Friday, 28 May 2010


Mum and sis are coming to stay this weekend and I can't wait. Gotta pick them up from the coach station in the morning.

Can you see my happy face from here?


Pickled Possum said...

Hey big City Girl,

I can see that happy face from all the way down here.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend. =)


Jennicula said...

I hope you had a great weekend!

Did you take them on a personal tour of the police station? You could cuff them and fingerprint them just for kicks!

No guests for me in the near future, but that can change. Our guest just usually just show up on our doorstep with bags in hand.

hmmm. hmmmm. hmmmmmmmmm. hmmmm.

Did that humming help? It's a very pretty tune.

MissTottenham said...

LOL PP you always make me giggle.


Jenn, I could have cuffed them but as mum was paying for the pizza I thought that would look mean hahah!

Oooo I'd hate for people just to turn up with bags in hand. You are more easy going than me. I require advance warning, then I still try to fob them off hahahah!

Great humming, yeah, I know the tune now hee hee!


Jennicula said...

I think my guests know that if they call in advance I'll figure a way out of visiting with them.

If they just show up at my door, I can't turn anyone away. I must feed you and take care of you until you are ready to go home.

I'm a sucker for the pleading eyes I guess.

MissTottenham said...

Well Jenn, now I know how to bag a free room if I'm ever in your neck of the woods hahahah!

Jennicula said...

Yes, I'm that person you can always depend on to feed and clothe you. My son's friends love coming over because I feed, feed, feed until they are nearly ready to pop.

I had a bad day the other day (as you could tell), but I'm glad I can't shake you. I have a feeling you won't be able to get rid of me that easy either.

Thanks for hangin' in there with me.

MissTottenham said...

Hey Jenn, anytime sweetie. I got me some limpit arms that you can't shake hee hee!