farawaysoclose said...

saw you at mayo's and the porch.

hope you feel better soon miss T!!

we have all had it. my kids are still not right, just so drained.

anyway by thursday we will all be full of beans and ready to nom nom nom for England, yes?!!

oh and i hope you finally catch your sneaky bastard nasty noisy neighbour!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss T!

Sorry to hear you're having such a bad run of illness. You must be due a break soon!

Oooh, are you able to have the sound recorder over New Years? He's bound to be rowdy then!!

Let's hope you get the annoying bugger at full volume soon.
