Thursday, 23 December 2010



Saturday, 11 December 2010

Almost Xmas

Going home soon and can't wait.

I'm soooooooooooooo snotty at the mo. I can't begin to tell you how many tissues I've got through. My boss says that my nose runs faster than Linford Christie.

Oh well, I'll soon be on that coach home where I can wake up in my proper own bed.

Mmmmmmmmm just imagining snuggling up there now. I love my Sheffield bedroom.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

More MCR tix

I got me some more tix for February next year. Can't wait. Nottingham here I come, Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Most Haunted in Sheffield

The ghost hunting was great but tiring cos by the end of it I'd been up for 25 hours with no sleep. They did make us lovely bacon sarnies in the morning and pumpkin soup that night. We were ghost hunting in the manor house when Mary Queen of Scots were kept prisoner for 19 years. There were soooooooo many orbs on the CCTV set up for each room, though they didn't come out on my digital camera but my mate had better luck with hers, she got a couple. The electromagnetic device went off in my hand a few times.

At first I was nervous about going into rooms on my own and I left the doors open but by the end of the night I was off by myself all over the place trying to see things. I volunteered to do a lone vigil in the nearby ruins but for safety reason they have to have one of their guys outside. While I was in the this really bright orb rolled across the ground by my feet and I shouted "white light" at the exact same time as the bloke outside shouted it. He'd taken a picture of spooky white mist with a woman's face in it at the exact same moment, cool eh?

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Woohoo for last min MCR tix

Yay, I got me some last minute tix for last night's MCR show and it was fantastic. They are the best band out there live at the mo.

They started with na na na na and played some of the new stuff but also a lot of the really old stuff.

It was just so much fun to sing along to. My 12 year old cousin totally enjoyed his first ever gig. Though he did state that the venue smelled of penis. I'm not asking.

When they sung "Honey,this mirror", they got two girls out of the crowd to sing along. I was happy for them but they turned out to be prats. One had a huge mohican hairdo, they seemed to think they were in the band. I think the look on Gerard's face said "I really didn't think this through" hahaha!

Great bloody night though.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Friday, 20 August 2010

Where are you Welshie???

Come back, we miss you sweetie.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Damn tired

I really hate 7 day working weeks. I just wanted to say that.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Dad's day 2010

I already said this in an email to TJ but I thought I'd post it here too.

We had a lovely couple of days at the coast. I'm sure you all know that it was Dad's anniversary on the 18th.

I'll tell you a story about spookiness. I was playing on one of the fruit slot machines, just a two pence a time one as I'm not one of the big spending gamblers hahah!, and I was thinking of Dad and said in my head "Dad if you are here, let the jackpot come up and I'll know and I can tell mum you are here with us". Well, the jackpot was only a fiver and I didn't really expect anything to happen and when my pennies ran out I thought, ah well, there you go. Then I was walking through the arcade when I spotted a two pence on the floor. I picked it up, turned around and behind me was one of the machines I like to play. I put my one and only two pence into the machine and would you believe that the jackpot came straight up. Is that a sign? Who knows. I'd like to think so.

Sunday, 11 July 2010


Congrats to Spain on winning their first world cup.

But an even bigger congrats to Paul the octopus for predicting right again.

Who'd have thunk it eh?

Monday, 5 July 2010

Going home soon!

Two weeks and counting. Can't wait to go home.

It'll be Dad's day on the 18th and we'll be at the coast doing our remembrance day where we scattered some of his ashes in the harbour. I can't believe it's been 8 years already. Still feels like yesterday.

Miss you and love you so much Dad.

Saturday, 19 June 2010


C'mon England even though you played crap last night against Algeria.

Pull your socks up and get the job done lads.

Friday, 28 May 2010


Mum and sis are coming to stay this weekend and I can't wait. Gotta pick them up from the coach station in the morning.

Can you see my happy face from here?

Friday, 14 May 2010

Bike bruises

Well, they sent me on a two day bike course for advanced riders, me having not ridden a bike in 20 years. I struggled bad but I scraped through. I can't tell you how much I ache in places I never though possible. I also have bruises in those places. I never want to see a bike again as long as I live so it was pointless of them sending me on the course. Oh well. I could do with a rubber ring to sit on though.

Seriously, I never thought you could bruise in places like this. It's not a pretty sight.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

On yer bike

So, they are putting me on the two day cycle course in May. They say it's a laugh and it's gonna be cos I haven't been on a bike in years. Should be interesting to say the least. I don't wanna get saddle sore hahaha!

Friday, 2 April 2010

I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I did it, I passed all the exams and we get our ceremony on Tuesday.

I'll be so sad to say goodbye to everyone. It has been the funnest 6 weeks of my life. I can't ever remember laughing so much. We had such a great class and teachers.

Anyway, as of Wednesday, I go to my station and I'll let you know how it goes. We have a few more weeks of training before we go it alone.

Wish me luck.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Birthday girl!

Woohoo, I passed my first "real" exam on Thurs. I'm so chuffed that is out of the way. Now I can chill this weekend which is great cos it's my birthday and for anyone wondering, the answer is I'm old enough to know better.

Pizza Hut, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 1 March 2010

New home

Well, I've been here just over a fortnight now. I'm enjoying the course, the people on it are a good laugh, though the work is hard, so much to revise.

I have made friends with the girl downstairs and she makes cakes and invites me for cake and tea (I have just got back from there).

We have our uniforms on weds and will have to wear them from now on. I have to wear my hair in a bun and I look stupid with it all scraped back. I am gonna have my fringe cut back in *sobs, it took so long to grow out* but it has to be done.

Man, I have so much to catch up on. I have missed you all.


Friday, 12 February 2010


So, the big move is tomorrow morning and I still haven't got all the packing done. I have no idea how we'll fit it all in my sis's little car.

I shall miss you all till I get my broadband up and running. please don't forget me.

Till we speak again, Love you all *snogs and hugs to all*


♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, 8 February 2010

I'm back and I found a place in London

Yup, and would you believe it was the first and only one I looked at. It had everything I wanted, it was exactly where I wanted it and it was a reasonable price.

Easier than I thought. Amazing.

Monday, 1 February 2010

London, here I come

Off househunting, wish me luck cos I'll need it.

Monday, 25 January 2010

WooHoo I got the job!

I did you know, I really did.

Monday, 11 January 2010


I feel as though I can't remember what the world looks like when it's not all white.