Friday, 13 May 2011

Good news for cousin

We've had some good news about my cousin. He's had an MRI scan and they got it wrong about the cancer spreading. His kidney is clear as is his stomach. The cells are in the lymph nodes in his abdomen which you would expect so he has to have chemo but has over 90% chance of total cure. He has to go to the "wank bank" to donate sperm today as he may be infertile after the chemo but that's the least of his worries. He's feeling a lot brighter too after the new diagnosis. He was laughing with his mum yesterday cos she told him that she knows what time his appointment is so she's gonna know exactly when he's having a wank LOL. I said poor thing, that's bound to put him off.


Pickled Possum said...

Fantastic news Miss T!!

It's good to hear your cousin and aunt were able to share a laugh. Awkward moments + Mums = hilarity (for others!) everytime. =)

I was going to say I hope everything goes well for his appointment, but best wishes might be in the same league as his Mum's comment, so, er ,yeah, um... Go Tottenham Hotspurs?!


Jennicula said...

I'm so happy for you and your family! Even though it's good news about bad news, it's still good news.

And laughter IS the best medicine. It will keep his spirits up.

MissTottenham said...

Hiya PP, thanks so much for that.

Go Tottenham Hotspurs.

I'll love you forever for that sweetie.


Hiya Jenn, you are so right.Good news about bad news, I'll take that.


Jennicula said...

Math = blech.

Parents are also wonderful to harrass.

My parents both had to have "proceedures" done this week. My father is one of those guys who doesn't like to be told what to do. And especially what he's not allowed to do.

so when the nurse told him to be careful getting dressed, he wasn't and proceeded to take a header right into the trashcan. He wound up not getting seriously hurt, but it was fodder for the boy.

So when the boy called up his grandfather to see how he was doing, he also asked him if he needed a helmet.

Laughter ensued and made things a bit better.

Like I said, laughter is the best medicine.

MissTottenham said...

LOL Jenn, took a header into the trashcan. Now that made me smile xxx

Jennicula said...

I only wish I had been there to witness it.

My mother said that all she heard was a big clatter and then people were running.

When she went in for her proceedure, the Anesthesiologist told her it was her second day and my mother was her first patient.

Then the nurse came in and told my mother that she's on work-release that day and loves getting outside. My mother (fortunately) has a good sense of humor and started to laugh.

MissTottenham said...

LOL Jenn, you gotta laugh.

I had a mole removed once and went back after two weeks. I said the the nurse "I've never had stitches out before so I'm nervous". The nurse said "I've never removed them before so I'm nervous".

I looked at him gobsmacked. He opened my notes and said "you had dissolvable stitches GOTTCHA!!!".

Gotta laugh.