Wednesday, 18 November 2009

November #2


I got tix for Most Haunted live.

That's all. Back to work now people and less chatting or I'll have to spank you.


Welsh anon said...

Hello Miss T. I hope you don't mind me coming over to your blog but i'd like to ask you a question. Do you think I should stop commenting at Mayo's blog? You see I only started commenting about three weeks ago and since then I can see that a lot of the regulars have stopped commenting, or at least don't comment as often as before. I have to say that everyone there has been very nice to me considering I'm new but I can't help wondering if I have upset the apple-cart so to speak. I know that the regulars have another blog so maybe they all gather there now to avoid the nasty anons. I'd hate to see Mayo shut down the blog just because not many people comment any more and if I'm in any way to blame then I'll stop commenting. I know everyone is wary of newcomers and it's quite understandable considering what has gone on over there. I remember when there were hundreds of comments every day, (yes I have lurked since the beginning). Ah the good old days!.

Will you be doing anything for Children in Need tomorrow? Unfortunatley I can't. My sister has a hospital appointment and I have to drive her there, if we can get there with all these floods!

Well I'm going to have some lunch now. Hope to speak to you soon.

Jennicula said...

Congrats on the tix! I love that show.

Actually, I love all those shows. Willie laughs at me and says that the garbled "mysterious voices" are really someones belly gurgling. He might be right, but I'm still a sucker for the show.

I'm thinking that maybe I don't have the flu but a case of the work blahs. I need a vacation.

So, I'm unplugging all next week and will recharge myself. I'm even not going to work. I hope to read a bit, do some holiday shopping, and eat some good food.

But until then, I'm going back to the grind. :) I don't want to be spanked.

Have a good one!

Hey Welsh anon, I'm pretty sure it's not about you over at Mayos. If you've been there since the beginning, then you know how people are. Talk to whom you want and ignore the rest. the traffic ebbs and flows. (Maybe even start up your own blog so people could visit you.)

That my 2 cents.

Later tater.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Welsh anon sweetie, sut mae?

I thoroughly enjoy reading your words at mayos and I'm positive mayo does too. Don't for a second think that you are putting regs off commenting. Sometimes people go quiet for a while cos of busy times in their life, I know I'm doing a lot of Jackson 5 downloading for my sis at the mo, but after xmas I'll be back into it more I'm sure.

The only people who put people off commenting are the nasty anons who come to cause trouble for the sake of it. Another thing I've noticed that makes the comment number go down is when someone new like you pops up, the nasty anons don't know what to say, they are sussing you out so they stay quiet. You are not putting the regs off sweetie.

I think you have been a breath of fresh air about the place. Your bright and breezy attitude is always a pleasure to read. And I'm sure you are guessing that we all love a bit of Wales.

I'll be watching Children in need and scoffing my friday pizza hahah! I usually just call the phoneline and donate some on the night. Then I have to do it all again for mum cos she doesn't like talking to strangers on the phone hahah!

I hope that your sister is OK sweetie. Please give her my love and take some for you yourself too sweetie. xxx

Hiya Jenn sweetie. I'm so excited about the most haunted, I'll tell you all about it. You can bet if anyone's belly is gonna gurgle, it'll be mine. Maybe Evette will say "did you all hear that" hahahaha!

Ooooo good for you sweetie. A week off reading, eating and shopping sounds heaven. I hope you enjoy yourself sweetie. Are you gonna try and get all your xmas shopping done? You'll feel better once that's done I'm sure.

Just don't overdo the choccies LOL.

Welsh anon said...

Hi Miss T. Just wanted to thank you for your kind words.

As for my sister, she's not very well at the moment. She has breast cancer. I had to take her for her sixth and final chemotherapy session yesterday. Unfortunatley she's reacted badly to the chemotherapy and been terribly ill for the last six months. She now has to face daily radiotherapy sessions for the next three weeks. The cancer unit at the hospital has been brilliant and helped us so much.

I watched the Children in Need concert from the Royal Albert Hall on Thursday night and thoroughly enjoyed it, but I didn't get to watch it on Friday night. By the way I hate Pizza! KFC yes, pizza ugh!

Must go now. Speak to you soon.

Diolch yn fawr unwaith eto.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Welsh anon sweetie.

I'm so so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope that the chemo has done its job. At least you can tell her that after chemo, radiotherapy is not so bad. My mum had the radiotherapy and the worst was that it goes a little like sunburn and may itch a little. I'm sure that's a small price to pay to be cancer free. You hear of so many more people surviving these days, I hope she'll be one of them.

I didn't end up going to that show cos the weather was crappy and they's pretty much sold out of tix anyway. I stayed in and watched children in need Friday, did you see the Peter Kay animation? That was so cool.

Wela i chi!

Welsh anon said...

Hi Miss T.
My sister's so glad to finish the chemotherapy, she really has had a horrible time. She's been very tired and sick over the weekend, but we managed to watch a few comedy classics. It was so good to have a good old belly laugh.

It's so hard watching someone go through so much pain. I try to keep positive but some days I just want to hide in a corner and cry my eyes out, but that wouldn't help anyone would it.
Hopefully the radiotherapy will be a little bit easier for her.

I'm sorry to take over your blog with all my problems. I'll stop now.

Diolch am wrando.

MissTottenham said...

Welsh anon sweetie, you can come here anytime.

I really hope that your sister starts feeling better now the chemo is over. It must really knock you for six. I'm sure that your constant help brings her strength.

You gotta remember some you time though. If you need to cry, just let it all out.

And anytime you need to moan or chinwag, you get yourself over here sweetie. xxx

sister midnite said...

Hi Miss T! *HUGZ*
Long time, no talk... how are you? Ernie has taken to hibernation, but he'll be back when he gets hungry. ^_^

Hi Welsh Anon, sorry to hear about your sister. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Cancer-Be-Gone treatments were successful, so she doesn't have to go through that again.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya SisM sweetie.

It's soooooooooooooooooooo good to hear from you and Ernie. I hope he has a good hibernation. I wish I could do that hahaha!

How ya been sweetie?

*snogs and hugs*

MissTottenham said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MissTottenham said...

Daft double post duh!

Carrie said...

I have been oh so remiss in my blog visiting as of late. Welsh anon, sorry to hear about your sister, I hope she will be well soon, and I like your postings at Mayo's. I was the anon whose husband got pooed on by a seagull in Wales. :) I very rarely post there anymore, and if I do, it's usually just something itty like that, so I don't bother to put my name on it, because you never know when the vultures are waiting in the shadows.

Happy birthday to your sister, Miss T!!

I hope your week off did you some good Jenn. Terry had last week off, but I think by the end of it he was ready for a vacation from his vacation.

Hey Sis M! Always good to see you flitting by in your boots.

Jennicula said...

Hey kiddies.

What's new?

Welsh anon: keep posting as you have been. It's nice to see a new name pop in over at the big M's. I was sorry to read about your sister. If it makes you feel any better, my mother-in-law is a 20 year survivor of breast cancer.

Carrie: I had a nice week off. Thanks for asking.

MissT: how have you been?

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Carrie sweetie, my sis had a lovely evening on her birthday as we had fish and chips for tea, it's her fave. She has to have scraps too or we never here the end of it. Ask Welsh anon about scraps, she'll tell ya.

Hiya Jenn sweetie, I hope you had a great week off. What did you get up to?

I'm good. I had to go to the registry office today to order a long birth certificate for the police to see. Our council only give you small ones which has always been good enough but they wanna see the real long one £7 it cost too. Oh well, gotta be done I suppose, I hope it gets me the job for sure.


Welsh anon said...

Hey Miss T. What's occurring? What the hell are scraps? Never heard of them. You don't half talk funny oop north!! Why the welsh talk all nice and sedate innit. We never ever spit in people's faces trying to pronounce all the rhchllphrhddng in our beautiful tongue twisting language.

By the way you can't beat a jumbo sausage and chips!

Welsh anon said...

Oh, by the way thank you Jennicula. It's good to hear about your mother in law. My sister has been feeling stronger these last few days. She's glad to finish the chemo, but a bit apprehensive about the radiotherapy.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Welsh anon, great to see you here again.

Tell your sis that the radiotherapy is nothing to worry about. Tell her not to stress herself out about it. It only takes 5 mins and the hardest part is keeping still. Mum says the worst for her was feeling self conscious the first couple of times but after that you just whip em out. Mum says oyu can't feel anything and the worst that can happen is you go a little red like a suntan. Tell your sis she'll be fine sweetie.

As for scraps, I know we talk all strange oop north but I thought you welsh liked a good chippy as much as the rest of us. Scraps are the leftover batter bits when they've dug the chips out of the fryer. My sis loves them but I find them too sickly.

Obviously they are free cos they are just the scrag ends and when we were young, kids would just go into chippies and ask for a bag of scraps. Can't turn your nose up at freebies eh? hee hee!

Aw bless, the olden days.

Welsh anon said...

Hi Miss T.
Thank you for your reassurance. You're always the voice of reason and one of the kindest people ever. If there ever was a competition for Miss Blogbelieve 2009 you'd win, hands down. Hell, you'd probably win it in 2010 as well.

Now on to the subject of scraps. Yes we welsh LOVE fish and chips but I've honestly never heard the term. I've asked my friends but they've never heard it either so it must be a northern saying.
I can picture you Miss T. as a small child dressed in rags with a flat cap on (a la Oliver) and going up to the Chippy counter and asking ever so politely "Please sir, can I have some - Scraps".

See you around blogbelieve. Don't forget to wear your crown and sash with pride. Bye.

Jennicula said...

MissT – sea, sand, chocolate, bacon. You know, the usual. What else could anyone ask for on holiday?

How did your quest for the long birth certificate go? What’s the difference between the two?

I may have missed it, but when is the Most Haunted thing for you?

Welsh anon - I'm glad that my family's experience can give you hope.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your comment.

Since you asked, I put the next chapter up.

Holiday season going well?

Pixie said...

hi sweetie,

just wanted to leave a short greeting. hope you´re doing fine and enjoying your weekend. have to leave for work in 2 hours, still 2 nights to go ^^

nice greets *hugs* take care


MissTottenham said...

Hiya Welsh anon sweetie.

Aw shucks, you'll make me blush. get on with ya hahahaha!

LOL hahahah Welsh anon for that image. I didn't quite resemble an extra from oliver but it does make me laugh.

You'll have to ask for them next time you are in the chippy and see what crazy look you get. It must be a northern thing. Funny how you think other people say the same things then you are astounded when other people don't.

You'll have to teach me some welsh I can flumox people with.


Hiya Jenn sweetie. I'm glad you had a good time, you deserve it. Funny how bacon and chocolate can make things good.

The long bith certificates show your parents names too whereas the short ones just show your own. I guess the police like to do background checks on your family too.

The most haunted is in feb. Valentines day actually, Can't wait. I think ghosts are better then chocies or flowers hahaha!

Ooooo thanks KI sweetie. I shall go read it now.

Hiya Pixie sweetie. I can't wait for you to get some more time off. I miss the chats.


Welsh anon said...

Hi Miss T.

I totally understand about not being in a christmasy mood. I've been really down in the dumps these last few days. I think that I'm just a little run down to be honest. I've been running backwards and forwards to the hospital since the end of April.

I hope the anniversary of Dominic's death wasn't too painful for you and your family. Some years are worse than others aren't they. I've also been thinking a lot about previous christmases in our family. My mam busy cooking the xmas dinner, dad asleep in his chair, my nain (grandma)singing, my cousin and her terrible jokes! I've lost them all now.

Anyway on a happier note I'm glad to say that my sister's feeling so much better these days.It's fantastic to see her laughing again. Her hair will be growing back soon and we've all placed bets as to what it will look like. She used to have straight dark blonde hair, so I think she'll end up with a ginger afro!!
You were right radiotherapy is a walk in the park compared to chemotherapy. She says that you don't actually feel a thing.

Welai chi'n fuan.

Jennicula said...

I had a very nice time off. Bacon and chocolate do make the world go ‘round.

The girl I work with is so young. I understand why she stays with him, but it makes me nuts. I wish I could just take over all of it but I’m not her mother (and her mother is a piece of work too) and she’d probably not be in to me running her life. The other tricky part is that I don’t particularly like her. She gets on my nerves more often than not. But I don’t want to see her having to deal with some jackass boyfriend using her as a punching bag.

We only have “long” certificates here in the US. I guess they show who your parents are, where you were born, date, and your full name. It’s been a while since I’ve seen mine.

Will you be on the telly for the Most Haunted show? While ghosts rank up there on my “favorites list” maybe you can eat chocolate while on the show?

Welsh Anon: I'm glad your sister is feeling better. A friend of mine had the chemo years ago and her straight hair grew back really curly.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Welsh anon sweetie.

First things first, I'm sooooooo glad that your sis is feeling better. Though, I'm sure the prospect of a ginger afro is a bit vomit inducing hahahahah!

Yeah, it wasn't a great weekend, we defo weren't gonna put the decorations up. We just kind of stayed indoors and moped about. We'd visited his grave the week before, it's the other side of sheffield so we don't go at the drop of a hat like with dad's which is just down the road.

So, this weekend is gonna be decoration time. I think I'll sit back this year and let mum do it then critisize that it's not quite right, just like she does.

Actually, I'll more likely go "you're doing it all wrong" take it from her hands and do it all myself again.

Anyways,Cyfarchion y tymor.

Hiya Jenn sweetie. That's a tough situation, not wanting to see her used as a punchbag but not particularly liking her. I guess the best thing you can do is not to mention the back eyes and draw attention to it. I guess she'll just be grafteful for you to pretend it isn't happening like her. That's hard to do though when you have a conscience. Good luck with all that.

I picked up my birth certificate today. Shows how times have changed. Under my dad's name was a space for occupation. Not under mum's name though. I'll get that posted off tomorrow.

Well, you might spot me in the crowd. We are only on the 5th row. Should I hold up a sign saying "I'm here" hahahah! My mum will throw a wobbly if I do hahah!

Jennicula said...

MissT - I'll definately keep an eye out for you in the crowd. Please make sure you are either munching on bacon or chocolate so I can spot you easier. The sign might help too!

The girl made up an excuse for puffy eyes last week. I just smiled and said "I hate when that happens." What else can I do?

This weekend is our decorating weekend too. And cookies. I'm not quite in the spirit yet, but I'm getting there.

MissTottenham said...

LOL Jenn, what if I am munching on chocolate covered bacon.

I shall wear a neon flashing hat, I'm sure everyone'll love me for that hahaha!

What else can you do indeed? It's just so hard to decide. I guess you just gotta follow her lead. Not a good situation is it? It's not good to witness even if you don't wanna get involved.

Hmmmmmm I think you have the right idea with cookies. I'm sure cookies make decorating go better. I shall have to employ the use of cookies this weekend too ^_^